CliqueClack TV

Survivor – He’s a Snake, But He’s My Snake



(Season 17, Episode 6)

What I love about this show is how things can turn around so quickly for people. Look at Susie. She was on the chopping block right after Gillian, and here we are a month later and she’s still hanging in there. At this point, other than hoping her tribe keeps on winning, her best strategy is to lay low and not rock the boat. Hell, we’ve seen people win the whole thing by laying low.

The big question going into tonight is if this was going to continue being one of the most lop-sided seasons in Survivor history. Or is Fang going to get their act together and start competing again? You don’t really want me to tell you on this side of the jump, do you?

Hidden Idols

  • Food is a problem for everyone. But still, it’s pretty ballsy to take double or triple portions the way Dan has apparently started doing. See how Susie can hang around by laying low and watching other people cut their own throats?
  • Sugar went from one of the smartest players in the game to one of the most trusting (and possibly stupidest) by giving Ace the Idol. She’s just so freaking trusting and easily lead.
  • What would Jeff do if they didn’t “Come on in, guys!” to the challenges.
  • Reward Challenge: Not sure what Fang’s strategy was by having half their tribe drop out of the challenge, but it backfired big time. That one’s on Matty. And how ’bout Bob? That old guy is tough as nails. Haven’t seen an old guy competitor this impressive since Rudy Boesch in Season One.
  • As an Amazonian athlete, I expected a lot more physical prowess from Crystal than we’ve been seeing thus far on the show.
  • Really? A giant turtle? Really, Kota? How can one tribe be so blessed while the other one gets shit upon week after week.

Immunity Challenge

At this point, these challenges are becoming downright painful to watch. One after the other, Fang just looks horrible in almost every way possible while Kota makes every physical competition look easy. But tonight, Matty and Kenny made it a real competition, putting together an awesome performance in the third leg.

But of course, teamwork fell apart when it came to flagpole assembly, and the inevitable happened again. I’ve got a plan to put some excitement back into these. Can we just send the entire Fang tribe home and pick it up with a “merged” Kota next week?

Tribal Council

Damn, and right there is what’s wrong with this Fang tribe. They just went at each other in the most vicious way, attacking personally and trying to get their digs in. How do you get this far into a game and still be such a collective mess? By the way, if you know someone has the hidden immunity idol, why do you not bother to try and flush it out week after week? Or get rid of Ace? Or break up the power alliances? Nah. We’ll vote out Kelly. Next week, it looks like everybody’s getting voted out!

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Survivor | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Survivor – He’s a Snake, But He’s My Snake”

October 24, 2008 at 6:59 AM

How stupid are some of these contestants, really? I couldn’t agree more: Fang did nothing but attack each other during the tribal council. And they did not even try to vote out Ace. Even Crystal voted for Kelly (and gave her the finger!). What she should have done is convince Kelly that her only chance to stay is vote for Ace. Together with Kenny and her that would’ve been at least a tie (I think). And with some more convincing maybe Sugar may have voted for someone elso than Kelly (doesn’t even have to be Ace). Frustrating to watch…
During the reward challange I have to admit I had a similar idea to Fangs. The weakest players should have detached from the snake immediately. The three remaining members then should have run as fast as they can trying to catch Kota. I think it might even have worked, since the other tribe had to be very slow for having all members still in the race (coordination being a problem). They wouldn’t have had enough time to detach enough members before Fang would have them. But unclipping all but two players when everyone is exhausted like hell was plain stupid.
Regarding Crystal being an athlete: I, too, think she should perform better. We should keep in mind, though, that she used to sprint. She has absolutely no endurance, that’s just the way muscles work. That, and she probably doesn’t have her bag of steroids with her ;)
And killing that turtle to eat it? Seriously?! I would have never done that, no matter how hungry I was (and they weren’t!). Killing a turtle is like killing an elephant. Not cool…

October 24, 2008 at 9:31 AM

I agree that sprinting is an entirely different skill set athletically, but Crystal also seems to lack any real toughness physically or mentally.

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