The Walking Dead – Character flaws

‘The Walking Dead’ really kicked into gear with the cast on the latest episode (“Isolation”), with things finally moving along at a much better clip. I’m a happier camper than I was with the series premiere.
Tyreese: With the death of his squeeze Karen, Tyreese has turned into the badass we know from the comic. Cutting himself loose from that herd of walkers on the road last episode, natural comparisons with Beth and her suicidal tendencies from season 2 arise. (At least they did with me as to his state of mind.) It’s just that Tyreese came to his senses in a matter of moments rather than go through tons of self-rationalization as Beth did. When you’re about to become a bunch of lunch for hundreds of undead, you can see where that might change your outlook on things pretty quickly.
Now … the $100 question is: Does he get involved with Michonne as in the comic? Unknown at this point. But we all know that would make an interesting subplot.
Michonne: Is there any doubt what she’s been up to? Why she’s been isolated of her own volition and wandering the countryside? Nope. She’s been on a personal quest to discover the whereabouts of her “buddy” The Governor. Everyone knows that. She’s got a score to settle with him. Again, we know from the pages of the comic it’s coming, in all its terrible glory.
The Newbees:
Mika and Lizzie: With the loss of their father Ryan, Lizzie’s gone off the deep edge. It wouldn’t surprise me if she was the one feeding rats to the walkers at the fence, but I have a different take on who’s been doing that. These girls are eventually going to get caught up in some sort of monkey business with Lizzie being the ringleader. (Remember the twins in Kirkman’s vision? We’re going to see parallels.)
Bob Stookey: There’s something about Bob … He’s got my knickers in a twist. If you’ve read the comics, you know he’s the local Woodburyian drunk who ends up helping out The Governor with certain shenanigans. But … he was white in the books, not black. Additionally, he was still in Woodbury at the time. Regardless, he’s not to be trusted. I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him. I ruminated about Bob in my last post and he’s done nothing to quell any suspicions I have. Not even his flight with Daryl, Michonne and Tyreese (when they got caught up in the middle of that walker herd) helped ease any of my troubling concerns. He’s been poisoned by the affects of alcohol (aped from what’s come before in the comic) and it will eventually be his undoing. But before that he’s going to cause trouble in some way, shape or form that will be pivotal.
Now, I’m not privy to any advanced information about the series … it’s just a gut feeling I have about the dude. Plus I think he’s the one proffering rat hors d’oeuvres to the walker horde outside the prison. The guy will turn out to be a fink or a cad or a weasel and he’ll run afoul. Watch him.
All in all, it took a few episodes to get the ball rolling in my opinion, but now that some real estate has been put between me and the start of the season? I’m digging it all over again.
Many TWD threads I’ve perused are discussing that Lizzie is the real murderer of Dave & Karen. Being motherly, Carol is covering for her. There’s rumbling that Lizzie isn’t really sick and went to the quarantine area to kill the sickly folk.
Yeah, I’ve heard those rumblings. They harkens to the comic in a manner of speaking.
And they could very well yield fruit in some way …
I’m just wondering when Rick had the time and supplies to do a full chest waxing.
During the month or so hiatus when everyone was getting comfortable with the Woodburyians, Chuck Wash …
Michonne and Tyrese will not get together. It’s all about Rick and Michonne or Daryl and Michonne now. I think she fits best with Daryl.
I’m skeptical, Trent … TBD …