Win free passes to see Turbo in Norfolk and Baltimore

CliqueClack has free passes to advance screenings of Dreamworks’ ‘Turbo.’ Find out how to get yours!
Want to be among the first to see the new Dreamworks Animation Studios movie Turbo? CliqueClack has partnered with 20th Century Fox and Allied Integrated Marketing to make that possible! We have a limited number of Admit Two passes for two screenings:
- Saturday, July 13, 10:00 AM, AMC Lynnhaven, Virginia Beach, VA
- Saturday, July 13, 10:00 AM, Cinemark Egyptian, Hanover, MD
To get your pass, all you have to do is leave a comment telling us which screening you would like to attend. We will email you an e-pass that you can print out and take to the theater for admission. Passes will be distributed on a first come, first served basis and the offer will end when all of the passes have been claimed. Please note that passes to not guarantee your seats, so plan to arrive early. CliqueClack has no control over the number of passes distributed, or the seating at the theater. Leave your comments today! Passes will be emailed to the winners Friday, July 12.
I love to see Turbo.
Hanover, MD please.
NORFOLK, AMC LYNNHAVEN PLEASE!!!!!!!!! My kids are dying to see it!!! Thanks
Hanover, MD, Please.Thanks,
Hanover, MD please.
Hanover, MD please. My son will be excited! Thanks
Hanover please. Looks cute
Norfolk, VA pls, i really wanna see how this movie is gonna work
Hanover please!!!!
Hanover Please:)
Baltimore please!!!
Thank you!!
Ill take Baltimore! U guys rock!
Love to see this in Norfolk
Looks adorable!
Baltimore pretty please!!
Please pick me for the Norfolk screening. Thanks
I would like to see Turbo on Saturday, July 13, 10:00 AM, Cinemark Egyptian, Hanover, MD
Love to see this in Norfolk, VA
This looks like a cute movie. Would love to win tickets to this in Norfolk.
Tickets for the Norfolk screening would be great.
Norfolk, VA would be great. Thank you
Hanover, MD
Looks cute. Norfolk please
Please send a pass for Saturday, 7/13 at Lynnhaven AMC for Turbo. Thank You!!
Love to see this in Norfolk
I love movies — great coping skill esp. when it’s free
Please pick me for the Norfolk screening. Thanks
Excited to see this movie in Norfolk, VA
need to see a car race a snail i norfolk va bch area
I would love to see this movie. Hanover please. Thanks!
slow vroom sound od a snail racing in Norfolk area
I’d love to see Turbo in Virginia Beach! Thanks!
Hanover, md
My grandson would love this movie!!!! Please send passes to Virginia Beach!! Thank You!
I would love to take my granddaughter to see Turbo in Norfolk, Va.
Baltimore please
Would love to see this movie in Virginia Beach, VA.
Hanover, MD please.
Thanks in advance.
Looks Good!
Hanover Please
Hanover Please
would like to see turbo in vb or norfolk
hey chuckhow about frre tix to see turbo in norfolkor vb
free movie in norfolk yea
Norfolk, please. This looks cute. I would like to take my daughter to see this.
I would LOVE to see Turbo. Tried to win tickets through AAA but was unsuccessful. I am in Norfolk.
my daughter is so excited to see this! We would love to see it in norfolk Norfolk!
Always wanted to see a snail on amphetamines in the Norfolk area
By the same people that made cars so it has to be good.
Norfolk please
Actually, Pixar made Cars. This is a Dreamworks production.
I’m wired for this one in Norfolk
Sure would love a Norfolk pit pass
A snail from Krypton in Norfolk. Sounds awesome
Sounds like a nice way to spend a Saturday morning in Norfolk
I have been wanting to see this! Virginia Beach, Please!!
Would love to see it and take the granddaughter. Norfolk please
Turbo looks Great! I would love to see it in Va Beach, VA.
Would love to see this movie, Hanover MD please.
I love to see Turbo
Hanover, MD Please.
I would love to see Turbo with my daughter. Norfolk area please
Norfolk/virginia Beach would work nicely for me
I love speed in the Norfolk area
Would love to see a souped up snail on a Norfolk dragstrip
This looks like it is going to be such a fun movie! Can’t wait to see it.
AMC Lynnhaven, Virginia Beach, VA please.
Pick me for Norfolk please
Would love to see this movie with my daughter on Saturday in the Norfolk area
hanover please
Please send me to see Turbo in Norfolk, VA
Hanover Maryland please
Hanover please!
Hanover, please:-)
Hanover please.
I would love to take my car crazy three year old Grandson to see his first movie! Turbo previews are Super!
Ooops forgot Hanover Please!
Hanover, MD
My son would LOVE to see this movie. We saw a preview at a recent movie and it looked AWESOME! Turbo all the way!
I’d love to go to the Hanover screening with my daughter!!
Hanover please
Hanover please.
Hanover Egytian theater is a cool place to see movies. It would be great to see Turbo there!
Hanover, MD
Hanover please! Thanks chuck!
Hanover, MD please!!
I would like to see this movie in Hanover please. Thank you
Hanover would love to see this movie
I would like passes for the Hanover, MD screening. Thank you.
I would love to see this in Hanover, md.
Hanover, MD. Thanks!!
Hanover, Maryland please!!!!!!!
I would like passes for the Hanover, MD screening please. Thank you.
Turbo @ Hanover, MD…thanks
I would like passes for the Hanover,MD screening. Thank you.
I would LOVE to get passes to the Hanover screening.
Hanover tickets pleaseeeeeeeeeeee!
Saturday, July 13, 10:00 AM, Cinemark Egyptian, Hanover Please
I love to see this movie in handover
Baltimore please Anywhere
My kids seen the previews and could not stop laughing when they seen Turbo’s bottom light up.
Hanover if possible