(Season 13, Episode 6)
FACTOID: Departure times for this leg of the race: Nick & Starr (11:22 p.m.), Toni & Dallas (11:34 p.m.), Ken & Tina (11:53 p.m.), Kelly & Christy (11:59 p.m.), Terence & Sarah (12:05 a.m.), Andrew & Dan (12:29 a.m.).
I bring this up because it’s interesting to see how incredibly close some of these teams are. In fact, they’re all basically within an hour of one another. With the way the show is filmed, it doesn’t always look as close as it sometimes is. It also reveals how consistently crappy some teams are as they keep bringing up the back of the pack (*cough*Andrew & Dan*cough*) no matter how many times everyone is equalized.
Roadblock (Go Green) – Ken & Tina and Kelly & Christy couldn’t even find it for the longest time. Surprisingly, Andrew & Dan finished first. Then they decided to wander the streets for awhile before finally getting a taxi thereby losing the lead they’d just built, giving it back to Nick & Starr and Toni & Dallas.
Douchebag of the Challenge – The winner for this challenge is Terence, though he got a good run for his money from Tina. Just as I expected, as soon as the stress increased, her inner bitch came out. But while she was just being demanding, Terence was actually insulting and being mean to Sarah. “Just do it … This is what you said you were going to be able to do,” he said to her. That’s encouragement? Dick. It’s only slightly in his defense to admit they did come in dead last.
Detour (Launder Money/Launder Clothes)
Clothes: (Nick & Starr, Kelly & Christy, Toni & Dallas, Andrew & Dan) This challenge pretty much had a standard time it would take to do them as teams finished in the order they arrived … boring! In fact, I’m not sure why the frat boys would even think about doing something like this. They’re far more experienced spending money than ironing.
Money: (Terence & Sarah, Ken & Tina) Again pretty boring. It came down to taxis and directions between Ken & Tina finishing this up last and Andrew & Dan finishing up the “Clothes” Detour last.
Bits & Pieces
Pit Stop
The penalty for coming in last on a Non-Elimination Leg is a Speed Bump that only Ken & Tina will have to perform on top of everything else that will need to be done in the next leg. Can they pull it out and will Tina be completely psychotic by the time they do?