CliqueClack TV

Boston Legal – True Love



(Season 5, Episode 4)

Boston Legal is one of those shows that is most enjoyable if you just sit back and bask in its world. Tonight, we got to briefly visit one of those oft-mentioned sleepovers between Alan and Denny … platonic, of course. And we only got to see it because Alan’s ex Phoebe showed up at Alan’s doorstep seeking his legal assistance. Her cardiologist husband is being charged with the murder of one of his nurses, with whom he happened to be having an affair.

Rather than offer a full review of the show, I will instead offer up some points for discussion. We’re continuing to explore different ways in which to review and allow discussion on the television shows we all love. I’m guessing that if you go beyond this jump, you’ll have probably watched the show, formed some opinions and are ready to join in the larger discussion. And that’s what we need. If you read this, post a comment. Open a new line of thought or reply to an existing one. Boston Legal is coming to a close. Let’s ring it out with pizazz.

Points for Discussion

  • Denny has a blood flow monitor on his penis with a rooster ring tone. The preceding sentence is just a statement of fact. That fact alone is reason to love this show. He then changed it to vibrate and things got worse … and funnier. I think I might just want one of those.
  • Alan’s client is a dick. He was far too clinical and dry in his discussion with Alan after his bail was denied.
  • Phoebe is devoted to her family, and incredibly intelligent and devious. One could go so far as to say that she and Robert are modern day monsters with Alan and Denny as their latest victims.
  • So is it because of the smaller cast this year that Denny is suddenly sitting second chair more often? Not as many junior associates to fill those chairs? Damn budget problems.
  • In fact, there wasn’t even a “B” story featuring any of the other cast members. This was the Denny-Alan show, and you know what? I didn’t even miss the rest of the gang. Maybe Denny and Alan can spin off again into another new show. Crane Shore LLP coming next season (not really, but lesser things than this have started rumors).
  • He also used to be selective about which cases he was in, and due to the mad cow he didn’t appear in court often at all and even less so did he actually try cases. Undefeated record to maintain. But here he was, roaring right along. Good for him, just a noticeable change from past seasons. Damn, that Denny Crane still has it!
  • Can judges deny an attorney a chance to talk to his own witness and then question the witness herself?
  • Can I reiterate? Bob’s a dick.
  • Loved the conclusion of this case. Alan loves using reasonable doubt as a last recourse to win a case and of course no one can touch his closings.
  • It’s tragic what happened in the end. Alan is usually so savvy and quick-witted and to be played like he was was heartbreaking to watch. And you just know it’s going to eat him up, as it would anyone. And so while there was humor on the balcony, it was one of the most somber closings I can remember.

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General |

One Response to “Boston Legal – True Love”

October 15, 2008 at 3:46 AM

wtf? no comments yet?
anyway, i really loved this episode. the phone on vibrate was hilarious! i love how denny & alan are true friends.
also, the look on alan’s face when phoebe told him she set it up was heartbreaking. he’s such a great lawyer & only wanted to help out & she used him.
i will miss this show a lot, especially the night caps on the balcony. this is one of my favorite shows ever. i’m glad my roommate introduced it to me right after the first season ended.

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