CliqueClack TV

Grey’s Anatomy – There’s No ‘I’ in Team



(Season 5, Episode 5)

“I’m exhausted, but if you wanna hop on and do all the work … ” – Sloan to Callie, who just wants someone to listen about her relationship issues with Erica

Well, kudos to Derek for seeing the error of his ways! I was ready to punch him through the TV set when he told Meredith that she had a lot to learn as a surgeon. I’m like, where is this coming from?! Is he so self-involved that he doesn’t recognize that “The Shepherd Method” was actually her idea?

But all was forgiven (by both me and Meredith) when he arrived at the bar with the kidney-in-a-jar gift. Aw, that’s so sweet. And I totally get that because my mom was an E.R. nurse and likewise fascinated by surgical stuff (while we all gagged).

About the kidney transplants … geez, you’d think there would be systems in place to keep a kidney from falling on the floor during surgery. Like maybe move things a little closer to the table, or put the kidney in a container to move it. Anyway, I guess there’s no reason why they couldn’t clean the thing up again and use it, right? But I must admit that I quit breathing for a second when it hit the floor and Bailey yelled, “Five second rule!”

I like where the Callie-Erica relationship is headed, and was hoping it wouldn’t just end when Callie balked and said she wasn’t ready. Sloan cracked me up with his lines about loving the girl-on-girl stuff, but not wanting to hear Callie say it isn’t working. Total turn-off there! But he redeemed himself by showing her “The Sloane Method.” I lead such a sheltered life.

Holy cow, that Cristina is brutal with the interns. Would.Not.Want.Her.For.My.Attending! But glad to see the return of Owen to shake up her world. I just hope they don’t take it too far into the stratosphere with him doing tracheotomies on himself and whatnot. Then again, this show could use a jolt of something, so there’s that. Can’t wait for more Kevin McKidd. I wonder what his nickname will be. McKissy? Nah, doesn’t really fit, but he sure knows how to plant one.

Oh Izzie! You’ve got some damaged goods on your hands (and lips) with Alex, but whatever moves you. I’m just sayin’ … lifetime of hell there.

Lexie and George: Eh, whatever.

Theme of the kidney-transplant storyline: “Sometimes the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few,” a.k.a. “It takes a village of kidney donors.”

New favorite term: Lexieapedia.

Your thoughts on this episode? Got any cool nicknames for Owen?

Buy this episode on iTunes: Grey's Anatomy - Grey's Anatomy, Season 5 - There's No "I" In Team

5 Responses to “Grey’s Anatomy – There’s No ‘I’ in Team”

October 24, 2008 at 5:09 PM

LOL – I actually screetched and said nooooo when the kidney hit the floor. What’s funny is I was expecting it when she started to handle it, but it was cradled so smoothly that I actually bought it was safe. Then…blammo! Thank God the 5 second rule was invoked.

Lexie still annoys the crap out me…and George lost some of his magic when his storylines with the rest of the group kind of dried up. He seems like a child to me now. Strange, that.

Girls love a bad boy, so it’s no surprise that Izzie wants to give Alex a go. He’s a passionate little frakker, in any event!

Honestly, I wouldn’t want Cristina as a friend, a boss or a lover. She’s very self absorbed and mean. That strange trip she took through the other department a couple weeks ago almost made her seem human, it didn’t fool me.

Callie is one hot dish. I’m so glad her character made it out of recurring.

October 24, 2008 at 5:28 PM

I did the same thing with the kidney; thought it for a sec and then thought, “Nah … ” but this outrageous show went with it — good for them!

I was considering dropping this show as one of my weeklies, but the addition of Kevin McKidd is too hot not to watch. I think he is exactly what they have been needing and I can’t wait to see where his character takes the others. Love him!

October 24, 2008 at 5:45 PM

What about McBadass

October 24, 2008 at 11:08 PM

Agree with all your comments.

Dorv – McBadass! Love it!

October 26, 2008 at 12:01 AM

Cristina called him Dr. MajorBadass when Meredith asked who he was in the season premire.

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