CliqueClack TV

A Visit from Kevin Reilly (The Night Before Upfronts), part 7

Hughie, and Joss, and Seacrest, oh my! Writing a poem with seven different authors makes for a bit of the crazy. If you’ve been playing along with the home game, Peter Krause tempted the various Fox casts with news of planned cancellations. Then the nimble Hugh Laurie snatched the list and made a getaway, only to be stopped short by one Ryan Seacrest. Now, with the final installment, it all comes to a head when the big boss shows up.

Focus turned to the door, where Reilly appeared
Looking rested and bright, and sporting a beard
“Hughie my boy, I’ll take it from here”
To Seacrest he offered, a menacing sneer

The boss shook his head, as he spoke to the host
“You know too well Ryan, my power’s the most
“With Idol Fox made you, and back we can take
“You’ll be hanging with Dunkleman, before the day breaks.”

“For we’ve seen what will come, when you’re left to your own
Momma’s Boys — my God”, and the whole room did groan
With that Seacrest left, all pleas and regrets
Besides, it was time to wax Randy’s Vette.

The rest turned to Reilly, with collective chagrin
They all had to know, who’s out and who’s in.
With a raise of his hand, the crowd came to a hush
Reilly took back the letter, and asked “What’s the rush?”


“Like children with presents, can you really not wait?
“Must you all know right now, just what is your fate?
Eyes everywhere darted, dared each other to speak
Reilly cut them all short, for he knew they were weak.

“The letter’s a scam, to score cash for old Krause
“For his show has been canceled, by Steve and the Mouse.
“I’ve made no decisions, on any of you yet
“But you’re not out of danger, of that you can bet.”

“Get those numbers up, or go win some awards
“And get the kids talking, on blogs and on boards
“Or you’ll wake up one morning, to a terrible fright
“I’ll add you an hour, at ten Friday night.”

With that Reilly turned, and made for the door
The crisis averted, a calm lot once more
And I heard him exclaim, as he strolled ‘way from me
“Now get back to work, and fuck NBC!”

Well put it all together tomorrow…

Photo Credit: Bill White/CliqueClack

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