CliqueClack TV

Open Letters: Fox executives, this one’s for you



To the programming executives at FOX (if there are any; for all I know the programming is done by a monkey pressing a button on a TRS-80 once an hour):

We need to have a serious talk, because I believe you may have some problems. Mainly, you like to call ‘Wolf!’ a lot. Or, in modern times, you like to call ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theatre or ‘Liberal!’ in a room full of Republicans. Any way you do this results in panic, anger, and confusion by the surrounding crowd. Then, without hesitation, you turn around and say that the wolf or the fire or the liberal didn’t really exist and all is well and good in the world.

You’re befuddled, aren’t you? What I’m talking about here in the metaphoric sense is the way you program your primetime schedule. One minute you’re shouting about a cancellation or a schedule change and the next you’re doing a flip-flop that would make any politician proud and keeping everything status quo. Because you do this so often it’s hard for us, the viewers that keep your ad revenues up, to believe you.  Look, I see you shrugging in complete ignorance. So, I’ll give you two perfect examples of what I mean: King of the Hill and Bones.

Let’s start with your recent cancellation of King of the Hill, which you are taking off the schedule after thirteen seasons (to be technical, it looks like the show will go on through 2010, thanks to its long production schedule). You’ve done this before, haven’t you? If I’m not mistaken, you were going to cancel the show somewhere around season nine. Then, in a sudden change of heart, perhaps connected with various threats from viewers and Hill creators, you decided to give the show a second chance. Since you did this once before, how can we be sure that this time you really, really mean the show will be canceled?

And, what about Bones? For the last three seasons you have claimed that, come time for American Idol, the criminal procedural would move to Friday nights. Yet, for the last two seasons, no new episodes graced the dead zone of the primetime schedule. Does the reluctance of moving the show stem from fear that Bones’ fans would hunt you down and mutilate you to the point that even Temperance Brennan herself wouldn’t be able to determine the murderer and cause of death? It certainly seems likely since there is a very good chance that, after coming back from Christmas break, Bones will be airing somewhere else on the schedule other than Friday nights.

You’ve been a major player in the television world for over 20 years now. You would think that the concept of scheduling would become easier to you as time went on. Apparently, it still hasn’t because you continue to tell us one thing while doing something else. I think it has something to do with American Idol and 24. Being your two biggest shows, you tend to focus on them and then schedule your other piddly little programs around their time frame. That, frankly, is when things fall apart for you.

I don’t know if you realized it yet, but you have at least five months of other programming on the air before the first crappy singer appears on AI and the first person is tortured on 24. Some of it is loved and adored by millions of viewers. You folks (and I’m pointing at all of you) need to take a second look at how you work your scheduling magic and understand that AI and 24 will someday disappear from the airwaves, to be a memory in syndication and Wheel of Fortune puzzles. Then what will you do? Shockingly, you may actually have to schedule a full season’s worth of programming. If that happens, who will come running when you cry ‘Wolf’? Certainly not us viewers.

Categories: | Bones | Clack | Features | General | Open Letters | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Open Letters: Fox executives, this one’s for you”

November 3, 2008 at 6:51 PM

What do you expect from the folks that canceled Firefly after not showing it even in order? Its Fox… even if their decisions made sense, their still the ones subjecting us to the horrors that is American Idol year after year…

November 3, 2008 at 7:50 PM

yeh i grow up on fox becuz of only having basic cable so i use to have to watch alot of shows on fox and i have to say they make me mad first they cancel tru calling, then drive, and yet keep this show*King* and the simpsons on the air for so many years no matter how not funny they are. but i actually like alot of shows on this channel now just wish there werent better shows on during there time slots.

November 3, 2008 at 8:24 PM

First they cancel Tru Calling and then Drive?

Dude… They’ve been canceling good shows much longer than that.

November 3, 2008 at 8:41 PM

Drive a good show?! HAHAHA

November 4, 2008 at 10:04 AM

My favorite is when they cancel a show after like 2 eps. How has that even given the show a chance? What if I watched the show and loved it and told 20 people to tune in next week but there is no next week cause you couldn’t even give the show a month to build up a fan base. Then they wonder why they don’t have viewer loyalty.

And yes, I’m still pissed about Firefly and Tru Calling.

Plus, wasn’t that show Reunion on Fox. You know, that show revolving around the identity of a killer. The same show that had all the eps filmed but they decided to stop airing it after 13 eps and not show the last 7 or so. It may not have been a great show, but if you’ve already filmed it and people have watched more than half the season…why can’t we just find out who the killer was?

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