CliqueClack TV

Reality Clack – Dancing With the Stars, Top Chef, Survivor, America’s Next Top Model



Whoa, time does fly for the fall seasons of reality shows, doesn’t it? Dancing With the Stars is almost to the finale stage as is The Amazing Race. The finale went down this week for America’s Next Top Model. Sure, Top Chef is just getting its start. But we’re soon going to be lacking our reality fixes until the winter season kicks off in January and February.

Alas, that also means that American Idol will once again take over the world as we know it. I saw David Archuleta on The Bonnie Hunt Show earlier this week. Yes, he’s talented and a cute kid. But my gosh … the hoopla all over again is a scary thought.

That was the week it was

The finale of America’s Next Top Model was on Wednesday this past week. Down to three final model-testants — McKey, Analeigh and Samantha — it’s now all over. McKey won. Who names their child McKey, I ask? The finale was based on a photo shoot and I just wasn’t all that interested. True, I’m reporting on it here. But that’s only because it’s newsy. I never got hooked on the show. I know plenty of folks enjoy it, but it never was my cup of tea. Kudos to McKey.

As it has been during its past seasons, Top Chef isn’t failing to entertain me. It has more professional contestants … er, cheftestants, than that FOX show. No burger flippers here, although I’m not sure how keen I am about their advertisement for a t-shirt which reads “I have a culinary boner” which I saw on the show’s website. That aside, the show always makes me feel like I should go out to a fine restaurant for a satisfying expensive meal. Alas, I usually end up flipping a burger in my own kitchen. Oh, but I plate it so well! Fabio got the win this week. I don’t know. His name alone gives me flashbacks which taint my opinion of him.

Dancing With the Stars is hanging on to the final three for just a bit more before going into the finals. Tonight’s show will be a season recap kind of thing prolonging the inevitable. It’s down to Lance Bass, Brooke Burke and Warren Sapp for the win. Since it’s Thanksgiving week, we should all be thankful that Cloris Leachman isn’t in that group of finalists.

One of the most satisfying boots ever came about on Survivor this past week. Randy is gone, blindsided and bamboozled with a fake immunity idol given to him by one of his allies. You have to love it! The guy was crude, mean and bullying. I’ve read a few comparisons to Richard Hatch. I vehemently (yes, vehemently!) disagree with any comparison. Hatch actually knew how to manipulate people. He didn’t merely intimidate, berate and bully them!

Recent notable exits

  • On Top Chef, Jill got the cut.
  • Um, um … other shows seem to be in a holding pattern with the exception of Survivor.

In the news

Several online sources reported that Julianne Hough is quitting her dancing (Dancing With the Stars) to focus on her country singing career. To be honest, I haven’t heard her sing. But she made a good point when she said that a singing career can hold up years longer than a dancing career. it’s a lot easier on the knees, too. She won’t be on DWTS for the spring season, but might be appearing on the show next fall. So I’m not sure that would actually qualify as “quitting.” I say, dance while you can!

Ace Grodon, a recent Survivor castaway with a dubious British accent, was arrested in Florida last week. He was charged with disorderly intoxication, obstruction of an officer and resisting arrest with violence in connection with a bar brawl in Naples. Oh, how the big shots shoot themselves in the foot, eh?

Until next time, it’s been real … if not necessarily reality.

3 Responses to “Reality Clack – Dancing With the Stars, Top Chef, Survivor, America’s Next Top Model”

November 24, 2008 at 1:19 PM

On ANTM, “McKey” isn’t actually her name (although I thought it sounded kind of cool). She was one of three girls named Brittany and I guess that was too confusing for model types to handle so they made two of them use different names during the show.

November 24, 2008 at 3:13 PM

on ANTM the finale was based more on the final runway and portfolio than just one photo shoot. Analeigh should have been in the final 2!!!!!

November 24, 2008 at 5:15 PM

Analeigh toooooootally should have been in the final two. But if you want to get all conspiracy theory-ish, I think Tyra and Co. have been setting McKey up for the win for a while, and in a walk-off, Analeigh would beat the pants off of McKey. Hence, no walk-off between Analeigh and McKey.

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