The Three Amigos – Haven’s Emily Rose, Lucas Bryant & Eric Balfour

‘Haven”s Emily Rose, Lucas Bryant and Eric Balfour are hilarious. Their natural chemistry came across in the interview and triply made me look forward to ‘Haven”s return this Friday.
Throughout seasons one and two, I couldn’t decide if I wanted Audrey with Duke, Audrey with Nathan or Nathan with Duke. And, that delicate triad will continue. We’ll probably never see one relationship consummate or permanently take precedence over another. Eric called the show a love story with a rubber-band like triangle between the 3 main characters, which will and MUST always exist: “At the core of this show, it really is about this love story and this triangle between these three characters and about the different relationships that Emily’s character, Audrey, has to these two men. And they sort of represent different components of her own personality … I think is going to be incredibly exciting for the viewers who turn in this – tune in this year is that this love triangle is really going to just be like a rubber band.” They’re going to take us on a ride with the three this year and we just need to buckle in and ride the wave. As a fan, I’m personally torn. I love when the three come together. But, as a writer/amateur actor, I love the strife that arises when they fragment. Do I want to see the trinity broken? No. But, seasons one and two have been awesome so far. So, I’m going to hope season three will do just as well.
Haven just shot the finale and they’re looking to fans to spread the word about the show. The actors REALLY do read people’s tweets and the show’s planning on incorporating them. For new characters this season, look for more with Adam Copeland and guest spots from Iain Glenn, Nolan Norris and Claudia Black. Eric described how the level of “excellence on the show has been raised” which continues to attract actors of greater pedigree which he feels is a “testament to this show that we are now at a point where people respect the show.” Emily loves the scripts with quirkiness and hearty emotion which tap into something very “human.”
When my turn to interview the awesome trio rolled around, I asked if Nathan truly loved Audrey, or he just loved her ability to touch him and what would happen in the future. I was surprised that Emily remembered my inteview with her last Fall. Throughout the conference call, I loved that Eric kept identifying himself. I kept thinking, “um, you have about a million (OK, 33,000) Twitter fans, about a jillion fan groups (and one official one), and you’re talking to a conference call of bloggers/journalists who are rabid show fans that have probaby memorized your voice. Why do you keep identifying yourself? Why?” Then, I realized that he did it for the transcriber’s benefit. Although there are parts I swear Emily spoke or Lucas spoke, during our interview most of the quotes are attributed to Eric. In conference calls I’m accustomed to that polite familiarity yet distance most actors give to interviewers. But, day-umn, there was none of that with Emily, Lucas or Eric. They addressed everyone as if they were old friends. And said “none o’ your buz-i-ness, girl” to my questions (before answering them). But, regarding Nathan and Audrey, Emily and Nathan summed it up in two words, “it’s complicated.” For the full transcript of my interview with the three, keep on reading.
Haven season three returns on Friday, September 21.
I loved this article, thanks!