CliqueClack TV

Private Practice – Meg walks in on Pete and Violet


(Season 2, Episode 10 – “Words Apart”) Private Practice - Private Practice, Season 2 - Worlds Apart

I’m loving Private Practice more and more, mainly because the characters are unique and interesting. And being a Grey’s Anatomy fan, I’ll be happy to see the shows paired up, when Private moves into the timeslot after Grey’s.

That said, every episode has me scratching my head about the viability of what goes on. For instance, this episode started out with several of the Oceanside Wellness docs hanging around the waiting area grousing about how the new fourth floor practice has stolen all their patients. It just doesn’t seem believable that Oceanside Wellness, which has been in business for many years, wouldn’t have a steady stream of regular patients. Would they all jump ship for a shiny new practice in the same building? I don’t know about you, but every time I’m in any doctor’s waiting area, it’s always jam-packed with patients. We’re a bunch of sickies!

The call-girl storyline didn’t seem real either. Why should it matter whether someone is a call-girl or not? Are the doctors so judgmental that they wouldn’t treat someone because of the sheer fact that she’s a call-girl? Doesn’t that sort of go against everything that doctors are supposed to stand for? I couldn’t believe it when Addison told Carly that she wouldn’t treat her anymore. Maybe there are legal repercussions there or something.

Likewise with Naomi taking on the patient Wyatt referred to her — the woman who recovered from cancer and wanted to get pregnant. Why would Naomi treating this woman even be an issue — whether she’s working with Wyatt or not? And then Sam got all medieval and told Wyatt that if he did anything to hurt Naomi, he’d take him out. Really? That’s so juvenile. I’ve said before that Sam has anger-management issues.

Another semi-unbelievable thing is Kevin getting all pissy with Addison because she took care of him and hired a cleaning person to clean his place while he was recovering at hers. All I can think is there must have been some heavy-duty off-screen shenanigans that made him get all wonky. Even though Addison has money and he doesn’t, I never felt like she flaunted it in front of him or anything. And she nursed him back to health, for cripes sake! Talk about ungrateful.

I’m still liking the Violet-Pete pairing, mainly because I never felt any sparks between Pete and Meg, but I see plenty whenever Pete and Violet are together. I sort of did an inner clapping thing when Meg caught Pete and Violet kissing.

I totally sided with Cooper when he tried to help the diabetic kid and his dad. I couldn’t live with myself if I knowingly put a kid in jeopardy, even though turning them in would have been the legal thing. On the flip side, you’ve got the possibility that the kid might die because he’s living in a car and might not have access to medical care wherever they’re headed. It’s a conundrum, for sure. Still, I have to believe that the dad would take care of him better than the abusive boyfriend of the kid’s mom.

And while Charlotte says she covered for Cooper with the cops – so they’d be “even” – I wonder if that will still come back to bite him in the butt eventually.

I’m still liking Addison’s new hairdo. It makes her seem like an old-world movie star, with that red lipstick she wore in this episode.

What are your thoughts on this episode? Am I worrying too much about the reality of these storylines? Or do they seem totally believable to you?

Photo Credit: ABC

One Response to “Private Practice – Meg walks in on Pete and Violet”

December 18, 2008 at 8:48 PM

I can’t believe this show is in my top 5. Well, maybe top 2 at the moment, and I can’t believe it. Can’t believe it. {{{shaking head}}}

I was thinking the exact same thing with the “they stole our patients” thing. OMG – My doc offers me no goodies or treats, but even if all the offices around hers had eclairs, crab legs, wine and free massages, I’d pop in for the swag but keep my appointment with my doc. Stupid story. Unless they are getting their patients by taking turns pacing the sidewalk with a soup board (is that right?). All their past stories about watching patients from children to child bearers certainly contradicts that idea.

While I admired what Coop did, I don’t know that taking the world of a boy is the best way to go about it. Did he do any due diligence or did he just go with the kids word? That’s some bad doctorin’.

I think Addison’s luva has been upset ever since her brother was in town. Remember…he already walked away because of that, but when he was shot Addison talked him into staying. Too bad…that dude is hot.

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