CliqueClack TV

Super-extra delayed Project Runway? Fine with me.

Thanks to a whole lot of legal troubles, it sounds like neither Lifetime nor Bravo will be doing Project Runway any time soon. At the earliest, it will most likely be Spring of next year before we see anything. Honestly, that’s totally fine with me. It saddens me to say this, but I have gone from a hardcore, artsy-fartsy Runway super-fan to someone who loathes having to tune in every week, only doing so because she so desperately hopes that things will get better. Let the talent pool grow, I say, and bring back some of that substance that made the first two seasons so quality. Fingers crossed that this little break will let the producers think about what they’ve done. And maybe cry a bit, yeah.

I get the feeling that when everything is over, Runway will be on Lifetime, simply because Bravo is already in a bit of trouble for supposedly neglecting the latest season upon hearing about the move. Remember how there was no title sequence, no designer bio/photos until days before the premiere, virtually no on-air promotion of the new season? Yeah, all of that. Big no-no, even when bitterness is involved.

Having a new home will probably do the show some good, though. Hopefully this, combined with the fact that there will be a few months of solid thinkin’ time, means Runway will return with the fire it once had (and by that, I don’t mean the weird burning sensation behind my eyes that I got while watching Season Five).

Photo Credit: Bravo

Categories: | General | News | Project Runway |

3 Responses to “Super-extra delayed Project Runway? Fine with me.”

November 22, 2008 at 8:43 PM

Unfortunately, the delayed season in question has already been shot.

November 22, 2008 at 9:07 PM

Yeah, I read that most of it has been shot already, but I still have my fingers crossed that they will kill all of those designers, burn the footage, and start anew. You know, clean slate and all.

November 23, 2008 at 1:03 AM

Didn’t they have a HUGE gap between seasons 3 and 4? I thought they did. The only season I really liked was season 2.

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