CliqueClack TV

Heroes – Chapter Six: Dying of the Light



(Season 3, Episode 6)

“Show’s over.” – Claire to Eric Doyle, after he forces her mom to shoot her, and Claire immediately heals and knocks Doyle out.

You know how dreams (the sleeping kind, not the awake kind) are often a jumble of bits and pieces thrown together willy-nilly? That’s sort of how I feel about Heroes right now. Things are starting to meld, but it’s still a jumbled mess.

Maybe David H. Lawrence XVII is right, and we should just take the episodes one at a time and let them wash over us. But it’s human nature to want to make sense of things. Life is messy and unpredictable, and maybe we’re looking for clarity in our TV shows. Here’s me looking for clarity:

Hiro and Ando. I figured they wouldn’t kill off a major character at this point, but it didn’t play out like I expected. I thought there would be time-travel involved, but, apparently, they faked Ando’s death. But didn’t the knife go through him? It sure looked that way. And I’m already over the whole Africa storyline. I thought I was watching the Keystone Cops with all the goofy shovel-bashing and whatnot.

Eric Doyle. Creepy. No one wants someone else calling all the shots and controlling their movements. Humans just aren’t wired that way. Yes, it’s traumatic that Claire’s mother had to shoot her, but is it really? We know Claire has the self-healing abilities, and it was the only way to break the cycle of Eric’s puppeteering.

Arthur Petrelli. So, he steals Adam’s life-force and then steals Peter’s powers. My first thought is that he’s stealing everyone’s powers, but that doesn’t make sense if he’s building an army of people with abilities. Maybe he’ll dole the abilities back out as he sees fit.

Pinehearst Company, Fort Lee, NJ. Just for the heck of it, I Googled this and found a very real-looking biotech company Web site, complete with the logo that Peter found in Angela’s head and a video proclaiming, “We believe that the miracle of science holds the answers, and we’re working hard to find them, so you don’t have to.” It’s also listed on the Heroes official site.

Matt and the Turtle and Daphne. She’s still not ready to trust him, but I believe she’ll come around. He’s getting to her, with his “Forget your thoughts! What is your heart telling you?” speech, and the crazy-talk about them getting together and naming their baby Daniella after her grandmother. Plus, she’s supposed to recruit him for Arthur Petrelli, but says he wouldn’t fit in. Does she know that Petrelli has nefarious goals? Does she believe Matt when he says, “Pinehearst is going to get you killed”?

Sylar. His comment to Peter about controlling his abilities is the center of this episode. Sylar says, “I don’t know how I figured it out. Just knowing it’s a possibility gave me hope.”

Maya in a cocoon. Let’s just leave her there for now. I like her there.

Your thoughts?

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “Heroes – Chapter Six: Dying of the Light”

October 21, 2008 at 12:12 PM

I wish they would let people that liked the show they are reviewing write the reviews. :/

Oh well, Heroes isn’t the best show on TV right now (and it really never was) but it’s apparent that people just don’t get the fact that it is a comic book adapted to TV and therefore there are going to be giant plot holes and storyline’s that people don’t like… so yes David H. Lawrence XVII is right. Take the show with a grain of salt, it’s a lot more enjoyable that way.

October 21, 2008 at 1:37 PM

It’s going to be interesting to see how Arthur’s power pans out and who is going to be left to oppose him.

I thought the promo last week said (or maybe I read it somewhere) that we were going to learn why Claire was special this episode. But all we saw her healing power again. Did I miss something?

And how exactly did Daphne race into Level 5? Don’t they have security, scans, locks?

October 22, 2008 at 10:25 AM

vacelts – Daphne’s working for Arthur Petrelli, who most likely has all of the Level 5 security information in his own files since he used to be with The Company before he “died”.

Jane – It’s possible that Arthur doesn’t keep the powers he gets permanently, which might also mean that Peter regains his powers at some point. In Adam’s case, however, being 400 years old means you don’t get to stick around if your cells can’t regenerate.

When Hiro went to the shop to get the fake blood, he also picked up a fake sword with a tip that pushed into the sword. Between all of the blood, the angle which Daphne and Knox were watching the “kill” at, the low light, and the pure shock that Hiro would “kill” his best friend, nobody noticed that the sword did that little trick.

Also, in regard’s to Claire’s mom – She has to shoot her daughter, and, thinking as a mother first, she’s not going to want to do that, even if, intellectually, she knows that Claire will survive it. This isn’t HRG we’re talking about here, who probably would have pulled the trigger only after ACTING like he’s upset so he wouldn’t make Doyle suspicious.

October 21, 2008 at 4:59 PM

Jumbled mess? It made plenty of sense to me.

Sure, there are characters that I just don’t care about, and others that infuriate me to no end, but that’s true of any show.

October 21, 2008 at 5:24 PM

vacelts – Not sure on the Claire thing. Maybe because she’s growing up and standing on her own more? Because one of her moms said to Noah that Claire didn’t need them anymore, that she was growing up and becoming more independent. I wonder about the Level 5 thing, too. Maybe she runs at the speed of light which makes her tiny. Hmmm, can’t remember that much from science class.

Ricky – I still like the show. Just waiting for it to become more cohesive, which it’s started to do over the past two episodes.

Dustin – Nah, I’ve thought about it all day. Still a bit of a jumbled mess. The main thing that stands out to me from this ep is the Claire/Moms/Eric sequence, but that might just be because I interviewed David, so was waiting to see how that would go down.

I’d love to hear which characters you do or don’t care about, and which ones infuriate you, though.

October 22, 2008 at 10:49 AM

I agree the show is just now getting better, definitely.

As for characters I hate, PLEASE can we kill Mohinder? Last season was almost cringe-worthy with the Molly and Parkman story line. I don’t know, the guy (the actor) gets on my nerves. I don’t know if it’s the accent or just the fact that I find him to be such a trivial character. Also I can’t stand Peter, but at least he serves a purpose (as the “heart” of the show) where Mohinder serves only as the narrator.

As with everyone else, I do like Hiro/Ando and I am really enjoying Daphne in that mix too, she has great on-screen chemistry. Knox is a great new character too. As far as I am concerned though, they could kill off the majority of the original cast (except Hiro/Ando and maybe HRG) and have a great show still. :D

October 24, 2008 at 8:34 AM

The small number of comments speaks volumes.

Heroes jumped the shark and some people seem unable to accept that.

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