CliqueClack TV

Private Practice – Nothing to Talk About



(Season 2, Episode 3)

“This used to be my happy place.” – Addison to Del, on him working in the hospital

The whole Addison-Naomi-Sam thing is bugging me. For one thing, Naomi seems a little wimpy right now. I mean, she RAN the practice for years, and now she’s sleeping with her ex, Sam (even though she told him she still hates him), and letting him dump all his issues on her about running the practice. And this is after he and Addison bullied her into relinquishing control.

Why can’t they all run it together? Does one person have to do it all? Can’t they divvy up responsibilities?

And why is Naomi sleeping with Sam, and yet not even talking to her best friend Addison. That doesn’t seem right.

As for Sam, is he so shallow that he wouldn’t notice that him dumping on Naomi about all his problems of running the practice would be an issue for her?

I’m glad Del is back in the picture. Hopefully, him returning to the practice will bring some much-needed common sense back into things.

Does Charlotte not have any other surgeons in the hospital? Addison agrees to do one surgery, and then ends up doing six in a 24-hour period. And as she’s so fond of reminding everyone, isn’t that really where a “double-board certified, world-class neonatal surgeon” should be, rather than languishing in a clinic where she rarely performs surgeries? Good to see her back with SWAT Guy, though.

The fireman wearing the bra and panties was a little over-the-top, but I guess if it helps to relieve stress, whatever. Pete seems to think it’s ok.

And I was glad to see Ernie Hudson pop up in a role. I interviewed him earlier this year, and he’s such a good guy and loves working as an actor, even if they’re not huge roles. “I’ve turned down a few things that have turned out to be pretty big for someone else,” he told me. “At the end of the day, I’m glad it worked for them, but it wouldn’t have been right for me.”

Your thoughts on this episode?

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Private Practice – Nothing to Talk About”

October 23, 2008 at 3:46 PM

I want to like this show, I really do. But like the review says, every single thing about the show bugs me. I only like maybe two characters at a time and the rest are annoying beyond belief.

Every time the show tries to be titillating, it just turns me off. The open scene with Naomi and Sam was horrid and the closing scene with the firefighter and the bra was beyond stupid. I did however really like the subplot with the boy and his dead dog.

If the show continues in the same direction, I think I’m going to find something else to watch at 9 on Wednesday. When does Project Runway start up again?

October 23, 2008 at 3:54 PM

I actually think Naomi holding a tighter grudge against Addison is realistic, as women tend to forgive men sooner and hold a grudge against other women longer. But what I did like was the Amy Brenneman character telling Naomi that she was jealous of Addison and unless Naomi wanted to talk to her, don’t talk to her at all.

I liked Addison on Grey’s, but now she is becoming a cartoon and reminding me of Debra Messing’s Grace Adler (Will & Grace). Not a good thing at all.

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