CliqueClack TV

Desperate Housewives – Lynette and Gaby do the right thing



(Season 5, Episode 8 – “City on Fire”)

“Putting a wall around your heart doesn’t protect you. It just keeps people out. I learned that the hard way.” – Susan to Julie

A lot happened in this episode, and it harked back to the glory days of season one. My thoughts:

Gaby really showed a conscience when she rescued Mrs. Hildebrand from the fire. She could have left her there to die and inherited the fortune. Of course, she couldn’t help getting in the dig about, “Now that I’m rescuing you, can we be put back in the will?”

Dave’s getting creepier by the minute, and what’s he up to anyway, rescuing all those people? I think he just wanted to get Mike out of there because, in the end, he said to an unconscious Mike: “Hang in there. I’m not done with you yet.” And the doc isn’t around anymore to stop him. Still, it seemed like Dave actually had a conscience there.

Susan’s reaction to Julie’s middle-aged boyfriend was very “Susan,” but she’s just protecting her daughter. It was sweet, though, when she told Julie that she still believes in happily ever after, despite her less-than-perfect history with men.

I loved Bree’s little speech to the New York Dispatch journalist: “There’s always a chance to get something right, even if it’s just a casserole.” I think a lot of us can identify with that, and that’s all the journalist needed for a great story, really.

Kudos to Lynette for going back for Anne when her husband was beating her up. That was so touching, and really showed Lynette’s true colors, even though she hates Anne for being pregnant with Porter’s baby. Is it his baby, though? It could be her husband’s.

Loved the last few, action-packed minutes, with everyone trying to rescue everyone else in the chaos: Gaby and Mrs. Hildebrand, Mike and Jackson, Dave and Mike … what will next week bring?

Your thoughts on this episode?

3 Responses to “Desperate Housewives – Lynette and Gaby do the right thing”

November 17, 2008 at 3:31 PM

Next week will bring nothing since the preview said “In two weeks…”

But prior to this episode, I was reading all of this “be sure to watch the inferno episode because people will die!” Well, no one of any consequence in the main cast died, and none of the supporting cast members died or were vaguely in danger (although the “dead” extras on the floor when Dave went back in were a little unsettling). The doctor died (was murdered before the fire actually) so we’re not really going to miss him and that gives Mrs. McClusky and her sister a chance to become “The Snoop Sisters.” They could have at least killed off Mrs. Hildebrand so Gaby and Carlos could go back to their “normal” lifestyle. It was a missed opportunity. If you’re going to put the entire cast and guest stars in danger, then you have to knock off someone of some importance. And what happened to Porter’s arrest scene? We saw someone being handcuffed at the beginning, but we never saw the rest of that after he was accused by the husband of setting the fire. After all the build-up, the episode was a bit of a letdown. Last season’s tornado episodes were a lot more interesting – even though no major players died in those either!

November 18, 2008 at 2:20 AM

How stupid was that psychiatrist being tricked by Dave into the storage room?
If I found out my “clinically insane” patient has moved into a town he shouldn’t have, lied to me more than once, be in a garage band with someone he shouldn’t be with, oh, and did I mention he’s insane…I would’ve call the cop right away!!!!
of course, if I count all the stupid plot holes of this show, there wouldn’t be any show left. My favorite moment was when Susan saw Julie and the taxi guy together, that was pretty funny.
I’m more interested in the aftermath of the fire: will Lynette’s son takes the blame? will Bree’s traditional image be shatter by the press?

November 18, 2008 at 12:45 PM

Didn’t Lynette’s sons start a fire somewhere when they were younger? It seems to me I remember them burning something because the evil little stepchild told them to. I’m sure that will come up again now.

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