Veronica Mars – DVD Prize Pack Giveaway

Alright, Marshmallows: Didn’t get in on the Kickstarter, and you want a copy of the upcoming ‘Veronica Mars’ DVD? We’ve got you covered.
We here at CliqueClack love some Veronica Mars. A long time ago, we actually dedicated a week of posts on the show, including a debate by Clackers Deb and Bob about the likelihood that we’d ever see a Mars movie. Thanks to Kickstarter and 91,585 of Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell’s closest friends, Veronica Mars opens in theatres later this week.
To commemorate this glorious occasion, CliqueClack will be giving away a copy of the forthcoming DVD, along with a “Neptune, CA” trucker’s hat. We’ve also got a very cool quiz app that you can check out and test your knowledge on all things Mars:
All you have to do is live in the United States — sorry Canada and the rest of the world — and reply to this post just once with your favorite quote from Veronica Mars (If you need a reminder, check out our post of our favorite quotes from the show here). We won’t be giving any bonus points for quoting the movie, but you’ll definitely get some cool points.
The winner will be selected randomly from the submissions at midnight March 19th (Next week). Well, what are you waiting for? We’re burning daylight here!
One of my favorite VM quotes is “You nearly warmed this cold, cold heart of mine”
One of my favorite quotes is when she stood up for Mandy when she wouldn’t stand up for herself: “You want people to leave you alone, Mandy, or better yet treat you with respect? Demand it. Make them. “
The most awesome quote for me is when Veronica said to Lenny “Well, I want to congratulate you. Shake your hand. Congratulations! You’ve been named the world’s biggest cockroach. This award is given in recognition in your unparalleled lack of decency and humanity. Bravo. You’re going to die friendless and alone”.
“If I ever die, do me a favor. Go on Oprah and tell the world that I loved kittens.”
My favorite is “It’s all fun and games until one of you gets my foot up your ass”
When you rip off the breakaway pants, thrust your pelvis towards the bachelorette. Remember, its her special day.”
“Always take Backup”. – Veronica’s words to live by.
“Hey, gang. What’s the word? Is it “avuncular?” …No? Just a shot in the dark.” – Piz
This always makes me laugh, especially their faces in response
Veronica: [girlie voice] Finally, a deep throat to call my own.
Veronica: Life’s a bitch until you die
Veronica: It’s all fun and games till one of you gets my foot up your ass.
If I ever die, do me a favor. Go on Oprah and tell the world that I loved kittens.
It’s all fun and games until one of you gets my foot up your ass. – M.A.D. (Season 1)
Flat? Just as God made me! Love that quote, she is comfortable with herself.
That guy’s too big, that guy’s too small, and that guy’s… not a guy. Just in desperate need of a stylist.
I totally loved this show! Every episode had so many witty quotes! One of my favorites is
Veronica: I obviously know nothing about relationships.
Keith: But you can bake, and that’s important.
F.Y.I.? If cuddling is the best part, he didn’t do it right
Veronica: A PONY!!!!!!!
Veronica: I do favors for friends
No doubt, the best quote ever is from Veronica – It’s all fun and games till one of you gets my foot up your ass.
Not an easy choice to make! But I always find myself coming back to the same one: “Tragedy blows through your life like a tornado, uprooting everything, creating chaos. You wait for the dust to settle and then you choose: you can live in the wreckage and pretend it’s still the mansion you remember, or you can crawl from the rubble and slowly rebuild.
But if you’re like me, you just keep chasing the storm.”
“It’s all fun and games till one of you gets my foot up your ass”
who doesn’t love “It’s all fun and games until one of you gets my foot up your ass!”
my fav ever!
Veronica: So, my grandma Reynolds was always saying ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.’ I wish she was still alive, because I’d really like to ask her what she suggests for when life gives you Chlamydia.
Veronica: I hope we’re still friends after I taser you.
I still laugh, in a slightly annoyed way – “Go see the wizard, ask him for some guts.”
“Veronica Mars is smarter than me”
“I’m so impressed you fit a pony into my room”
My favorite is: “Wow. A snack and an ego stroke. I wish I was a baller.”
katja9_10 at hotmail dot com
“Oh, I am so sick of not having money. I’d be the best rich person. Seriously. I’d be the perfect combination of frivolous and sensible. Money is so wasted on the wealthy.”
Veronica to Wallace: “Be cool, Soda Pop!”
‘This? This is my ‘I’d-rather-be-spelunking’ look. It’s like you don’t know me at all.’
Logan: I thought our story was epic, you know, you and me?
“I don’t want to talk away my grief. I want to turn it into something else: fuel.”
Logon (taking about Veronica’s car) Nice car. That must have been a *huge* cereal box.
Disclaimer: My wife is a big Marshmallow. I first thought I would suffer through many episodes to please her (cuz that is what great husbands do.., but really came to enjoy the show. I hope I win the DVD for her.
Best quote ever from Veronica – “It’s all fun and games till one of you gets my foot up your ass.”
Love makes me lazy. It’s a dangerous drug. It kills more brain cells than crystal meth.
“I’m Veronica… I’m from Neptune… I once shot a man, in Reno, just to watch him die. “
This is Logan with today’s inspirational greeting, “life’s tragedy is that we get old to soon and wise to late. Ben Franklin.” Love those quotes! And anything Logan!
Gary Sorkin “Whoever you are, you’re going to die”
Logan “Yeah, someday”
“It’s all fun and games until one of you gets my foot up your ass”