CliqueClack TV

Bridgette steals the season premiere of Medium


Man, it really feels good to have Medium back. I’ve missed it, and sometimes it felt like I was the only one. The premiere did not disappoint, late though it was. Allison’s dream of the crashed cars with papers floating down from the sky, paired with that beautiful, haunting music, actually gave me a little bit of the chills. However, as is often the case with Medium (and many other shows for that matter), it was the secondary plot, involving Bridgette and some inappropriate drawings she did of her art teacher, that really captivated me.

I always love when we get to see the abilities that Allison has passed on to her daughters. And I would have to say, Bridgette is my favorite of the three girls. She’s so spunky and eccentric, not  your cookie cutter TV child at all. Remember a few seasons back when she refused to take that bicycle helmet off for her school picture, and then the day after decided she had outgrown it? Classic.

When Bridgette first told her dad about getting in trouble for the picture and showed it to him, I had that sinking feeling in my stomach, thinking, “Please don’t let it be that.” It was obvious Bridgette hadn’t been harmed and she had no idea what was going on, or why she felt the need to draw the pictures of her teacher naked, but still, I feel like it was thrown in there to give us that worry. And yeah, I fell for it. Otherwise, it would have been just as effective for her to show his cancerous (pre-cancerous?) mole by drawing him merely shirtless, instead of completely in-the-buff.

If I had had my thinking cap on while I was watching, though, I would have remembered that Bridgette’s premonitions and whatnot tend to be related to helping someone avoid something bad that is going to happen to them. Last season, it was the telemarketer in India whose house was going to be broken into if he didn’t fix the lock on his back door. And you have to give props to her dad Joe for always being the one who has to muster the courage to tell these people what they need to do, even when they look at him like he has three heads.

I hope we get to see more of the DuBois girls and their psychic abilities in the future. Its always amazing to me that even when dealing with the paranormal, the DuBois family is one of the most relatable families on television today. What did you think of this episode? Was Bridgette’s story the standout of the show for you too?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “Bridgette steals the season premiere of Medium”

February 3, 2009 at 2:50 PM

I mentioned on another board that I’m getting a little sick of Allison constantly claiming her dreams are correct when time and time again she learns they are mostly symbolic and just stepping stones to the “big picture”.

By now, you’d think she would learn to say something like, “I’m not quite sure what it means, but I had this dream last night…”.

As you mention, at least Joe is starting to think “outside the box” where Bridgette’s abilities are concerned.

Allison NEEDS to stop taking every dream literally, and pushing forward as such, when she knows they often aren’t. It just makes the character look stupid.

February 3, 2009 at 2:57 PM

I am so glad Medium is back!! When Bridgette started crying in her bedroom – she was breaking my heart! It’s not often a child actor can pull that out of their bag of tricks. (As an aside, I was watching another channel just prior to Medium and she was in a commercial over there – for a minute I thought Medium had already started and I was genuinely confused! LOL).

Allison may sometimes take her dreams too literally, but it’s just her way of working through them as she goes. If that didn’t happen, and the process wasn’t acted out through the show, it would be awfully boring.

I think the DuBois family is the best family on television. They love their kids, love each other, toss back a few brewskis, fight like cats and dogs and misunderstand each other as often as they understand each other. It’s great to see a family that is so close to the real thing that isn’t constantly in some dramatic form close to breaking up for every anomaly.

Wish it was on again tonight.

February 3, 2009 at 3:03 PM

You’re not the only one.

In terms of the depiction of family, Medium is, strangely enough, the most realistic show on television. Nothing glitzy or glamorous, just frumpy, messy, hurried, and all about making do.

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