CliqueClack TV

The Big Bang Theory – To kiss or to karaoke, that is the question


Why, yes! Penny and Leonard are finally kissing once again! However could that have happened? Could it be the meteor of love crashing to the Earth? Did Kurt dump Penny once again? Did Leonard’s chivalrous acts of last week make him her knight in shining armor? Or …?

… are they just stone drunk and driven to tequila lust due to a visit from Leonard’s mother?

So, it was just a drunken kiss and that’s not what I want to focus on here. I want to talk about Leonard’s mother, both on her own merit and in conjunction with Sheldon. Hey, hey … I said “conjunction,” not “conjugal.” There’s a big difference and, after all, it’s Sheldon we’re discussing here.

First, I want to mention that once again this show has gone for excellent casting. I’ve written before how well-suited each actor is in his role. Now they introduce Christine Baranski as Leonard’s mother. She’s almost royalty in the field! Emmy, Screen Actors Guild and Tony awards under her belt, she was absolutely perfect as Leonard’s scarily Sheldon-esque mother.

Oh. My. God. She’s Sheldon transgendered and sent 25 years into the future. As I watched, I kept thinking they couldn’t have an affair as Leonard’s father seems to be still married to her. But it seemed to get close. They clicked. He made her tea the way she liked it. She scanned his brain. They communicated!

Just when I thought they might … they did. They sang karaoke. It releases endorphins, you know.

This episode was one of the keepers for me this season. Well, most are, but I found both the Kripke and Stephanie appearances (and disappearances) annoying. If Leonard’s mother is a one-shot, it was indeed an excellent and worthy one-shot.

“Jim, in another life, we could have been lovers.”

Photo Credit: CBS

5 Responses to “The Big Bang Theory – To kiss or to karaoke, that is the question”

February 10, 2009 at 8:33 AM

I’ve never seen the show (not really sure why, I am kinda a geek myself) but isn’t that girl the one from the last season of Charmed?

February 10, 2009 at 8:50 AM


So Leonard is living with the male version of his mother and then he tries to sleep with Penny because he isn’t loved by his mother enough.

The implications don’t seem to interest anyone…

February 10, 2009 at 8:15 PM

I missed this one thanks to our Prez. I usually get to see it and see 24 but not this week. I love this show. I agree the casting of the regulars are perfect!

February 11, 2009 at 12:53 PM

This episode and the Christmas one are easily my two favorite this year.

A female Sheldon…holy crap! And my wife and I both said “Leonard and Sheldon need to swap mothers.”

February 13, 2009 at 4:43 PM

See, am I the only one who thinks they might put Penny and Sheldon together at some point?

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