CliqueClack TV

Grey’s Anatomy – Life During Wartime



(Season 5, Episode 6)

“I am so, so gay.” – Erica to Callie, after having girl-on-girl sex and weeping with joy over the experience

Erica wept with joy over lesbian sex, and I wept with joy over this episode. I felt a little tinge of what Grey’s Anatomy used to be — funny, smart, shocking, sexy, and heartbreaking. If you can get all of that into one episode, you’ve got something going.

I’m loving the addition of Kevin McKidd to the cast as Major McBadass. Not only does he shake up the hospital, he shakes up the show, adding some much-needed spark on many levels. He doesn’t come without baggage, though, which is great, because it means he’s not one-dimensional. He’s got a few war scars. We’ll see how Cristina deals with all of that.

The relationship between Callie and Erica is fun and sexy. Maybe you don’t have to be one or the other! Maybe you can be both! It’s funny that Callie uses Sloane to test out that theory, and also funny when Derek barges in on them and doesn’t think it’s the slightest bit weird.

Oy, the box of diaries from Meredith’s mom. I hope we don’t have to endure an entire season of her reading them. My suggestion to the writers: have her take the entire box into the yard, set it on fire, and watch it go up in a blaze of twisted smoke. Wouldn’t that be fun? Just think about it, that’s all I ask.

I like Izzie and Alex together! They’re total opposites, and it’ll be fun watching them deal with each other’s baggage. It’s about time they got together.

The animal rights storyline is already burning up the cyber-waves, and it’s a good thing they put the disclaimer at the beginning, saying no animals were harmed in the making of the show. Realistically, it seemed a little over the top to me, but I like how they juxtaposed scenes of Bailey’s surgery on the girl with Christina’s surgery on the pig.

What’s your take on it? Did Grey’s go too far with the pig storyline?

4 Responses to “Grey’s Anatomy – Life During Wartime”

October 31, 2008 at 1:04 PM

I totally agree with you about the quality of this episode. From the very first scene, it was well-written, amazing dialogue, the whole package. The acting was a step from the usual, too. I would love to look up who writes the episodes that stand out like this one. I am betting there’s a pattern. Love McKidd! Love him!

November 3, 2008 at 12:49 PM

Mark Wilding wrote this episode. On abc’s website for Grey’s Anatomy they have a section where the writer of each episode blogs about the episode a little. It’s really quite interesting and after awhile you can sort of tell by watching an episode who wrote it.

Best scene was Cristina & Meredith racing down the hallway cause Cristina spotted McBadAss. I also loved that Cristina couldn’t number the pigs because she had already numbered her interns and she didn’t want anyone to get confused.

It looks like Lexie isn’t going to pine over George for the rest of the season and that would be nice. He’s so wimpy I can’t imagine why any of these strong women would want to be with him. They should bring a nice guy in specifically for Lexie and just let George be by himself. It’s what he deserves.

October 31, 2008 at 3:16 PM

I also like the way Erica is a complete emotional mess at home, when things are personal, but at work she is a complete robot. Take her dealings with Bailey and her just saying “ok” to Callie sleeping with Sloan. She is going to be in control at work, in a sense, but a basket case at home. The exact opposite of Meredith, which is why I think Hahn hates her so much.

November 3, 2008 at 12:00 PM

I thought this epi was interesting, unusual, funny and good to watch… we also had romance in Alex/Izzie which (surprisingly for me) I like, I liked Mer/Der living in peace for once – although I don’t know why when they’re ok and happy they don’t get screen time, only when they’ve broken up or messed up – and I like Lexie, Erica and her confession (although I don’t love the character but it did touch my little heart) and Marc as friend-material. I’m a bit tired of Callie trying to be so cool all the time (what happened to the mellow and soft Callie that married George? now she’s like hiper all the time) and George was a bit boring.. like he is lately… I love Dr Hunt (McArmy) and Cristina interacting, this might be interesting :P
And I don’t think the animal thing was so horrible, I understand where people come from but they were not real pigs and it gets to show the truth: that many medicines that save lives are tested on animals: I don’t like it either but it’s the truth and that episode has opened a debate about it (people that think like Izzie, people that think like McArmy) so it’s just showing one of the many things in life that people disagree about (like abortion, or same se* partners etc).
I don’t think it’s a reason to stop watching and I think it was trying to make a point about an on-going global debate on this issue and others in medicine. I don’t see people complaining about other things that happened in the show which were horrible too, so if you watch, watch it all and reflect a bit on life and it’s maky colours and perspectives.
B xxx

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