CliqueClack TV

See Jane Clack – Those hotdog ads, Walter Bishop, and SNL

There’s always plenty of stuff to clack about when it comes to TV. Here’s what made my brain clack this week:

Walter Bishop and Det. Ray Carling are my favorite new TV characters. Between Walter’s penchant for cotton candy and root beer floats on Fringe, and Ray’s wry witticisms about life in the ’70s on Life on Mars, things are looking pretty good on Tuesday and Thursday nights.

Those hot dog commercials are bugging me. Maybe my brain is in the gutter, but those commercials for the $5 foot-long hot dogs with the dancing Hawaiian girls? A little over the top with the sexual innuendos. And I can’t even remember which brand or chain they’re advertising, so apparently, it’s not working.

Jillian seems meaner this season. If I had to pick between Bob and Jillian for my trainer on The Biggest Loser, it would be Bob hands-down. He seems kind and thoughtful, and he works with people without damaging their self-esteem. But Jillian just seems downright mean this season! I don’t respond well to yelling, so she would not do well as my trainer.

I love Whoopi Goldberg. The View takes a lot of flack for various reasons, but one of the things they did right was hire Whoopi as the moderator. She just has this common-sense way about her that transcends the whole celebrity thing and makes me want to sit down and have a cup of coffee with her.

I love the commercial where the shoes fall out of the sky. It’s an ad for a car, but I don’t care about that. I just love the idea of shoes falling out of the sky. I’d totally be one of those women stuffing them into the trunk of my car. My family doesn’t get my shoe fetish at all.

Saturday Night Live is having a resurgence. I haven’t really watched the show for decades — since the Belushi-Aykroyd-Murray days. But I’ve been making a point to watch it lately, with all the fun political stuff they’ve had on there. Unfortunately, that’s the only stuff I find funny.

Blair and Serena are keeping me sane. I always have a TV-on-DVD series going that’s just for me, just for fun. Right now, that series is Gossip Girl. Watching Blair and Serena and their dysfunctional lives all twisted up in money and social status and Gucci handbags makes my life seem pretty darn special. Thanks, girls!

What’s on your mind this week?

3 Responses to “See Jane Clack – Those hotdog ads, Walter Bishop, and SNL”

October 30, 2008 at 5:36 PM

But for the whole she’s a lesbian thing, Jillian is the object of my obsession. Who doesn’t love a gal who is a looker and who can crack your jaw if you get out of line. Am I right or am I right?

October 30, 2008 at 6:45 PM

Argh, that five dollar footlong song that I CANNOT GET OUT OF MY HEAD after those baseball playoffs is for subway… so for some reason $5 footlongs make YOU think of hot dogs! :)

Completely agree with you on the walter and ray thing!!

October 30, 2008 at 7:47 PM

Adam – Yeah, Jillian’s definitely got that going for her!

Scott – Subway! They’re really doing a great job with the branding, aren’t they? Is the word “Subway” even in the tune? If not, that would probably help. And yeah, that would be a pretty pricey foot-long hotdog. But like I said, gutter-brain and all.

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