CliqueClack TV

Life – Jackpot

Damian Lewis is Charlie Crews


(Season 2, Episode 7)

Thank you, NBC! Thank you for moving Life out of the near dead end position of Friday night, 10 p.m. and into the world of normal primetime. You even moved it up one hour so us hard-working folks can get some sleep after a long day. Again, thank you. Now, all that the rest of you have to do is watch the freakin’ show so it doesn’t get put back onto Friday nights or, worst of all, canceled.

Mind you, no pressure.

Aaaannnddd, with that harsh reminder sitting in your hippocampus, let’s discuss this week’s episode.

Ponch makes a cameo: Of course, we have to start with the appearance of Erik Estrada in this episode. While Life takes place in some of the more upper-class locations of Los Angeles (as opposed ot the dark and gritty locations of The Shield), the appearance of Hollywood personalities in this show has been practically non-existent. Granted, it’s a crime procedural; therefore, you wouldn’t expect a cameo appearance by Paris Hilton. Nevertheless, it was a surprise to see someone the, um, caliber of Ponch show up.

This week’s case: Pretty good. There were enough suspects to keep the investigation active. Plus, there was this mysterious Lenny that kept popping up. Somehow, I knew that the bodyguard wasn’t really a bodyguard; I just didn’t know how he was connected. Then, as Charlie was asking bodyguard a round of questions, I thought Ben was part of the grift in some way. If there was anything good that came out of this (other than capturing the killer, that is) it was Charlie had a opportunity to keep his knifing skills active.

Rachel and Charlie: We delved a little more into the Conspiracy this week with Rachel moving into Charlie’s house. At first, she was extremely reluctant to tell Crews anything about the murder of her family. That changed after she went out with him on a call. For some reason, Rachel felt comfortable telling a total stranger, about her experience and the way she had been feeling about it all. It was in vague undertones, but it was understood not only by Charlie but by the viewers.

After that, she opened up to Charlie and admitted that she felt that he was the murderer. Charlie shocked us a bit with the response that, for a few years, he felt like he was the murderer as well. It was a rare look into the mind of the Charlie who spent a dozen years in a prison he didn’t deserve to be in. Should Life have a long run I hope that we viewers will get a chance to see something of Charlie’s life during his prison years.

Jack Reese’s divorce: This revelation came near the end of the episode and  I am sure it’s of some significance. Happily (or at least comfortably) married for three decades, all of the sudden he up and leaves his wife. There has to be some reason for this. Perhaps he’s running away to make sure his wife and daughter are safe. From what? We’re still not too sure yet. Looking forward to finding out the answer someday.

Kiss? What kiss?: Wasn’t it obvious that Dani would absolutely and totally deny that the kiss between her and Captain Tidwell ever happened? I would have denied it as well. I’m not sure what type of guy (or girl) Reese goes for, but I’m pretty sure that Tidwell isn’t that person. I know some people are pissed at this turn of events for the two characters. For me, I consider it an opportunity to see how a clean and sober Reese ticks.

That’s it for this round of Life. Next week. Christmas comes early to the world of Charlie Crews.

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Life – Jackpot”

November 6, 2008 at 12:16 PM

I loved how Charlie sat down and grinned after he was told that the group was for lottery winners only.

November 6, 2008 at 1:27 PM

I’m glad they toned down the Reese/Tidwell sideshow. I think it make more sense that Tidwell may slowly break down Reese’s guard over time, not that she would fall for his sensless bravado. I’m glad Life moved from Fridays, but I’m bummed that I’ve gotta stay up to watch the second showing of Friday Night Lights now. The Estrada cameo was funny, but incredibly sad considering that riding on a party bus is probally a step above being on the Surreal Life. I also love how Adam Arkin alwas does so much with so few lines and scenes. He always brings the laughs.

November 7, 2008 at 10:56 AM

I generally stay away from procedurals, but Life is really well done television. I’ve enjoyed every episode in both seasons. I just wish they’d incorporate Alan Arkin more.

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