CliqueClack TV

Desperate Housewives – Kids Ain’t Like Everybody Else



(Season 5, Episode 3)

“She could take down a small deer.” – Susan to Mike, talking about Juanita picking on M.J., and Mike saying he can’t teach his son to hit a girl

Lynette’s ticking me off with her nagging wife thing! Why can’t Tom keep his mountain-climbing gear and other stuff in the garage? And to set up his bass guitar so he accidentally runs over it with the car, and then make it look like Penny did it while she was playing?! That’s just wrong, dude. So very wrong.

I have to side with perverted-Ken-doll Dave on this one. Tom works hard all day. Let him play in a garage band. Especially after he stood by Lynette when she had cancer. He deserves to have some fun. Hey, why not play at the pizza place? Just an idea.

I can see why control-freak Bree would be irritated with the way Danielle is raising Ben. After all, Ben did start out life as “Bree’s kid.” But really, even though Danielle — with her hippie clothes, home-schooling, and vegetarian lifestyle — seems like the polar opposite of Bree, that apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree. Danielle has her own ways of doing things, just like Bree. Was it wrong for Bree to give Ben the hotdogs? Yeah, I think it was. She should respect the parents’ wishes. Wise up, Bree.

After their knock-down-drag-out fight on the lawn (which seemed a little over-the-top), I loved the heart to heart talk between Susan and Gaby. OK, so it doesn’t seem like Gaby’s stint in the poorhouse has taught her much about the true meaning of life, but the main thing is she’s strong and independent. I’m with Susan — I think Gaby will fight her way back to the top of the heap. And I’m still trying to wrap my head around the idea that she’s “fat.” She’s not fat in any way, shape or form.

So far, the mysterious Dave storyline isn’t really doing that much for me. I’m more interested in seeing how the women deal with stuff in their lives. How about you? Anything striking you about this season so far?

One Response to “Desperate Housewives – Kids Ain’t Like Everybody Else”

October 13, 2008 at 11:02 AM

What strikes me about this season is how boring it is!

I gotta disagree with the Poor Tom sentiment. I’ll bet Lynette, like most working mothers, sacrifices every bit as much if not more than Tom. I’m frankly sick of the male mid-life crisis as if women don’t go through the exact same thing.

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