CliqueClack TV

Burn Notice – Spies, spies, everywhere


It was a return to more light-hearted fare for the latest chapter of Burn Notice. Not that this show ever gets too serious, but recent episodes have tread darker territory as Michael searches for a bomber who may have ties to the person responsible for burning him. Well, Michael found his bomber and all the guy could offer was a bank account number. More questions than answers. Such is life on Burn Notice.

Following the endless trail of bread crumbs is becoming a wee bit tiresome for me. Thanks to clever, amusing writers there are always other things to like in every episode. I rather enjoyed the “everyone wants to be a spy” theme of last night’s affairs. Besides the usual suspects, like Mike, two other characters try their hand at the spy game. Hey, if everyone’s doing it, it must be cool.

Michael goes to work for a shady art dealer who is being spied on. The “spy” turns out to be an adorable receptionist named Melanie, who claims the art dealer killed her father and stole his prized artwork. After Melanie’s story proves legit, Mikey must spy on the art dealer. The only problem is Melanie can’t help herself and continues her snooping despite repeated warnings from Mike to stay away. You can hardly blame her. Playing covert operative is totally awesome.

No one has more fun than Mr. Westen. While duping the dopey art dealer, he tells the tool, “It could be anyone. Some spy gets blacklisted, goes freelance. He could be standing right in front of you and you wouldn’t even know it.” He says this, grinning like a Cheshire, while standing right in front of the poor sap. That Michael is quite a card.

So, Mike is a spy (duh?). Melanie is a spy. Then there is Seymour — the eager-beaver arms dealer from season two’s “Rough Seas” episode — who makes a happy return with hopes of joining Mike and Fi in their clandestine escapades. It seems ‘ol Seymour dreams of a scenario where he, Michael and Fi team-up to form a spy triad. He goes so far as to have custom throwing daggers made for the three of them with the word “destiny” engraved into the blades. I like Seymour; he practices tai chi and has a dim bulb bodyguard called “Jackass.” I sense we’ll be seeing more of  this wannabe secret agent.

Step right up, folks, don’t be shy. Sign the dotted line and you can be a spy. The playful notion that anyone can perform a little espionage is what makes Burn Notice appealing. I’m thinking of trying it out myself. I own a cell phone. Hell, I even made a transistor radio out of a potato once. I’m calling you out, Michael Westen. It’s go time, spy-boy!

Photo Credit: USA Network

2 Responses to “Burn Notice – Spies, spies, everywhere”

February 6, 2009 at 4:48 PM

Ever since your last post, I now suspect Fiona of all things horrible, catalyzed by Sam’s awesome quote ‘how many times do you have to touch the flame to know you’ll get burned.’ Plus, this week continued last week’s theme: ‘can you really know a spy.’ I hope it doesn’t happen as it would crush Mike and I would miss Fi. However, it looks as if Michael and his new handler have some chemistry, so the women might switch roles.

I hope Seymour returns again. I love that he’s a kickass arms dealer, yet still isn’t badass enough. On a side note, how is it that Fiona could easily take down his hulky bodyguard (idiocy aside) but couldn’t beat down a woman the size of a grape?

February 6, 2009 at 4:53 PM

How about this comment from Sam to Fi: “You have a gift for getting men to make bad choices.”

Fiona remains a question mark.

Seymour is a nice addition. The opposite of Mikey.

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