CliqueClack TV

Is Gaby still a self-absorbed chick?

Gaby used to be such a caricature of a woman. She was this skinny, rich bitch who was only concerned with looking good, having nice things, and worrying about me, me, me.

She’s still that way, but maybe having kids has softened her a little bit. I mean, obviously, she’s let herself go (if you call going from a size -2 to a size 0 letting yourself go). She doesn’t have time or money to indulge herself like she used to. Her once immaculate house is now filled with sippy cups and bright plastic toys (uh, just like normal people!). And when Mrs. Hildebrand threatens to foist herself on Gaby’s kids, she steps up like a protective lioness.

And in this week’s episode of Desperate Housewives, when it looks like Carlos’ sight might be restored, yes, Gaby is worried about her appearance. But instead of looking good to look good, she says that Carlos “deserves to look at a wife who doesn’t tuck her boobs into her pants.”

The funny thing is she’s all worried about getting “in shape” in record time. Uh, excuse me, Gaby, but all you have to do is get out of the sweat pants and into some nice duds. You’re already in shape, babe!

So are you liking the new and improved Gaby?

Photo Credit: ABC

One Response to “Is Gaby still a self-absorbed chick?”

December 3, 2008 at 3:59 PM

I hate this storyline. Gaby – comb your hair, put on some form fitting clothes and apply some makeup. Voila! It’s an affront to all women that she is even whining about it. Bad writers, bad.

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