CliqueClack TV

Frakkin’ Clack – More Face of the Enemy; Amazon fraks up

BSG Webisode 6

The latest two episodes of Battlestar Galactica: The Face of the Enemy have been posted at as of yesterday. They still maintain the suspense of the “who dun it” of the series, while adding a clue or two as to who might be the culprit.

In webisode #7, things sure seem to be pointing to the Eight being the one who injected the latest victim with an overdose. Red herring? Perhaps. Someone had to have killed the man, as he certainly didn’t seem the type to think he’d do everyone a favor and take up less air by offing himself, nor did he seem to be suffering from the lack of oxygen. Then again, air loss can make people do crazy things.

Commenter Dorv noted a spoiler in writer Jane Espenson’s commentary of the 7th webisode, but I didn’t notice one. Anyone afraid of spoilers might want to stay away from the commentary of that webisode, just to be safe.

I noticed that commenter bsgfan2003 mentioned something about seeing webisodes 6-10 (minus 9) in last week’s Clack, and I wasn’t sure what the frak she was talking about. It turns out that Amazon Ubox mistakenly published all but the 9th of the webisodes ahead of time. Unfortunately Amazon’s since realized their mistake and has taken the webisodes down. In fact, I can’t find any of them there at all right now. From reports of the tenth webisode, it sounds like we get a nice setup of the series for when it returns.

Until next week…

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8 Responses to “Frakkin’ Clack – More Face of the Enemy; Amazon fraks up”

December 30, 2008 at 10:10 AM

Not to worry, if you want them they are on you tube and elsewhere.
I was wondering why no one wanted to talk about it.

December 30, 2008 at 11:09 AM

Yes the tenth ends in a cliffhanger and a nice lead in to season 4.5.

December 30, 2008 at 11:38 AM

Again, I say, for the record, in case anyone was left out in the dark…

We can be slaves, or we can be Lycans!

I actually think it was Webisode 5 that Jane mentioned what I think she mentioned. I would go back to it, but I’ve already watched the Underworld 3 trailer three times today, and I still ahve to watch Webisode 7, and the commentary for 6 and 7.

December 30, 2008 at 12:01 PM

Yeah, so seven seems to not be up when I load the page for some reason (I thought about making a sarcastic remark about Spoilers, but I figured Keith might ban me :) ).

So, I rewatched the commentary for Webisode 4, and Jane does, I think, reveal who dun it, right around 1:15ish mark.

I could just be reading into her comment, but, you know…

December 30, 2008 at 12:21 PM

Ok, third post in a row, but I’m bored. What do you want from me?

But, seriously folks, is anyone familiar with the ‘You Will Know the Truth’ website?

December 30, 2008 at 12:39 PM

You will know the truth – oh yes, I know all about it, just imagine a snake swallowing it’s own tail – some of the clues are that frustrating. Adama viewing the cracks is quite alarming.

Regarding spoilers for the webisodes, I would certainly enjoy pouring them out here. I hate secrets and read the ending of all books before I start, just to make sure it’s worth my time. The reason I hesitate to discuss them is that I don’t want to see Franklin appearing in my shower to disembowel me.

And Dorv, 2 words for your Lycan troubles – Holy Water.

December 30, 2008 at 12:54 PM

And Franklin knows I jest with him. :)

December 30, 2008 at 4:41 PM

Darn….I can’t find it….

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