CliqueClack TV

Heroes – One of Us, One of Them



(Season 3, Episode 3)

“We’re not partners!” – Noah to Sylar

Tonight’s episode definitely ramped up the Villain factor a few notches. But it’s hard to know who’s the villain and who’s the hero at this point. In my live-blog, I theorized that perhaps the overall message is that heroes and villains co-exist in all of us, and it’s just a matter of who wins out.

So, we’ve got the guys who took hostages in the bank — Knox, Flint, The German, and Jesse (who’s really Peter?). At one point, while watching a news report of the hostages, Angela said that a villain was inhabiting Peter’s body. Then later, it seemed that future Peter had come back to warn present-day Peter of a few things. It makes my head spin (and believe me, it doesn’t take much).

As for Sylar, we figured out in the live-blog that Angela — whom we now know is his biological mother who gave him up for adoption — “gave” him a new victim so that he could use the victim’s power, which is the ability to track the history of any and everyone he touches.

For comic relief with a dramatic twist, Sylar and Noah are then paired up to go get the villains at the bank. I had a little “48 Hours” flash when Noah looked at Sylar and said, “We’re not partners!” As Angela told Noah, “He’s been misunderstood. He just needs structure. And you’re the perfect person to give it to him.”

What did you think of the new Claire storyline? First of all, her biological mom (Meredith) and her adoptive mom look so much alike, I almost lost track of which was which. As for Claire wanting Meredith to teach her how to fight, it’s as if she feels raped by Sylar and wants to get back at him (for feeding off her brain last week). Is that storyline a little over the top? I’m still working it out.

Regarding the Niki/Tracy storyline, when Micah determined that they were born in the same hospital at the exact same time, it made me think they’re either 1) twins, or 2) clones, with the mysterious Dr. Zimmerman manipulating the DNA. I still haven’t let go of the idea that Niki and Tracy are the same person with two different personalities. I mean, Niki struggled with that up until now, right?

I hope that Matt doesn’t spend too much time in Africa. I groaned inwardly when he painted his face and decided to go on a spirit walk and commune with turtles.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention Hiro and Ando’s journey to follow Speedy Chick and get back the half of the formula she stole from them. But where does the Haitian guy figure into things? It seems he has the formula in a silver briefcase now.

Overall, I’m liking the season so far and hooked into seeing what happens next week. Thoughts?

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Heroes – One of Us, One of Them”

September 29, 2008 at 10:16 PM

Meredith is the one with the drinking problem, had rabies, got hit by her boss’s car…

September 30, 2008 at 1:22 AM

Future Peter put present Peter inside Jesse’s body while he went and shot their brother. I can’t understand how Claire’s adoptive mother can think so clearly now. She was always so loopy before this season from the Haitian always erasing her mind. Now all of a sudden she’s all better? I love watching Hiro and Ando go up against his nemesis, the Speedy Chick. The special effects are even better this season. I’m liking this season a lot so far.

September 30, 2008 at 6:32 AM

Entertaining as usual. But the Parkman-story already has me bored to death… looks like Africa is the new Mexico. Also not sold on Claire’s storyline yet.
Had to laugh when Hiro & Ando were “visiting Germany”, though. I mean, seriously, do they really think they still watch black and white silent movies in cinema? Also “Puff Mais” (literal translation of “Popcorn”) had me in stitches… I think the last time Popcorn was referred to as “Puff Mais” in Germany was shortly after WWII ;) But at least they were trying. Although some nice helicopter-shots of Berlin would’ve been a nice touch.

October 1, 2008 at 2:03 PM

Who knew paternity/maternity was going to play such a role in this volume.

Thankfully Mohinder and Maya were missing this episode. But I can definitely see where Ando’s going to be visiting Mohinder soon in search of his own power?

Also, it’s been suggested that Angela might, in addition to her premonition power, have the power to persuade. Anyone think that Nathan’s Linderman visions might be Angela getting into Nathan’s subconscious and persuading him to do as she pleases?

It was nice to see the return of the Haitian. Too bad he’s working for Angela.

October 1, 2008 at 2:10 PM

Where was Elle?! I need more Elle.

Heroes has totally come back with a vengeance this year…loving it so far.

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