CliqueClack TV

Private Practice – Violet gets ultra-irritating



(Season 2, Episode 6 – “Serving Two Masters”)

Violet continues to irritate me with her meddling ways. OK, so I get that she and Cooper are best friends. Why must she meddle in his life to the point of being ultra-annoying? So Charlotte ends up being the renter. So what? Why is it Violet’s business to tell Cooper?

The storyline with the husband and his two wives seemed really over the top to me. It’s like the writers are just trying to come up with bizarre stories week after week. I just didn’t really care about this one, for some reason, though I liked seeing the one wife help the other one when she went into labor. That was cool. Not sure what to think about Addison orchestrating the meeting between the wives. Was that a cool thing to do, or not?

Also nice to see Billy Dee Williams, except for the fact that he really didn’t have much to do.

What a shock about Del having a daughter, though! It kind of makes me sad to think that Del isn’t the eager-puppy kid he was when the show started. He grew up in this episode – into a dad with his own office at Oceanside Wellness. The story felt forced.

Actually, a lot of this episode seemed forced, like when Addison followed SWAT guy and discovered he wasn’t cheating on her. And when Sam and Pete were out at the bar, acting like 20-somethings out clubbing or something. That’s kind of pathetic.

What did you guys think? Am I just in a weird mood, or did you like this episode? I’m starting to wonder if the show’s going to be around much longer.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Private Practice – Violet gets ultra-irritating”

November 21, 2008 at 12:10 PM

I liked it. It wasnt the greatest but it kept my attention and was entertaining. I might be a bit biased though any episode that features former Whedon-verse actors has me hooked! Too Alexis ended up playing the bad guy with 2 wives! its still nice to see him on my tv!

Was it just me or did Dell’s daughter storyline seem out of place? i was not expecting it to go there.

November 21, 2008 at 2:05 PM

I didn’t like this ep so much. What I liked about PP last year, altho’ it portrayed adults acting like teens, was the closeness of the characters & the fun. This year Rhimes makes Addison the ‘lead’ character more clearly w/ the mgmt role & whatnot but it feels forced. Plus, it’s giving the other cast members less to do and I miss the group bonding sessions.

I like that Dell’s growing up. Admittedly, this doesn’t mesh with his old puppy-dog-surfer-boy attitude, but if they want the character to be taken seriously by the others let alone Naomi, they have to. However, giving him an office did seem too much. Side note: since he told Naomi about his abused past, why didn’t he ever mention the daughter?

Finally, Billy Dee Williams looked hot. At 70 he still has it. But, I’m sad Alexis Denisof was the bigamist considering my life-long crush on him.

November 21, 2008 at 3:14 PM

I would have liked the Dell storyline if they would have handled it better. Instead it not only came completely out of nowhere, but was very forced: “I could just tell you why I need the office, but instead I’ll keep it a secret until the end so we can have A BIG REVEAL. TA-DA!!!”

Also, can we talk about the fact that Addison’s dress had seahorses on it?

November 22, 2008 at 11:30 PM

Addison was way out-of-line orchestrating the meeting between the two wives purely out of doctor-patient confidentiality, but I will agree that under any other circumstances it would be far more forgivable.

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