CliqueClack TV

Desperate Housewives – What More Do I Need?



(Season 5, Episode 7)

There were so many great quotes in this episode, that I thought it might be fun to clack it quote by quote:

“You’re Miss Marple with a bum liver.” – Mrs. McCluskey to Roberta

These two are so much fun. They even look like they’re having fun with it. Separately, they’re great. Together, they’re gold. Not sure where the story’s headed, with perverted-Ken-doll’s psychiatrist coming to Fairview. What’s that all about? And I loved it when Karen said, “Well, we really screwed the pooch on that one,” referring to the failed phone call to the psychiatrist.

“Does your best friend know you’re sleeping with his mother?” – Lynette to Porter, on his affair with Anne Schilling

This is getting interesting. I love the catfight between Lynette and Anne in the bathroom (it would have been even better if Lynette had shoved her head into the toilet, but that’s just me). And then to have Anne tell Porter at the end that she’s pregnant? OK, here’s my theory on that. She’s in a bad marriage and wants out. So she dreams up this pregnancy story to, I dunno, somehow get out of the marriage and, what? End up with Porter? That doesn’t seem right, but anything can happen. She had that weird little smile on her face after she told him. She’s definitely up to something.

“Now I’m creatively AND sexually frustrated. First dates are awesome!” – Jackson to Susan, on not having sex until their fourth date

What a sweet story! The no-sex thing causes Jackson to get un-blocked, so he paints a beautiful painting of Susan, which almost made me weep when she asked how he knew about that expression. And they even got a little flirt on, when she posed naked for the painting.

“Just so you know, I’m never eating anything that comes out of that kitchen again.” – Andrew to Bree and Orson, on seeing the sex tape of Katherine and Mike

Hmmm, Mike and Katherine? OK, I’m on board with that. But why in the kitchen? They both live right next door! And I loved when Bree first thought it was she and Orson on the tape, and told Andrew to forget everything she ever taught him about right and wrong, and “Get that tape back!”

“Knock it off! This whole, creepy, clingy, I-am-your-grandma routine!” – Gaby to Mrs. Hildebrand, on treating Gaby’s kids like they’re her grandchildren

OK, Mrs. Hildebrand is getting creepier by the minute. And to make that call to the country club at the end, and tell Carlos’ boss that he touched her inappropriately? It’s no wonder this woman’s family is estranged from her!

I feel like Desperate Housewives is starting to return to the glory of its first season. In short, I’m loving it! How about you?

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