CliqueClack TV

Battlestar Galactica – Little Nikki isn’t so special … or is he?

Gaeta and Zarek

(Season 4, Episode 12 – “A Disquiet Follows My Soul”)

Beginning population: 39,644

If you watched the Face of the Enemy webisodes, Gaeta’s thought process in this episode should be little shock to you. In fact, I wasn’t really sure why the closing scene had Zarek hiding the “mysterious person” he was talking to, behind him. Didn’t everyone rightly assume it was Gaeta?

That wasn’t the only scene that had me scratching my head. Let’s talk about Tigh. We start with Tigh seeing his baby on the ultrasound monitor, getting cuddly with his Six and smiling about everything she’s going on about, including the preservation of the Cylon race. So, did the musical switch cause the final five (well, four) to decide to quickly embrace what they are, much like Tori did? Let’s not forget that Tigh knows his beloved Ellen is the fifth Cylon. I’m amazed Tigh’s not drowning in a man-sized bottle of scotch throughout the rest of this season with what he’s dealing with; his prior problems were peanuts!

To continue on with Tigh, and to confuse us more, he thinks Tyrol’s idea of having Cylons considered as citizens is frakking insane. Wait, wasn’t Tigh just all smiles about Cylons earlier? Shouldn’t he be supporting Tyrol’s idea? I’m glad the press brought up Tigh still acting as XO, because that’s just plain strange at this point.

As for the pregnant Six, commenters here have noted the possibility that she’s Ellen reencarnated, or possibly somehow part of her. That actually makes some sense, seeing as Tigh looked so comfortable with the idea that he’s having a kid with her. Maybe, in some way, he senses Ellen in her?

Now that we’ve established that Nicolas has no Cylon blood in him, what was with Tori and her saving him earlier in the season? Seeing as that scene was brought up in the “previously on” segment, it has to have some significance. Could it be that, instead of Cylons fearing for their preservation, it’s the Humans who should be? Why did Tori make a move to save him? Did she think he was part Cylon or was she programmed to act, subconsciously?

Roslin not taking her pills seems to spell out that her time is soon up. That could mean that, if she’s truly the “dying leader” mentioned in the prophecies, they could be happening upon a new home soon. If I had to guess, based on how things are going down — and going down quickly — just as the entire fleet is about to go completely mutinous and thousands more people are about to die, they’ll get a signal from a mysterious ship, or something equally hopeful will stop them in their tracks. In a way I hope that’s not what’s planned, as it’s sort of formula #17 as far as these situations on TV and movies go.

Gaeta is turning out to be a much more interesting character than he started out. He’s playing a big part in the coming episodes, and his confrontation with Starbuck isn’t likely to end in the mess hall. With Gaeta’s constant questioning of authority lately, and his involvement with Zarek and the uncoming uprising, I’m not sure there’s much more time in store for Gaeta.

Lastly, I’m not sure I agree with Zarek in saying he and Adama are really no different, that only a uniform separates them. There was interesting symbolism there, with Zarek washing his hands at the end, making it feel like an Adama thing to do. But I don’t see the two as having similar policies, motives or actions, do you?

Ending population: 39,641 (1 Cylon, 2 Marines killed during mutiny.)

Photo Credit: Sci Fi

20 Responses to “Battlestar Galactica – Little Nikki isn’t so special … or is he?”

January 23, 2009 at 11:55 PM

I loved having kick ass Starbuck back!

January 24, 2009 at 12:10 AM

The only reason I can see that Tigh is accepting his cylonness (is that even a word?) is because those important to him seem to have accepted it. From a show standpoint, I also wonder if it is in order to move the story along. There are only a few episodes left and that inner struggles was covered in the first half of the season. In order to move on to this larger mutiny or civil war within the fleet the new cylons have to have picked a side and been accepted and accepted it themselves.

Tigh and Six…that relationship, I just don’t get. Tigh transitioning from finding out Ellen was the 5th cylon to being emotionally cozy with Six seemed very out of place. Maybe because I was expecting him to struggle with what happened to Ellen and the ramifications of that.

I’m not really sure what to make of the Nicholas reveal. I was shocked at first and wanted to know more. Then the ‘more’ was a letdown. I am hopeful that as you suggested there will be more to this story.

Overall, the episode seemed disjointed somewhat and I am not really looking forward to a fight within the fleet. It seems like that has already been done before with Zarek and Adama at odds. I am hopeful it will be covered and resolved in only 1 more episode.

January 24, 2009 at 12:47 AM

One other thing…

How about Roslin and Adama?!?!?

January 24, 2009 at 11:48 PM

I didn’t feel Roslin and Adama together was shocking or surprising at all. I guess I could have mentioned that.

January 24, 2009 at 1:18 AM

Yeah, there’s got to be some relevance in the distinction between Tigh with Six and Tigh with Tyrol. That dynamic really bothered me, and I hope that there is some reasoning behind it (But, I assume there is).

Yeah, I’m bored with Zarek v Adama. However, the infusion of a well supported mutiny does change things up a bit, and it looks like, from the previews, that its going to get deep (There’s been a scene, in all of these previews for the full season, that has Lee and Starbuck rolling into a room with pistols drawn. I hope that is a part of all of this). That being said, I’ve never liked Gaeta, and like him less now (though, I completely realize he’s being written so I don’t like him). It seems that he’s just a weakling who has taken a personal tragedy and blamed it on everyone else. I got the opportunity to spend a little bit of time with a war vet/amputee this past weekend, and it was refreshing how he didn’t let his injury define him. Gaeta is, and that’s just… Puny? I think this mutiny, this insurrection needs a leader with deeper and more complex motivations than what I (admittedly with great bias) interpret from him.

Roslin and Adama was either a surprise, or very much not so. If you subscribe to the theory that not everything of consequence can happen on screen, then they could have been ‘together’ since she returned to the fleet (See: Grissom and Sara on CSI). But, seeing them together in bed was quite cute.

I guess that leaves me with only one arc to talk about. Seems my favorite girl may have gotten around a bit. When we arrived at that scene with Baltar, I was very scared that Baltar would be the father, which would have been very cliched (then I remembered the timeline, and Cally sleeping with the President of the Twelve Colonies just didn’t make sense).

Tory saving Nikki just seems to be a by product of Tory thinking Nikki was special. I didn’t read any more into than that. I do like the character that Tyrol has become in this episode, much more so than he was for the first part of the season.

One last thing… So I guess Saul admitted to the Adama’s his flashback and realization that Ellen was the final Cylon. I’d seen the indications that we wouldn’t deal with Ellen for a couple of episodes, so I was surprised to see this drop-in here, especially considering how much I’d like to see Saul actually tell his best friend that when he killed his wife, he killed of the last Cylon.

January 24, 2009 at 5:33 AM

“never liked Gaeta, and like him less now (though, I completely realize he’s being written so I don’t like him). It seems that he’s just a weakling who has taken a personal tragedy and blamed it on everyone else.”

Did you see the webisodes???
I think he’s got more reason to not want to be with the Cylons than anyone

January 24, 2009 at 9:34 AM

I did, and I think it furthers my point. From that perspective, it was (and hes acting like) it’s a personal betrayal by a lover. In that instance he collaborated with an enemy without sanction (not that I’m saying he should have asked permission, but in the current situation it’s being discussed openly) AND he let it get personal by sleeping with her.

The more I think about it, the more selfish and petty Gaeta seems to me.

January 24, 2009 at 11:42 AM

Hmm, see I thought Gaeta was doing the Schindler’s list thing on New Caprica where he was trying to get people rescued by doing favours & it was only when he was shown the truth that he realised that he was being taken for a ride.

January 24, 2009 at 12:02 PM

Gaeta’s behavior makes sense from Gaeta’s perspective I guess. That said, I’ve never “liked” him either. I had appreciation for his skills, and his sense of duty, but he always seemed a little condescending in his approach to the characters I find more appealing. And now he’s quite belligerent with anger and sarcasm.

I don’t have any spoiler to support this, but I think Gaeta has to pay for his trangressions in the next episode.

January 24, 2009 at 1:09 PM

Youre right, I think be wanted to do good (keep in mind that I think his arc in Collaborators where he refused to beg for his life despite being in the right was impressive… I just think he’s fallen since). But I think because the Sharon became a lover the betrayal became personal for him.

In fact I think the arc would be stronger if the injury hadn’t happened and they hadn’t been lovers, but I’m sure that’s opposite the intended effect.

January 25, 2009 at 8:04 AM

The character’s always wanted to do good, and questioned authority, but his moral certitude has always somehow led to the worst possible outcome, from supporting Baltar to exposing the election fraud to working with that Eight. And I think Anders blowing his leg off had little to do with his mindset, but was merely the topper on it all.

And I’m one of the few who actually like Gaeta (I could never stand Starbuck, Lee, or Tyrol, so maybe that’s my problem).

January 25, 2009 at 5:33 PM

That does make sense, because Lee, Starbuck, and Tyrol are my three favorite characters (and, you know, Cally, too).

January 24, 2009 at 1:43 AM

Point of order. In Robert’s Rules of Order (the leading manual of parliamentary procedure) someone calling the question refers to “Any member who wishes to force an end to debate …. must then move the Previous Question. Such a motion must be seconded, and then adopted by a two-thirds vote, or by unanimous consent.” They technically only ended debate on the motion and never voted on the main motion. I guess frak to you Robert.

January 24, 2009 at 9:16 AM

Perhaps Tigh does not realize (yet) that his pro-Caprica relationship seems at odds with his con-Cylon as citizens stance. His relationship with Ellen prepared him for this sort of thinking. Ellen was baaad for him, and he always kept her separate from his duties. I don’t offer this as an excuse for him, he should know better, but maybe he’ll get there. Take pity on the poor fellow.

There was quite a bit of humor in this episode. Cottle was in rare form. “Cylon chip on his shoulder” HA! Kara “Half kicks” HA!

Speaking of Kara – the scene between her and Gaeta was very, very good. I’m ready for everyone to start mixing it up.

And Cally’s baby is extremely cute.

January 26, 2009 at 1:46 AM

Podcast was posted yesterday… I’m going to listen to it tomorrow and come back with stuff to whine and cry about (as is my nature ;) )

January 26, 2009 at 2:42 AM

I used to really like Gaeta, and the fact that they’ve decided to make him unlikeable is unfortunate, because he was the one character left that I liked…

Over the years, this show has systematically made each character cross some kind of line to make me stop liking them – Lee cheated on his wife, Starbuck cheated on her husband, the president got too religious, Dr. Baltar got too religious, the Chief tried to space Gaeta, Tory spaced Callie, and so on – and now I’m left not caring much about the future of the entire human race.

I suppose Adama hasn’t done anything to make me hate him yet, but I just feel sorry for him at this point.

I kind of liked hotdog too. Meh.

January 26, 2009 at 9:02 AM

In regards to Tory saving Nicky, I think that is a natural thing. She isn’t a monster, she was just trying to preserve herself and her fellow Cylons. Plus, as far as she knew Nicky himself was half Cylon. Cally found out about the 4 and she was going to rat them out, Tory did what she thought was the only thing she could do in order to save her people.

Overall though I think the episode was a little weak and redundant of the first season episode where Zarek also takes over a ship. I see where they are going and it feels like a natural progression, but because it’s natural it also feels cliche. Hopefully next week the action will pick up a bit more. There is only so much knuckle dragging you can do over the span of a few episodes.

January 26, 2009 at 9:10 AM

I’d buy that about Tory if she also saved Cally. Remember, Cally gave up Nicki and looked as though she was about to follow Tory out of the airlock. Instead, Tory smacked her around and shot her into space.

January 27, 2009 at 2:25 PM

Yeah, I think there was a lot more vindictiveness than self preservation in her actions.

Plus, you know, she killed Cally (You bastards!)

Is it me, or is Tory continuing to be the least interesting of the Watchtower Four? Hell, have we seen her at all in these two episodes (other than the full cast pan show on Earth?

January 27, 2009 at 4:17 PM

she was also in the three way conversation between Galen, Anders and herself about the song and such. But yes, not much else of her. I have a feeling we wont be seeing much of her until we start dealing with more life aboard the rebel cylons ship.

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