CliqueClack TV

See Jane Clack – sexy vampires, dumb housewives, and Mighty Mendit

Sexy vampires, dumb housewives, and Mighty Mendit are just a few of the things that made me clack this week. Check it out, and add your own clack-worthy thoughts in the comments section.

I want some “Mighty Mendit” for myself. There are some awesome “seen on TV” ads lately. One of my favorites is Mighty Mendit, guaranteed to mend clothes, curtains, couches, pets … ok, maybe not pets, but you get the picture. I’m thinking of my daughter’s Girl Scout sash, which still needs the badges sewn on, even though Girl Scouts ended for her last year. If you can get past Billy Mays’ shouting, this stuff sounds incredible. And speaking of Billy Mays, I wonder if he actually uses all the amazing products he shouts about on those commercials – Oxi Clean, Kaboom!, Grip Wrench, and everything else. Billy, if you’re reading this, let us know! And if I had to pick between you and the ShamWow dude, it’d be tough, but I’d probably have to go with you for sheer enthusiasm alone.



The Real Housewives of Atlanta need to get a clue. It’s one thing when you’ve got a lot of money and use it for good, but these chicks in Atlanta are completely clueless. When I think of all the cash they spend on dumb stuff at a time when the economy is tanking and so many people are struggling, why, it makes me want to go on a marathon stress-shopping spree. And, really, money can’t buy everything girls, like it or not. Kim decides she wants to be a country singer and says it’ll happen because she always gets everything she wants. Kim, let it go. You can’t sing, babe. It’s just not gonna happen, and all of Big Poppa’s cash ain’t gonna make it happen.

Jack Nicholson and Father Mulcahy show up in Mayberry. This week, I watched a couple of Andy Griffith episodes I’d never seen before (I know, shocking!). One boasted Jack Nicholson as a young husband, and one had Father Mulcahy, a.k.a. William Christopher, as a swingin’ doctor who put the small-town residents on edge. Things lightened up, though, when Andy let him take out Opie’s tonsils, and then everyone else decided the doc was ok. Oh, the drama. And it’s so funny to see Nicholson on there, because this was shortly before he did a total 180 and hit the road with Peter Fonda and Dennis Hopper in Easy Rider. What a world.

True Blood rocks my world. I’ve been reviewing HBO’s True Blood for CliqueClack, and it’s probably my favorite new show this fall, with Fringe running as a close second. I’m not always about the intense shows, but there’s something about True Blood that’s indescribably addictive. While I love everything about it, the quasi-forbidden romance between Sookie the human and Bill the vampire is what draws me in week after week. It’s definitely been the year of the vampire, with True Blood gaining steam and Twilight hitting theaters in a couple weeks. What is it about vampires that we love? Any theories on that?

Categories: | Clack | Columns | Fringe | General | True Blood | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “See Jane Clack – sexy vampires, dumb housewives, and Mighty Mendit”

November 7, 2008 at 6:37 PM

I don’t know what Mend-it is, but I love his miracle putty or whatever it is. THAT is something I want. I feel like I would need a 20 pound tub of it. And while I’m not fond of the “handler” I really want a sham-wow. I am a pushover for those types of items!!

I love True Blood and all things Vamp, as well. Mystery, everlasting life; those things are obviously attractive, but the fact that rarely is an ugly vamp cast is my guess. They are always chosen to ooze sexuality. I want some of that ooze, even if it tastes like dried blood. ;-)

December 5, 2008 at 10:49 AM

Mighty Mendit really works! I got mine online at Harriet Carter.

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