Win free passes to World War Z in Baltimore, DC and Norfolk

CliqueClack has free passes for advance screenings of ‘World War Z’! Find out how you could win a pair.
The commenting period for this contest has ended. Winners will be notified by email.
Who wants a front row seat to the zombie apocalypse? Well, CliqueClack wants to make that happen by offering our readers in Baltimore, DC and Norfolk advance screening passes to the eagerly anticipated World War Z starring Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, James Badge Dale, Matthew Fox and David Morse. The screenings will take place as follows:
- Tuesday, June 18, 7:00 PM, AMC Mazza Gallerie, Washington, DC
- Tuesday, June 18, 7:00 PM, Cinemark Egyptian, Hanover, MD
- Tuesday, June 18, 7:00 PM, Regal MacArthur, Norfolk, VA
Please read and follow the rules very carefully before entering this contest.
- Simply leave a comment with your city of choice.
- ONE entry per person. Multiple entries will be disqualified.
- Spell check and double check your email address before submitting your entry. We cannot contact you if you enter your information incorrectly.
- There is no need to put your email address in with the comment. This is a public forum, so your email address is delivered to us privately.
- Winners will be selected at random and contacted by email with a special code to claim your passes.
- Contest will run from 10:00 AM, Monday, June 10 to Noon, Sunday, June 16. Winners will be notified by email.
Passes for this event are extremely limited, so please play fairly. CliqueClack has no control over the number of passes that have been allotted by the studio, nor do we have control over seating at the venues. Passes do not guarantee you a seat, so please plan to arrive early as these screenings are overbooked to ensure a full house. Good luck!
Hanover, MD Thx
hanover please, thank you
Washington DC
I have been looking forward to this movie for a long time……There was buzz about it dating back to last year when I was at ComiCon in San Diego last Summer. Hopefully a zombie movie can finally live up to the hype, and this one will definitely need to for what it cost to make…..cant wait to see it in WASHINGTON DC
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Really looking forward to seeing this movie, I was a big fan of the book. Washington, DC market please. Thank you CliqueClack!
Washington, D.C. please! Very excited to see this film.
Washington, DC!
Washington DC please
Greg Alston
Washington DC network please
Hanover, MD please
Washington, Dc
Hanover please
Tuesday, June 18, 7:00 PM, AMC Mazza Gallerie, Washington, DC
Washington DC Please
My fiance would love to see this for her birthday as she loved the book. Norfolk, VA please.
Would love passes to see this.
Hanover, MD please.
Hanover, Md this movie is going to be epic.
Thank you, Hanover MD please.
Hanover ,MD,, Please & Thanks !
Washington, D.C.
Hanover, MD please. thanks.
Hanover, MD: My wife and I cant wait to watch World War Z. All we need are the passes for Hanover, ” THANKS ” a lot.
Please pick me I would love to see this thank you for all you do norfolk va
Hanover, Md. please and thank you.
Hanover MD
Hanover, MD please!
Hanover, MD
Hanover MD
Hanover MD please
Hanover, MD
hanover MD
Washington, DC please
Would love passes to see this.
Hanover, MD Please.
Mazza please! ::fingers crossed::
Norfolk, VA
Hanover, MD please
Hanover md
Would love to check this one out!
Really hoping to see this movie. Hanover please!
Would LOVE to see this movie. Die hard ZOMBIE fan! Norfolk, VA. Thanks!
Hanover please
Hanover, MD please. Thanks in advance!
hanover, md please
Hanover, MD Please
Please, Please would Love to see this
Then you have to follow the instructions.
Washington D.C.
Hanover, MD Please
Seen a-y so I’d love to see z in Norfolk
Must see this. I’m in Hanover, MD
I’d sure like to see some zombie butt kicked in Norfolk
I just get off on action movies. NORFOLK please
for Norfolk. Let’s get dem zombies
Send tickets for Norfolk please
Can we save the world in Norfolk
Getting the bicycle ready as we speak to see this movie in Norfolk
Looks like a good one to see in Norfolk
This looks like an awesome movie. Norfolk please….Thanks
For Norfolk area. Count me in
Any movie with Brad Pitt has got to be good. Norfolk would be perfect
Love to see this in Norfolk, VA
Love to take my sister to see this in Norfolk, VA
Pick me please for the Norfolk, VA screening
Can not wait to see this movie in Norfolk.
Washington DC, thanks!
I’d climb over dead people to get to see this. lol Norfolk, VA
Please pick me for the Norfolk, VA screening
Hanover, MD, please!
Love brad Pitt
Please Hanover md
It’s a different type of zombie that’s for sure in Norfolk va
Been looking forward to this one. Norfolk
A summer blockbuster, how wonderful!! Please pick me!
Norfolk would be great for me
My kind of movie – for Norfolk
Please send me to Norfolk: With tickets
Norfolk needs to get rid of more Zombes
I’ve had brad need him in norfolk
ever heard of zombie popcorn
need wwz in norfolk
Washington, DC please!
I would be very happy to win passes for this movie. Thanks! DC please
Brad in Norfolk. I’m totally psyched
My husband would love to see this movie. Please pick me for free passes in Norfolk, VA.
I’m ready for a summer blockbuster in Norfolk
That’s a great reason to ride the light rail to Norfolk
Not sure how this movie will be, but after all it does have Brad Pitt in it. Norfolk, VA
My wife and I would love to win tickets to this movie in Norfolk, Virginia.
Hanover, md
Norfolk would be great!!!!
Norfolk, VA, please. This looks good!
I would like to see this movie. Hanover, MD
I would love one for Norfolk, VA!!!
Hanover, MD
I would love one for WWZ for Mazza Gallerie in DC!!!! zombies rock!!!
Norfolk – Can’t go wrong with Brad Pitt
Tix for Norfolk would be most appreciated
I Would really like to see this movie
Norfolk, VA
Trailer looks awsome!
Would really like to see it.
Zombies everywhere. Could i see them in Norfolk
Mazza Gallerie DC Zombie is the great Nation!
would love to see the movie with my son in norfolk, va
Hanover, MD – Thank you!!
Norfolk i you pick me. Thanks
The previews looked great. For Norfolk
We’re in Norfolk and my daughter really really wants to see this movie
DC Please
Norfolk please! Can’t wait to see this movie
Brad Pitt versus zombies! Oh yes please! In NorfolK!
I’d love to go! Norfolk, VA
Norfolk, VA please. And thank you for all these contests and the chances to see these awesome movies for free!
Looking forard to seeing it in Norfolk
Please send us to Norfolk for World War Z
Please please me. Baltimore area
Been looking forward to this movie, Norfolk area
Lots of zombie movies, but this one looks good. Norfolk
Norfolk Va
DC area please. Looking forward to it. Thanks
J. Hunter
Washington, DC
I’d like to Z me at this movie in Norfolk
Washington DC
Washington, DC
Hanover Please! Thanks,
Washington, DC area – please and thank you.
Hanover, MD
Washington DC
Washington DC Please!
Washington, D.C.
Washington, DC…please, and thank you:)
I would like to see this at Norfolk please I like zombie movies
Hanover, Maryland, please
Hanover, MD
Washington DC, thanks
DC please. thanks!
Trying to see it in Norfolk, VA
Hanover, md please
Washington DC
Hanover MD Passes please!
the 18th at Arundel Mills, Hanover, MD.
Hanover, MD
Washington, DC
Hanover, MD
Washington DC please!
Norfolk, VA please!
Hanover, MD screening!!!
Hanover, MD Thank you for the chance to win!
Washington DC pls
DC please. Thanks
Washington, DC screening would be great! Thanks!
Would love to see this in Hanover, MD
Norfolk, VA.
Washington DC, thx
Hanover, MD please….
Hanover please
Baltimore MD
Hanover MD please! Thank you!
Wahington, DC
Washington DC please!
Washington, DC please!
Baltimore, md
Hanover MD please
Hanover, MD please
Baltimore – thanks!
Washington DC. Thanks!
Pick me please for the Norfolk screening. It looks like it’s going to be good.
Tuesday, June 18, 7:00 PM, Cinemark Egyptian, Hanover, MD
Washington DC
Washington, DC please
Would love some tickets! Norfolk, VA
I am looking forward to winning tickets to see this movie. Just from looking at the trailer is has a whole new twist on Zombies and finding the carrier. Plus it’s nice to see a well known actor take the risk in this type of role.
Hanover, MD Please
Would love to see this movie with my son Norfolk va
Tickets pleeease!
Norfolk, VA
Norfolk, VA PLEASE!!!
Hanover,MD thank you.
Washington, DC
Washington, DC please.
Would love to see this in Norfolk!
Washington, DC thank you
Washington DC Please
Washington, DC
Washington DC Please!
Hanover, MD
I would love to have passes for Worl War Z here in DC
Washington DC
Washington, DC
Loved the book and can’t wait to see the movie. Thanks CliqueClack!
Norfolk, VA
Washington, DC Please & Thanks
Washington DC please! thanks
Washington, DC. Thanks for the opportunity!
Doesn’t look like the zombie movies of old where the zombies were all slow. These things look fast and deadly. Thanks for running these contests. Washington, DC please.
Hanover, md
Baltimore (Hanover) MD Please and thank you!
Norfolk, please. Looks good.
I would like to see this movie. Norfolk,VA
Washington, DC
Tickets! Please and Thank You! Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Norfolk,va please
world war z in Norfolk, Va yeah!!!
Can’t wait to see this movie in Norfolk
Hello. I would llike to see the DC/Mazza showing. Thanks!
Norfolk, VA
Washington DC Please
I am curious to see Brad Pitt in a film of science fiction genre.
Washington, DC – Mazza Gallerie venue, please
Washington DC
Norfolk, VA please
Hanover, MD
Cinemark Egyptian 24; 7:00 P.M.
Hanover,MD Thank you!
uesday, June 18, 7:00 PM, AMC Mazza Gallerie, Washington, DC
I would love to see this in Norfolk, VA please. I am a HUGE zombie fan
I love Brad Pitt and zombies. Tix for Tuesday, June 18, 7:00 PM, Regal MacArthur, Norfolk, VA
Norfolk, VA please
Washington, D.C.
Hanover,MD please
Hanover, MD please. Thank you!
I would love to see this movie! Hanover, MD!!!!
Hanover, MD! Thanks!
Hanover, MD
Washington, DC
Hanover, Md. Please. Thank you.
Washington, DC for me please! Been studying up on all my Zombie training!
Hanover Md please
Hanover md
Hanover, MD
Tuesday, June 18, 7:00 PM, AMC Mazza Gallerie, Washington, DC
I’d like tickets for Norfolk, VA please!
Norfolk, va
Hanover, MD
Yeah Buddy !!!
Hanover, MD
hanover please
Washington, DC
hanover md please and thank you
DC, please!
Wahington DC please
Norfolk, Va – I need to see the World War Z & get my fix of Pitt <3
Would greatly appreciate passes for the Tuesday, June 18, 7:00 PM, AMC Mazza Gallerie, Washington, DC screening. Thank you.
I would so love to watch the Zombie Apocalypse in Norfolk Virginia PLEASE!!!
Early reviews have been decent. Looks good!
Norfolk, VA
Norfolk VA please. I hope I survive the zombie apocalypse. Thanks!
WASHINGTON DC PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!… I am dying to see this movie with my bf!.. we both would love to go to the screening in WASHINGTON DC!
I would love to catch this movie. Hanover, MD location please!
I would love to see all of the nail biting action in Norfolk Virginia PLEASE….Thanx CLIQUE CLACK!!!!!!!!
would love to see this movie in Norfolk/va beach
I would like to see World War Z in Washington, DC please.
Hanover, MD!!!
Can’t wait to see World War Z! Please enter me for the Norfolk, VA screening! Thanks!
Hanover, MD please. Thanks
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Hanover, MD .. please and Thank you
Washington DC
Hanover, MD please!!!
DC please
Looking forward to WWZ!
Norfolk , VA
Hanover, MD
Hanover MD- thanks!
Looking forward to WWZ! DC
Washington, DC
This looks like an awesome movie. Norfolk, VA please and thank you
Hanover, Maryland
Washington, DC
Would love to see the movie in Norfolk, Va.
Hanover, MD
Please & thanks!
Washington DC
DC please. I love zombies!
Hanover, MD please!
I want to see the movie in Norfolk, Va.
Would be great to see this in Norfolk VA
Hanover, please!
Washington, DC
Hanover, MD
Hanover, MD
I will like 2 passes for Tuesday, June 18, 7:00 PM, AMC Mazza Gallerie, Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Washington DC.
Norfolk VA please
Washington, DC
Hanover md
Washington, DC
Passes for Norfolk plzzzzzzz
Washington, DC
Hanover, MD
Hanover, MD please
Please Please Hanover, MD
If Brad Pitt can survive the apocalypse, I need to know how. Show me how, Tuesday, June 18, 7:00 PM, Regal MacArthur, Norfolk, VA, please.
Washington D.C please
Would love to win passes to see this movie, right here in
(Norfolk, Virginia)! Please and Thank you!
Hanover, MD
Tickets please for Hanover, MD
tickets please hanover, md
hanover, MD please
Washington D.C
Hanover, MD please
Washington DC please.
Hanover MD please!
I can’t wait The Man of Steel!!!!
Nothing about Brad Pitt and Aliens That could hold me back!
D.C. please
Washington, DC
Norfolk, VA
Norfolk VA Please!!! Looks like it will be a great movie!!
Wow the Man of Seel. In Norfolk
Wrong contest.
I am sorry I got so excited. Norfolk please!!!!
Hanover, MD
Need passes for Hanover, MD.
Washington DC please
Washington, DC
I would love to watch this movie!!!!!!
I would love to see World War Z!!
Washington, DC
Washington, DC
Washington D.C.
I would love to see it at Mazza Gallerie in DC.
My first choice would be to see it in DC. Second choice would be Hanover.
Would love passes to see World War Z in Norfolk, VA. I love everything you guys do. Thanks for the opportunity to see screening. I luv u guys! Thanks so much, your friend, Cyndi Swain . Love movies! ZOMBIES Rule!
Baltimore, MD
Hanover Pretty Please
Brad Pitt said he wanted to make a “family movie.” Let’s hope his labor of love with World War Z does not suffer the same ignoble fate as Will Smith’s “After Earth.” I’m thinking, not likely! Washington, DC Market please!
Hanover, MD – Excited about this movie and would love to take my gf with!
My husband and I would love to see this movie! We’re huge fans of Brad Pitt and the zombie genre. We have a baby on the way next month, so this would be a great last hurrah! Washington, DC
Hanover, MD
Washington, DC please!
D.C. (or Norfolk…since I’ll be there over the weekend anyway) Thank you!
Hanover MD!… brainnnnnnnnns
Cinemark Egyptian, Hanover, MD
DC please!
Brad Pitt woohoo
Norfolk, Va.
Die to see this movie – DC mazza please.
I need the “Z” at Georgetown AMC DC.
Cinemark Egyptian, Hanover, MD
Washngton D.C.
Hanover, MD
Hanover, MD… thank you so much
Hanover, MD

hanover, md
Hanover, MD
Hanover, MD
Hanover would be great! Thank you.
Hanover, MD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Washington DC please.
Washington DC!
Hanover, Md
Thank you
Norfolk, VA!
Washington D.C
Hanover, MD
Hanover MD Please
Great movie! Tuesday, June 18, 7:00 PM, Regal MacArthur, Norfolk, VA
Washington DC or Hanover please.
Thank You!
Have been waiting to see another action movie with Brad Pitt. Anxiously waiting!
Hanover, MD. Thank you!
Washington, DC
Hanover, MD
Washington DC please.
Norfolk, VA
Washingto, DC
Washington DC
Washington, DC
2013, The year of the zombie. Add one more to the list. At the end of the year lets have a Zombie (like the Oscar) award for
best zombie movie. If selected, I’m in the D.C. area.
Want to see some 2013 zombies in Norfolk
DC or Hanover please
Norfolk for us por favor
The previews looked good. Hope to see it in Norfolk
Love to see Brad take on the zombies – Norfolk
Holy moly. Norfolk please
Zombies galore for Norfolk
Anxious to see this one. Norfolk please
Would be most grateful if you choose me for Norfolk
Must be the season of the zombies, in Norfolk anyways
Virginia beach,VA
Hanover, MD, please. TY!!
Norfolk VA
this movie really looks good and i’m excited to see it.
DC screening market please
I love Brad Pitt and have been looking forward to World War Z since the last
Comic Con.
Washington DC screening. Thank you!
I’ll be sitting on the edge of my seat in Norfolk if you pick me
Norfolk. Can’t wait
Brad is tops in Norfolk
Norfolk can serve up some awesome zombie fricasee
Hanover, MD… Thank You
Washington DC
ahhhh! would love to see this movie in washington DC! zombies who run are terrifying!
Hanover, MD please
Hanover, MD please
Brad Pitt + Zombies = A hell of a good time
Washington, DC Screening
Hanover, MD please
Please please let me win …….. DC tickets
Hanover, MD please. Thank you!!
Norfolk please!
Norfolk VA Please!!! Looks like it will be a great movie!! I love Zombie movies!!!
Hanover please, thanks so much
Baltimore, Columbia, DC Area
Hanover, MD
Norfolk, Va
Hanover, MD
Hanover, MD
Hanover, MD please!
Hanover, MD
Washington, D.C., please.
Hanover, MD please!
Hanover, MD Please
Hanover, MD please and thank you!
Hanover, MD
Washington D.C. venue please!!!
DC please for this movie.
Washington, DC. Thank you!
Norfolk, VA
Norfolk, VA
Norfolk, VA
Hanover, MD
Norfolk, VA Please
Washington, DC
need passes for :◾Tuesday, June 18, 7:00 PM, Regal MacArthur, Norfolk, VA thanks for having contest CliqueClack cs
You have already entered this contest. One entry per person. This is a random drawing which will take place Sunday.
whoops!!! sorry…. i really want to go>>> i must have did by mistake… my bad!!
Fate has to make that decision. Good luck!
Hanover md please
Norfolk, VA
Norfolk, VA
Hanover, MD please
Norfolk would be great
Want to see zombies on the Norfolk screen
Norfolk screening please
I’m in the Norfolk area & have been waiting for this movie
It would sure be great to see it in Norfolk
Looks like a good one to see. Norfolk please
Norfolk. My son wants to see this movie badly
Norfolk for me
Looks like a good summer blockbuster
Pick me for Norfolk PLEASE
AMC Mazza Gallerie, Washington, DC please!
Norfolk market. We would really enjy eing able to see World War Z
Norfolk pretty please
Should be a good one with Brad Pitt
Hanover, MD
Norfolk for me
Been waiting for this one.
Norfolk, Virginia
Washington, DC Please!
This movie looks SO AWESOME!!!!!!!
Plz send me tickets here in Norfolk,VA!!! Thanx Chuck!!!
Washington DC!!!! I’d be ecstatic to win these!!!
Norfolk for me would be appreciated
I want to see it in Norfolk, if possible
I just adore Brad Pitt
For Norfolk
Norfolk is the place for me
Washington, DC
Hanover, MD
Would sure love to see it in Norfolk
Norfolk if possible
I really enjoy zombie movies
I hope Brad gets bitten!!
Washington DC, Pls.
would like to see this at Washington, DC screening
I LOVE ZOMBIES!!! Washington DC..
Washington, DC
Norfolk please
Sure would appreciate tickets for Norfolk
Washington DC whoo!!!
Washington DC
Hanover please. Thanks!
Washington, DC
Washington DC !!!
Washington DC
DC market. This movie looks good.