CliqueClack TV

Damages – What is up with Wes?


I’m not sure what to make of Wes Krulik. First, he makes friends with her in group therapy, and before you know it, he’s telling her to let him know if she ever needs a gun (well, not in so many words, but that’s what he meant).

OK, first of all, that just seems weird for two people in grief counseling together. I mean, if he’s trying to set her up, that seems like a lame way to do it. And why doesn’t she suspect that he’s not all that he seems? If someone wanted to get me a gun and teach me how to shoot it, I’d be a little suspect about the whole thing.

Then, after a gun-shooting session — where Ellen is weirdly saying she’s going to shoot that target if it’s the last thing she does! — she leaves, and Wes calls a mystery person on the phone and says, “Suddenly, she wants to learn how to use a gun. I don’t know if you’re safe.” There’s an awful lot of mystery people on the phone in this show. And I have no idea who any of them are.

Also, we know that Wes and Ellen develop a romantic relationship, because we’ve seen them in bed together in flash-forwards. In this episode, we get another flash-forward five months, with Wes showing up at Ellen’s door. She says, “I told you, you can’t be here today.” But he kisses her and goes inside, shutting the door. But here’s the thing about this: he really looks like he wishes things could be different. Like maybe he’s set her up to take a fall, and wishes he could somehow get out of it. Yeah, that’s what I saw in about two seconds of facial expressions on Wes’s part.

But five months earlier, Wes has Ellen followed (Note to producers: if you’re going to pick a guy for this role, why pick someone who looks just like Wes? Are they twins? Just sayin’….). Wes and his tracker meet, and tracker gives Wes photos of Ellen meeting with the feds. Then Wes meets with Detective Mesner (the guy with the beard and glasses who worked David over in season one) and says Ellen’s been meeting with the feds.

Oy, I need a giant storyboard to follow all the characters on this show!

What do you think Wes’s deal is? Who’s he working for, why is he having Ellen followed, what’s with the giant arsenal of weapons in his closet, and why is he working with Detective Mesner?

Photo Credit: FX

Categories: | Clack | Damages | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “Damages – What is up with Wes?”

February 8, 2009 at 8:15 PM

I think he is watching her by Frobrisher’s orders so she doesnt find out he had her fiance killed.

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