CliqueClack TV

Lipstick Jungle – Chapter 10: Let It Be



(Season 2, Episode 3)

Well, good on Victory for telling Joe to shove off and then taking up with Rodrigo. I think those two are hot together, and I’ve never thought she and Joe had any chemistry. At all. He can stay in Europe with Tatiana for a while, as far as I’m concerned.

You know, there’s always a lot going on with this show, and that’s one reason I like it. Except sometimes the storylines are a little goofy. Like, for example, did Wendy really think she wouldn’t get caught forging the insurance papers for Noah Mason? Especially with the very real possibility that he might die — which he did — so now she’s out on the street (literally, in the final scene).

I’m glad Nico finally decided to go public with her relationship with Kirby. And how fun to see James Lesure as Griffin, the new CEO (even though seeing him makes me miss Las Vegas). He and Nico are butting heads now, but it seems like the storyline might be gearing up for them to join forces. And the second dumb move of the night goes to Nico for writing that raging email, which unbeknownst to her, gets sent. Grow up, girls. You didn’t get where you are by being stupid.

I’m still loving Rosie Perez as Victory’s branding consultant, but there’s not nearly enough of her. We need more Rosie! Stuff like when she tells Victory, “Dating the contractor’s not going to get you on Page Six.”

And you can see how well Victory took that advice.

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4 Responses to “Lipstick Jungle – Chapter 10: Let It Be”

October 8, 2008 at 10:30 PM

Yeah… this is “Men in Trees” all over again… Hunky guy, successful girl…

I love it that you have to be a guy looking like a primate to make it with the successful women. I say sexism!


October 8, 2008 at 11:14 PM

I love having a place to talk about this show. I have decided that I won’t be going to T* S***d any more.

October 9, 2008 at 9:50 PM

I miss Las Vegas too. I liked Nico’s email, it got rid of Mike Harness. Maybe Shane can step up to the plate and wear the pants in the family now that Wen doesn’t have a job.

October 10, 2008 at 11:03 PM

I’m glad to see James Lesure return. At first, I thought he might be too young to play the role (after Hector’s finely aged grandeur), but he definitely stepped up towards the end. I agree that Wendy seemed a bit too sanctimonious. I don’t understand why she didn’t at least try to get her star’s doctor to sign off. This show keeps getting better from upgraded wardrobes to more shots of the city to the random pop flies they throw at us -

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