CliqueClack TV

True Blood – Escape From Dragon House



(Season 1, Episode 4)

“I’ve got gout of the dick!” — Jason

After watching Jason suffer through an overdose of V, I’m really glad I’m not a guy. It’s vampire blood, but you’re only supposed to take a drop or two and he took the whole vial, which resulted in a big, BIG problem, and a painful one, too.

Even more painful when he goes to the doc, who cheerfully pronounces that he’ll have to drain the blood out of his penis. Yipes. I know it’s a show about vampires, but that’s not the kind of blood-draining I was expecting.

One thing I like about HBO shows is that they tend to cast people who don’t fit the beautiful-people mold of Hollywood. They showcase people you might see on the street. Anna Pacquin isn’t your ordinary blonde Hollywood bimbo. She has some depth to her.

And I have new respect for her character, because just the idea of going into a vampire bar gives me the creeps. But Sookie seems to handle it all in stride, even likening the place to Disney World. It’s still very creepy to me. In a fascinating, can’t-look-away sort of way.

I haven’t figured out yet if I trust Bill or not. He’s a vampire, after all. But he seems willing to help Sookie figure out who committed the murders, and he seems genuinely interested in her. And the way he protects her — like in the vampire bar and when the cops stopped them on the road — well, it’s just sweet. But I still question his motives. Like I said, he’s a vampire and they’re a whole different breed with different emotions and cravings and desires.

And someone please explain the scene at the end to me. Are we supposed to believe that Sam killed Dawn and was returning to the scene of the crime? I missed last week’s episode, so might be missing a valuable piece of information.

Categories: | Episode Reviews | True Blood | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “True Blood – Escape From Dragon House”

September 29, 2008 at 6:19 PM

I believe the scene at the end was a continuation of the theme that Sam is the mysterious dog. He was sniffing the bed, like a dog would. My thought while watching was he was sniffing the bed so he could help track the real killer. The very end of the scene also taught me that Sam loved Dawn.

To other points in your post:

– I trust Bill to have Sooki’s best interests in mind and keep her safe as best he can. Completely. Sooki is in real danger with Eric and the female bar proprietor (I didn’t catch her name, sorry) being acutely aware of Sooki’s extraordinary abilities. But if Bill can be sufficiently expert in managing his relationship with Eric, Sooki should remain in safe harbor.

– Anna Paquin makes the show for me. The writing and storyline are good, but it’s Paquin’s performance as Sooki Stackhouse that is stealing the show for me.

October 1, 2008 at 3:47 PM

The scene at the end was odd, but from what I gather Sam is more than just a dog but able to shapeshift into any animal he sees before changing. I dont think he loved Dawn, I do believe he loves Sookie however, like any dog he has more than one mate. He probably was smelling the bed for clues but because it was filled with the scent of sex it probably turned on his animal instincts.

I trust Bill to really care for Sookie but I don’t know if they will have a relationship. I do wonder who will take her virginity and when. She is very modest when it comes to sex but her dreams are showing her wanting more. It’s funny how she is almost a prude when it comes to sex and her brother whould sleep with anything walking as long as they dont have fangs.

I love the show!

October 2, 2008 at 11:30 AM

Well I’ve read the entire series of books so I know the answers to all the questions you’ve brought up…assuming they didn’t manipulate the storyline to make for better TV.
I won’t say too much as to not give things away but….

Sam is a shapeshifter. That I will confirm since most seem to be aware of the possibility. He can change into animals of his choice, but he prefers to change into a dog. I agree that he went to Dawn’s to get a scent of the killer and just got carried away rolling on the bed inhaling the scents.

Generally speaking, for a vampire, Bill is a good guy. You may not like everything he will do in the future, but he truly cares about Sookie, and won’t actively put her in harms way. He thinks he needs to protect her from Eric and Pam but we’ll soon find out that Bill isn’t the only one who can appreciate the finer points of going “mainstream”. Eric and Pam won’t really be the ones that Sookie needs to be protected from.

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