All men love Person of Interest’s Taraji P. Henson @ NYCC 2012

At the New York Comic Con ‘Person of Interest’ press room, I learned that all men love Taraji P. Henson. After watching the entire room practically fall at her feet, I managed to ask her what’s on tap for her character and Reese.
I learned that Taraji isn’t the statuesque amazon I always expected. Although Taraji plays incredibly strong female characters, like Lucy Lawless, she herself is not six feet tall. Quite the opposite. Taraji isn’t just petite, she’s elf-like. Seriously. Check out the side photo. Two of the bloggers at the table came from a hip hop gamer site and brought their prize belt for Taraji to try on. As you can tell, the belt is ten times bigger than Taraji herself. She might be tiny in size, but she definitely makes up for it with her larger than life personality. When she appeared in the press room photo line, she flipped around joking that everyone wanted to see her best side. And, yes, half of the male bloggers fainted. That clapping you hear in the audio is the male members of my table (including the married man) giving Taraji P. Henson a standing ovation.She’s clearly more out-going than the Carter character. While she wouldn’t mind if her character dressed more like Taraji P. Henson, Jonah emphasized the need for reality in the role. And, could you see Carter wearing a cross-back beaded fringed dress? Of course not! She talks more about her character and learning about her character’s son in “Get Carter” in the clip. Despite the overwhelming male accolades, I did manage to ask her about the Reese and Carter match-up. And, as you can hear from the clip, while Carter might be all business, Taraji is definitely all party.
An: What’s happening between Reese and Carter this season?
Taraji: I know. Everyone’s saying they want a love interest, which I’m totally open to, but it’d be kind of weird kissing Jesus. I guess, you know what know that we’ve done a whole season and Carter’s gotten to know Reese. And, they’ve developed an incredible friendship. They really care about each other. I honestly don’t think he’s capable of giving himself. I don’t think he’s available, Finch either. But, I think that they are so driven by their mission that love would get in the way. What you’re starting to see is a friendship develop and all relationships start somewhere. I have nothing. I have no information. I just don’t really think they can. I’m not saying it’s because of me, I don’t think they can in any capacity because the mission is so broad.
First of all Thanks a lot An for such an awesome coverage of Person of Interest at NYCC 2012, loved it and read all of the articles, and I love Taraji she is GORGEOUS.
Thanks again.
Thanks for sharing An. Taraji does have a bubbly and outgoing personality. I wonder who they casted as her date. I hope it’s not syman, okay the Geico guy. I think Reese can’t date because he has issues not because of a broad mission. Finch is a recluse. JC probably worked something out in his contract where he wouldn’t get very intimate with his female co star. Who knows!
I think they are testing viewer reaction by having Taraji date someone else. We’ll see. I believe that Reese and Carter will date at some point in the series. I saw a, maybe they will get together in season 1 and not a, they cannot get together because of the mission. I guess she is trying not to give high hopes for the pair but after seeing other shows eventually they would have to go there. IMO, if they don’t it might become boring, at least for me.
Miche; I agree–kind of. I haven’t hit the POI wall yet; I still look forward to watching it every week, just like I look forward to my free weekends. I do not think I need Carter and Reese together and I have a level of tolerance for teasing and mystery/suspense, but I loathe ambiguity. I do not like the hot and cold interactions. I like it hot all the time, cold all the time, or warm all the time. I don’t like a man to be considerate one minute to a person and a total dick the next minute to this same person…I like it how Reese is with Fusco; he is pretty much a dick to him all the time. I like consistency. Okay, having said all of that to say I do not like people or writers to play with my mind and ambiguity is a play on my intelligence.
An; I am not bored just yet but I can see myself getting bored with this show down the line especially if I see the trend that you’re talking about. I agree with your thoughts about Reese being nice this week and an idiot the next. I think the writers mess with the viewers especially when it comes to Reese and relationships. My take on it is that they are trying to please a fanbase. They teased with Carter in a hotel room with Reese , now they are sending him on a date and Zoe has a place somewhere in the next episode. I must admit I have read some fanfics that make a much better read than watching the show. By the way I love your honest reviews about the show.
Bored with person of interest–NEVER. We’re beginning to see another side of Reese. He’s smiling more. Would be disappointing if Reese never found love again or at least have some kind of relationship. Maybe it’s in his contract. Taraji i like you as an actress, but please drop the ‘Jesus’ jokes. JC is an amazing actor and you should be honored to grace the screen with him.
Taraji P. Henson is an amazing actress, so likewise Jim C. should be honored to work with her.
She and Jim joke about the ‘Jesus’ thing, so I doubt it offends him If it did, then as a grown man and colleague, he would tell her to stop. At the San Diego Comic Con this year, he turned to Taraji and reminded her of the Last Supper joke that she made last year. If he were so upset about it, he would not bring it up this year.
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