CliqueClack TV

Life – Did You Feel That?



(Season 2, Episode 6)

“I’ve always been a leave-it-in-kinda guy.” – Ted to Olivia, on her pulling a pencil out of his hand

Well, that has to be one of the sexiest pencil-stuck-through-the-hand scenes I’ve ever seen. Actually, it may be the only such scene I’ve ever seen. Adam Arkin and Christina Hendricks sure know how to bring the fire, don’t they? More, please.

Other points of interest:

I’m still trying to reconcile Reese being attracted to Tidwell. He’s so sweaty and icky. And she’s not.

So funny how Tidwell’s all freaked out over the earthquake and Crews is Zen-errific about everything.

I did not see that shocker scene coming, when Tins shot Rawls in the cop car. We’re talking Martin Scorsese quality. Really nice.

Great tackle by Crews on Rawls when he was trying to run away.

Awwww … Crews got his pretty new car all shot up. That’s rough. I kept yelling at the TV for him to just shoot the bad guys, for cripes sake! It would have been a nice clean shot. That’s the way Dirty Harry would have handled it.

Nice line by Tidwell when he’s talking to Reese and Crews about the prison system, and then realizes what a lout he’s being: “Yeah, prison … you go in afraid of your own shadow, and you come out a full-blown psycho. They all come out worse than they went in. [Looks at Crews] Well, maybe not everyone.”

Love how Crews tipped the kid off to what he was doing, by counting down 3-2-1 with his fingers behind his back, thus telling the kid to jump so he could shoot the bad guy. At least, I think that’s what was going on. Crews must have heard my Dirty Harry thought.

I love this show!

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5 Responses to “Life – Did You Feel That?”

October 25, 2008 at 3:19 PM

I really enjoyed this episode even though it left out any of the conspiracy talk. I like the development of Ted’s character. I do think the Tidwell/Reece thing is a bit forced though. I can’t wait to see what tide Charlie picks out next.

October 25, 2008 at 9:42 PM

You didn’t even the best part of this week’s show and it wasn’t even on the show. Life is moving to Wednesday nights at 9PM. Thank god the show got out of the death spot. Hopefully NBC will come to it’s senses and keep the show on.

October 25, 2008 at 11:47 PM

Enjoyable episode (though I kept thinking things like, “DUCK AND COVER! DON’T JUST STAND THERE SHAKING!” and “Where’s all the traffic?” and “Seriously, you guys can get away with doig this today?”), but Reese freaking kissed the sweaty, way-divorced boss BACK?! Ewwww, and what was she thinking?!

October 26, 2008 at 12:26 PM

Best episode so far so many fantastic partner moments and I love how they grew into the partnership. They’re both comfortable with their partnership now.

One thing I continue to dislike is Tidwell, the worst boss I’ve ever seen and brings nothing to the table at all except to be greasy and inappropriate and the kiss? Really? Urgh. I wanted to throw things at the screen.

They barely give Dani a story line and they saddle her with Tidwell. Really, guys? You have a character who’s just as interesting and kick ass as Charlie and you saddle her with that story line?

October 26, 2008 at 8:46 PM

Oddly, Tidwell is beginning to grow on me.
I liked the obvious convention of him being terrified of the earthquake but steady enough to cut the wire on the bomb. He is a guy full of bravado but maybe not so bad. I think Reece sees that…
I am so happy it is moving to Wednesday. Friday was not going to give Life any lifespan.

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