CliqueClack TV

Will Derek and Meredith get their McHappy ending?


Just when I was thinking Derek and Meredith would get their happy ending, Addison calls and messes things up! Yeah, I know she had a good reason, but Derek had the flowers and candles and everything all set (thanks to Sloan, which was funny in itself)!

But I believe Shonda Rhimes will hold true to her statement about giving Derek and Meredith a happy ending. OK, I’m sure it won’t be all happy, but hopefully, they’ll make it work one way or another.

My big question is, how on earth did Derek sweep that room clean of all the flowers and candles and teddy bears and everything? That was a major feat for him to leave only one small rose petal under the pillow which, of course, Meredith found when she came home.

My question for you: Do you think Derek will propose to Meredith before the end of this season? And if so, how do you think it will happen?

Photo Credit: ABC

2 Responses to “Will Derek and Meredith get their McHappy ending?”

February 9, 2009 at 7:02 PM

Its only the second week of February. Hardly time to worry at this point. If they got through the serial killer, they can get through anything.

February 10, 2009 at 9:44 AM

Although I can’t for the life of me understand why Derek wants to be with Meredith, I do think they will get their happily ever after. On the abc website the fans barely fall short of threatening to kill Shonda Rhimes if she doesn’t keep them together, so clearly the fan demand is there.

Personally, I’ve always found Meredith to be the most unlikeable character on the show and I think the closer her and Derek get to “happy” the worse Derek’s character becomes. The only part of Derek decorating the room for Meredith that I cared about was how smokin’ Sloane looked in the black shirt.

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