CliqueClack TV

Is Starbuck the seventh Cylon? Anders explains (almost) everything

john hodgman on bsg

“My forebears, on the Centurion side of the family, were the slaves of humanity. And I want justice for that.”
“Ah, lunch has arrived.”

So, is your mind done reeling yet? I know mine’s not. Who would’ve thought that Anders, the person I’d complained all along as being a rather worthless member of the five, would be the one to explain nearly everything having to do with the history behind the five original Cylons, and then the eight they helped create. Yes, we finally got confirmation that there are indeed eight Cylons besides the five, meaning there’s still one left to reveal … possibly.

As for that true, final Cylon — the seventh — if we’re to believe what Anders was saying, his name was Daniel. So we can rule out any of the females as being one of them. Although Ellen said the Number Seven was “permanently” dead, I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that I believe Starbuck could still be this “Daniel,” even though we seem to have been led away from her by what Anders had to say. “What?!” you say. Let me explain.

Recall that Ellen said she loved how artistic Daniel was. And who is it that’s been painting murals all over the frakking place? That’s right, Starbuck. So, why is this Daniel now in the body of a woman? Ho boy, we could go on about that in so many ways, so I’ll let your imagination carry on about that. There are several ways one could explain what happened there. Remember, Ellen said John “corrupted” the genetic formula that Daniel was maturing in. Maybe it just made Daniel … a woman? This would explain why Anders didn’t recognize her as being that seventh. Don’t let the name “Daniel” fool you — remember, both the Sixes and the Eights have had multiple names.

I’m definitely digging the story Anders told, of him, Tyrol, Tigh and the rest. It’s really starting to set the pieces in place so things make more sense in how it all went down, why these five didn’t remember who they were and why the other eight Cylons are so mightily pissed off.

This was a huge turning point episode. Anders’s revelations, the interaction between Tyrol and Adama, and, of course Ellen (or “Gazelle”) and Cavil (or “John”) on the hidden Base Star. Too much to process! For now, I wanted to make sure I got you all a spot to talk about this and let me know your thoughts so I can put something more together again soon. This could make for an interesting Frakkin’ Clack next week.

Oh, and yes, that’s John “I’m a PC” Hodgman pictured above as Dr. Gerard.

Photo Credit: SciFi

57 Responses to “Is Starbuck the seventh Cylon? Anders explains (almost) everything”

February 14, 2009 at 1:09 AM

I think Baltar is the seven, makes sense if you consider the connection to six. I think artistic can mean other things, even as it relates to science and creativity. Just an opinion, but how can Baltar have visions of Six and be human, that has always bugged me.

February 14, 2009 at 1:24 AM

Incredible episode.

What about Daniel being Starbuck’s father?

February 14, 2009 at 1:29 AM

“…how can Baltar have visions of Six and be human, that has always bugged me.”

Well, not me. If you are close to someone, you can conger up their image without too much trouble.

And remember, before his seizure, anders said “You’re all glowing.”

I feel Starbuck is involved in this, somehow. I’ve felt that since she met her demise in season 3. It will be interesting when they finally explain how she returned.

February 14, 2009 at 1:32 AM

At the very least, we have some clues as to the 7th cylon, so its a good start! I think Kara will be Daniel…on top of all of your analysis, Keith, we had the hesitation and slight confusion when Sam said it was Daniel and he was dead.

I’ll have to watch the ep again…it was so full of information that it was hard to keep up. I do have to mention that I really felt for Cavil talking about his body and he wished he was made of metal, especially in light of how incredibly old Dean Stockwell looked in this episode. One of the pitfalls of using humans to represent basically ageless mechanical beings.

They are really piling it on for the finale…its great that they were able to do whatever is to come on their own time frame. Too bad Lost doesn’t seem to be following the same pattern, because there is basically no dead space in these final days of Battlestar.

February 14, 2009 at 2:09 AM

I thought Cavil was having a very eloquent tantrum. :)

February 14, 2009 at 2:24 AM

To Grace Park and bsgfan2003:


February 16, 2009 at 1:40 PM

Interesting you mentioned a tantrum. My wife’s initial reaction to Cavil’s actions here were “he is a angsty rebelling teenager”

It really fits actually.

February 14, 2009 at 2:26 AM

So much information!

Sam was really “in the stream” babbling like a hybrid.

Ellen, still likes booze! She was so incredibly engaging!

*She is Cavil’s mother.
*She shamed him for the swirl.
*Ellen saying, “I love you because I made you.”

Wow, resurrection equipment still there? (Cavil said) Hmmm, is this how everyone survives? Lots to consider here.

Tyrol the workers representative, Tyrol the cylon representative.

Tyrol saying,”It’s in her bones” ;(

Tigh and Caprica very sweet.

I don’t know what to think about Daniel yet. Artistic. Lots of artistic suspects. Kara, Slick, Piano Daddy, probably more but I need to sleep.

February 14, 2009 at 4:08 AM

My money is on Daniel being Starbucks father. It makes perfect sense with her being the harbinger of the end of humanity – simply because she is the first cylon hybrid. It also makes perfect sense with her having the visions and also the music thing.

February 14, 2009 at 7:04 AM

I’ve not watched this yet but couldn’t resist, how to they get around the ageing thing. If Cylons’ resurrect as we last saw them then how did the 5 survive in the colonies? If they aged why don’t they resurrect as their earliest form? Or is it like the Matrix in that they resurrect how they see themselves – which would be odd that all the variations of the other 7 resurrect the same despite having developed differing personalities.

Maybe Starbuck isn’t the eighth/a cyclon, maybe the eight rediscovered their own resurrection facility, discovered how to transfer the consciousness of humans in to cylon bodies, made Starbuck into a new Cylon. Maybe Daniel is Daniel Graystone or something. Not really thought that out too much.

February 14, 2009 at 9:51 AM

I cannot see Starbuck as Daniel. If she were a cylon, where did she resurrect, where did the pristine viper come from, and how could she not remember resurrecting?

And who the hell cast John “I’m a PC” Hodgman???? What’s next the “mac” guy as Daniel

February 14, 2009 at 10:54 AM

Syfyportal has some thoughts on Daniel. I don’t like any of them, but they are interesting.

February 14, 2009 at 12:20 PM

Obviously this is going to lead to a crossover episode. Daniel has to be Daniel Jackson from SG1. He’s died so many times and come back that he has to be a cylon! Never mind that the show is already over. XD LOL

But seriously, I think that either:

“Remember, Ellen said John “corrupted” the genetic formula that Daniel was maturing in.”

Either John only corrupted the body thus forcing Ellen, or someone, to put Daniel Psych into a different body. I.e. Starbuck, who might have been a prototype or a blank canvas, ect. That would explain why Starbuck is basically not feminine at all.


I think Daniel will some how come back and it will be Felix. Remember how he talked about how creative he was as a child. Now those would have to be false memories, but still, it could be him.

February 15, 2009 at 1:11 AM

Instead of Daniel Jackson from Stargate, I think this show is going to blow our minds by revealing that Daniel is actually Daniel Faraday. When an entire line of Cylons is boxed, it experiences it as going to a VR island in the Pacific Ocean. There, the boxed Cylon gets to relive the experiences of the 13th tribe who first settled the island, led by the ageless Richard Alpert. The Final Five, Tigh, Ellen, Tyrol, Tory and Anders, are actually scientists with the Dharma Initiative, whose main goal is to recover the secret to resurrection/reincarnation, and the island holds the key (the island is the place where the 13th tribe hid their technology when they began procreating on their own).

Further proof:

(1) Ben’s van bears the name “Canton-Rainier”, which is an anagram for “reincarnation”. An obvious nod to the Resurrection ships on BSG.

(2) Every time a base star jumps away in a flash, it rips the fabric of space time a little bit. The boxed Daniel experiences these FTL jumps as jumps in time on the island. Evidence the flash that accompanys each time jump on the Island.

(3) Smokey is representative of Cavil’s soul, or that something “more” that he yearns to be and to “taste dark matter” with. He also serves as a guard against anyone coming to the aid of the boxed Daniel (i.e. the security system.

(4) The dying leader who will lead the human caravan to earth is….***SPOILER ALERT***…..John Locke. (Could they have meant the dead leader who will accompany them back to the island?? Never mind.)

Somebody stop me, I could go on all day here…

February 14, 2009 at 4:24 PM

Could ellen possible mean Danielle instead of Daniel? pronounciation is almost the same. So starbuck could still be number 7.

February 14, 2009 at 6:08 PM

Daniel is Starbucks father.

Can be used to explain everything:
-She’s part Cylon so can come back after she died (and her father probably played some role in that..)
-Father was artistic and wrote that music which we heard in earlier episode

Still think Gaius is involved with Cylon backstory somehow. Curious how. Also was expecting him to end up with the 6 he was fantasizing about all that time. Somewhat disappointed in the way the story has turned on that one.


February 14, 2009 at 6:40 PM

Tim-1: I almost posted this somewhere else, but I, as I’ve said before, like the discussion here more:

Predictable and “our” Boomer. Insert snooty, fun-poking comment here.

That being said, I think it was incredibly interesting that it was actually Boomer that betrayed her line and went with Cavil. I think it speaks to what Cavil said about the line in general (something, sorry Tim-1, I think is a fair assessment).

That being said, lets juxtapose Athena and Boomer. Both are characters that have, to be honest, completely betrayed their entire line, Athena with the humans, and Boomer with the other Cylon faction (Lets presuppose, for the sake of argument, that the humans are, in fact, the “Good Guys” and Cavil’s Cylons are “Bad”). Athena made her move out of what? Love for Helo and Hera, obviously, but also, I would say, a sense of belonging. Boomer, I think sought that same sense of belonging, but was used, she’s obviously realized now, by Cavil.

I know I’ve dropped many a joke about Grace Park, but these comments are not about her as an actor, but really are more of a thought out explanation as to why I really don’t like the Eights.

I will say that I think Athena is the strongest of the Eights, but, conversely, Boomer is the “worst” of them. Which really scares me, based on some of the hints in editing, that there is potential for Boomer and the Chief (and by gods it feels good to call him that again) to end up together.

Tonight was by far my favorite look at the Eights in the show to date.

February 14, 2009 at 6:45 PM

“What was revealed to us throughout Boomer’s attitude was a turning point in her arc. “Even time” as it is reffered to in the bible. As I always knew, Boomer was never a beaten-down depressant. She was never a quitter. True, she was struggling to find truth in a world that went by too fast. she was searching to fill a world that had been ruthlessly emptied out on her. But through it all, Boomer was plying for time, waiting for some event or revelation that could jump-start her direction. Looking for that timely nudge, that would awaken her bedrock qualities of courage, intellect, and decency. An eight came through again.”

I understand where you’re coming through here, but a more cynical person (i.e. me), would call this being an opportunist.

February 14, 2009 at 6:42 PM

Is any one here ‘confused’ about the history and lineage of the Cylons, and their Earthling predecessors? There is a LOT of talk about it in the TVS thread, and I just don’t understand. I think between Ellen, Cavil, and Anders that we finally got a decent explanation as to what the hell it all means.

February 14, 2009 at 7:53 PM

I’m good, I think, on the history and lineage, but I don’t want to take the test yet.

Athena (for me) is a far more likable 8 than Boomer, to be fair Athena has had Helo’s unwavering love and support while Boomer has been handed some bad cards, but to be honest, I have never quite forgiven Boomer for contemplating breaking Hera’s neck. If I were Athena, I would never get over that. (Sorry Tim-1, I have kids, and when I put myself in that hypothetical situation, it always ends badly for Boomer.) That said, I hope Boomer finds the better part of her nature, and if so, maybe she can end up with Chief….

My mind is on the end of this series now. I’ve read theories about the fleet making a jump into the past to populate the colonies of the past or earth of the past. I’m worried it may go that way.

I want to know the answer to the Starbuck question. I want to know why Roslin (now that she believes Pythia is bunk) does not take another Hera transfusion. I want to know if Lee and Kara can be together.

February 14, 2009 at 8:05 PM

And I’ve read that Boomer plays a mean trick on Helo.

February 14, 2009 at 6:54 PM

My money is on the piano player that will show up.

It’s either that, Starbucks dad, or Zack Adama is the “finale” Cylon.

February 14, 2009 at 7:26 PM

@Oreo — It really couldn’t be Zack, since Adama knew him since birth. As Anders explained it, Tigh and the others were “introduced” to the world at certain times. I guess it’s remotely possible Zack was switched at birth with a Cylon.

As for the confusing history, I had to go back and watch Anders’s rantings three times to get it all. The way I understand it, the final five (Anders, Ellen, Tigh, Tyrol and Tori) lived among the humans peacefully thousands of years ago (or possibly without humans at all). They build the Centurions, who wound up rebelling and started to war with the humans and “good” skin-job Cylons. The Centurions were also attempting to create their own skin-job models but were having a hard go at it. In the interest of peace, the skin-job Cylons offered to help the Centurions in return for peace, but that completely backfired and the skin-jobs they created malfunctioned and went about causing mayhem on their own terms.

The final five knew hell was going down, so they quickly decided they’d plan for the inevitable destruction of the planet and worked on getting the “organic memory transfer” working again, to allow them to resurrect into an orbiting ship once the planet went nuclear.

However, Cavil altered the structure of the final five’s memories, basically wiping them away and replacing them with alternatives. Then they were placed into society with the humans.

The timing is what I might not have right in there. Maybe someone else can explain it better.

February 14, 2009 at 11:41 PM

Dorv: I understand your hesitation to embrace Boomer. I….reluctantly but realisticlly accept that some, do not hold Boomer, and indeed any or all of the eights in the same high light as I hold them. I think Dorv, it is a matter of the experiences and insights each of us (as individuals) have grown with, that greatly affects our interpretation of conduct. To a certain degree we are all held captive by our own personal experiences, whether they be pleasant or horrific. Like gravitational force from a celestral body, our feelings and opinions are affected by our own personal past. Forgive me, You probably hate it when I ramble on.

I know Boomer has done some questionable things. But since you have read my post over at TVS, let me try to add some mitigation, that may, if not exonerate her, will at least reveal a continuity that I know you would appreciate because it would exercise logical story canon….something I know you well enough that you respect. When Cavil was complaining about his limitations of his human form, and Boomer questioned Ellen about her guilt, Ellen ( I will paraphrase here) replied to Boomer that the greatest gift of being human was the ability to make your own choices and be an individual who can grow and feel. I think that said a lot of what of Ellen’s (if indeed Ellen really is their maker here) real goal is all about. The created eight cylons from the early episodes were more or less regimented order takers.

But as the series progressed, the cylons began taking on more and more human attributes….love, guilt, emotions, but particuarlly in free will. Yes, it’s true that Athena forsook her race….it is true that Boomer betrayed Cavil. And now we have an entire civil war beween the cylons. There are many examples but the important thing is, that in each case, there is an atonement and idividual thinking going on, and genuine humanlike anxiety over the consequences of their actions (note how Boomer used the phrase “I forgive you” to Ellen). Ellen’s intentions then, for these first eight cylons are being realized. To decide, to err, and to forgive i.e.

I am hoping that whatever sins Boomer and Athena has committed, will be forgive by cylon and human alike.
We still have five weeks to go, so a lot of unanswered questions still remain. Help guide us through all this confusion Dorv. I will be following your comments. oh yes, the Yancy street gang will too.

bsgfan: My dear one. I know Boomer seemed cold with little Hera. But rest assured Boomer would never have remotely contemplated harming that little child. As I was explaining to Dorv, Boomer was in the throes of the darkest period in her life, and was just acting out frustrations. I just have that faith in her. However, I understand how you and Dorv feel. It’s ok. I love your expression “better part of her nature”. While I kindly respect differing opinions of my favorite character, I know you will understand the deepest part of my nature is to uphold her until the very end. And that attitude is with shoulders big enough to understand that not everyone feels that way. Happy Valentine’s day again my friend.

February 15, 2009 at 12:27 AM

Happy Valentines Day to you and yours too! I hope you’ll let us know when your sweet baby is born (very soon, methinks!) Memorize exact weight and height for all to know, and remember your wife is the only star that matters. Life will never be the same, priorities will change, and you’ll go to sleep thinking that all is right in the world as long as your baby is sleeping peacefully. I loooove babies, and I’m so happy for you!

February 15, 2009 at 11:37 AM

Thank you bsgfan. You are right…. any day now, and I will definately keep you posted! It will be born before the season ends so that will make him a battlestar baby! (lol)

February 15, 2009 at 3:48 AM

“Could ellen possible mean Danielle instead of Daniel? pronounciation is almost the same. So starbuck could still be number 7.”

Ellen “Gazelle” (I wonder if that isn’t Giselle) did say “he” when referring to Daniel, although that could just be because they intended for number 7 to be male. It shouldreally be a female though, since there are currently 4 male nd 3 female human cylons.

February 15, 2009 at 9:42 AM

A quick google search shows that according to Wiki, Giselle was a ballet written by Adolphe Adam. Coincidence? It tells the tale of a young emotionally fragile woman who dies protecting her lover, saving his soul. Pre-cylon Ellen was emotionally volatile, and died because she was doing what she had to, in order to save Tigh. If there’s any significance in this, its no more than that throughout the episode there are a number of references relating to the ‘Opera House': words like theater (surgical but also the stage), Cavil’s love of melodrama, the final five being placed back into human society to give them the best audience seats to witness the holocaust of humans, the destruction of the Galactica being compared by Adama to the closing of a book. And, of course, when Anders sees everyone around him glowing, including Starbuck, its the same glow that is shown surrounding the final five when they are in the Opera House. I think I’m going to have to go back and look at some of the episodes with the Opera House in case there are some hidden clues. In these last episodes, the events in the ‘real world’ parallel the symbolic events that take place in the Opera House.

February 15, 2009 at 9:53 AM

There was glowing when Starbuck’s viper was about to explode. There was glowing as Natalie was dying on the operating room table, and Cottle was holding her hand. Perhaps, the glowing refers to the place between life and death?

February 15, 2009 at 10:06 AM

re Ellen…died at the hands of Tigh because she did what she thought was the right thing, to save him, just as Ellen understands the he did to her what he thought was the right thing given her ‘betrayal’. I think the name Daniel is a definite link to Daniel Greystone in Caprica…the name Daniel which is Hebrew, means ‘One who is judged by God’ yes, maybe he’s Starbuck’s father, or maybe Daniel, following Cavil’s tampering with the genetic code, switched from male to female. In this sense, Ellen is right, the Daniel line is dead, but the Danielle line was alive, and she perhaps kept this hidden from Cavil. Dean Stockwell is amazing as the petulant, sadistic little boy, and Ellen’s character makes total and complete sense as the matriarchal creator. I’ve always had problems with the character of President Roslin mostly because unlike her observation of Lee Adama doing the right thing, when he ought to do the smart thing, President Roslin time and time again, did the wrong thing, while simultaneously taking the moral high ground. Yet, I almost feel sorry for her now, not simply because she has cancer and is dying (every time she said that I wanted to rip that bald cap of Mary Macdonald’s head), but because placed in contrast to Ellen, you really do see that Roslin, while the matriarchal figure of the Galactica, is emotionally distant from everyone, something which she is confronted with, and goes a small way to redeeming when she tells Adama she loves him. Ellen, on the other hand, has a warm compassion for all her children, both the centurions (“you’re very kind” she says to the centurion that helps her out of the resurrection pod) and the cylons, even the naughty children like Cavil.

February 15, 2009 at 10:35 AM

I’m looking forward to viewing the interaction between Kara and Ellen.

February 15, 2009 at 10:58 AM

definitely. Hopefully Ellen will have the answers about who Starbuck really is, and maybe who Baltar really is, and why Balter has head six, and six has head Baltar…did she somehow take his mind with her when she downloaded, simultaneously copying herself into his mind, in the process? Or it it more than that? There as that earlier episode where Baltar talked about conducting the orchestra, and described perfectly the strange, ungraspable music (All Along the Watchtower) that the final four all heard. What is Baltar’s role in all of this? I love the character of Baltar. Got to have faith in the writers I guess lol

February 15, 2009 at 6:34 PM

I think Starbuck either is the 7th cylon or has something to do with it. Daniel was artistic and happened to be Ellen’s favorite, then Cavil (John) corrupted the maturing process. Perhaps Ellen had to recreate Daniel in female form in order to hide him from Cavil? Daniel I think, holds the key to all of this. Perhaps Starbuck downloaded to that facility on Earth?

February 15, 2009 at 11:16 PM

in all the discussion i didn’t see anyone mention anyting about LeeOben, the cylon that kept house with kara on new caprica. in all his interractions with her he said over and over agian that they were meant to be together. so 4 male and 4 female models that the 5 created. and leeoben, however you spell his name, doesn’t have to know any of this as a fact. it could be just the intuitive leap that he knows is true. love the discussion and thanks for being the top of my google search :)

February 16, 2009 at 1:45 PM

Sorry I am late everyone. Had a good friend intown this weekend so I just now got to watch the episode.

I am fully onboard to the way the story is going. I am actually digging the even deeper repetitive cycle of the whole thing. The only thing that bugs me is: Tigh actually never fought in the first Cylon war. I had really wished this was true. To me, it is at the core of Tigh and Adama’s relationship. It is what they bonded over when they worked on the freighter together. I hope that will not strain on he and Adama now. The old man needs his XO.

And I strangley have to admit, that all my faith on the show is solely placed on Saul Tigh.

February 16, 2009 at 7:51 PM

As I recall, in the mini – Adama said to Tigh something like, “Starbuck is a better pilot than me, and double as good as you.” I took that to mean that Tigh was a Viper pilot at some point. Also, I recall Tigh knowing exactly what the cylon boarding party would do. I thought that was from first hand experience. (I guess it was an implanted memory?….)

I asked you a question on the bat phone too.

February 16, 2009 at 7:40 PM

When the prequel series was first announced and described as centering on the family feud between the Greystones and Adamas, I thought..hmmm…not quite as emotionally gut wrenching as the war between the humans and the cylons. But that has all changed. The family tree that Caprica will explore further is the family tree that connects the humans, centurions, and cylons, especially if Daniel Greystone is somehow related to the Daniel line of number 7 cylons. Caprica will definitely have a lot to say about the centurion-cylon-human family tree, and it has proven to be the most intriguing aspect of the BSG plot.

February 16, 2009 at 9:03 PM

More Daniel stuff.

The more I think about it, the more I don’t like the Daniel is Starbuck theory. They showed a picture of Starbuck as a young girl in Maelstrom (the scrap book Socrata was paging through) I know that was a vision sequence, but I now have the visual of young growing Kara in my head.

So I could believe she’s somehow Daniel’s daughter, and I still am trying to hold on to Kara being the daughter of Ellen and Tigh.

February 17, 2009 at 1:34 AM

Ok, I’ve read this whole string and I have one big questions. Kara “DIED”, Right? Then she came back and guided them all back to Earth. On Earth Kara and Leeoben found her Raptor with what we are left to believe is Karas’ body. Am I following correctly so far? Leeoben seemed to know something but wouldn’t say. She then burned the body and that is the last that we heard of that. What’s odd is if Leeoben knows she is a cylon why hasn’t he said something, and actually we haven’t really heard from him since that scene.

Another thought is that there has to be a third as yet unseen party. Probably the ones that have something to do with Karas return.

I have a few more observations that no one has addressed in this string, however I will wait until I hear some feed back on what I have mentioned above.

February 17, 2009 at 11:28 AM

I saw it as Leoban has no idea what Starbuck is now. He admitted he was wrong about her and was honestly shocked at finding her body.

February 18, 2009 at 10:24 PM

I remember Leoben being totally freaked out by the body and Kara telling him what the hybrid told her. He just basically got away from her as fast as he could!

February 17, 2009 at 9:40 AM

I read on some site that the Hybrid from Razor was actually Daniel Graystone. It’s possible that he is #7, but I honestly do not expect to find out who that person is or anything more than a tiny tid-bit of information until Caprica comes out. Even if it is Daniel Graystone we won’t know. Daniel is clearly a teaser for the new show.

February 17, 2009 at 8:55 PM

I can’t believe I didn’t notice that there were 1,2,3,4,5,6,8 numbered cylons… If it turns out that the 7th is completely gone, I think I’m going to feel let down. I can’t help but think that the 7th is Guis Baltar. What was that Sam said about the angels appearing that only one person could see? I’m also really hoping that there is no “God” type figure that makes an all of the events are left up to (super-nova, starbuck’s return and her ‘destiny’). Perhaps Baltar is the last cylon and orchestrated all of this and maybe even created Kara (who clearly has resurrected)…although that still doesn’t really explain how he knew they would arrive at the temple of the five on the day of the supernova… and for the record… who destroyed earth?

February 18, 2009 at 12:04 PM

We have never ever had an official listing of the cylons and their numbers.

I think we found out:

The rest I don’t think the show has ever given us an official number on. The battlestar wiki has them layed out which seems to make sense:

February 18, 2009 at 5:23 PM

I must correct myself. I had forgotten about this seasons episode “Six of One”

The numbers of the cylons is listed out there.

February 28, 2009 at 9:39 AM


Starbuck in the original series was a guy. Starbuck in this series was suppose to be a guy but the directors decided to make him a her….

Daniel could be Starbuck…………….

March 1, 2009 at 8:47 PM

Tim, that has to be the worst analysis I’ve ever heard lol…hmmm…I don’t even know where to begin with what you just wrote…if Starbuck were a Daniel, it would have been because Cavil had corrupted the genetic pool, with the possibility that his meddling had changed Daniel cylons from male into female…Anyway, it seems that maybe one of the Daniels was in fact Starbuck’s father, making Starbuck half cylon, but with the added implication that Baltar is also half cylon, the link being the music (remember Baltar talking cryptically to Tory about being the conductor of an orchestra performing music that you couldn’t quite grasp) and also the cylon ability to project…the Chief and Boomer in the house, Baltar and Six in the house, Starbuck seeing her father whom she plays piano with and plays All Along the Watchtower, the final five song, and which Hera’s picture contributed some of the musical notes to, Sol seeing his wife in Six, then Six in his wife. As Dylon and Hendrix say ‘There too much confusion’ but in an amazing way :)

March 10, 2009 at 10:41 AM

I discuss another possibility for Daniel on my site. There’s a chance he may have something to do with the upcoming sci fi series, Caprica.

March 10, 2009 at 11:21 AM

It could. But Ellen said that by the time she and the Five got to Caprica, the First Cylon War was already happening. The war that occurred with the evolved robots that Daniel Greystone had created years before.

The math doesn’t work.

March 11, 2009 at 10:31 AM

she totally is daniel that cavil morphed into a girl when he destroyed the 7 line and thats why shes so frakked up. cavil hated daniel so much and thats why he did it. daniel probably looked like the piano player from the recent episode. and the stuff about her growing up and her father etc are probably plants created by cavil just like he created memories for boomer when she was supposed to think she was human. i mean her memories of her early life are totally sketchy and weird with the white backgrounds and all that crap about “i know what my mother was preparing me for” and the visions etc i mean come on.

March 11, 2009 at 10:35 AM

guys… remember? all we know about the 7s is that his name was daniel, he was an artist, and cavil destroyed the line and killed all of them because he was jealous of him, and then he ordered or programmed the other cylons not to talk about it–which is explained to baltar by the 6 when he goes to the base ship as, “we don’t talk about that (the 7s)” as opposed to the final five, where she says, “we CAN’T talk about them”.

March 25, 2009 at 5:23 PM

Is it possible that Starbuck could be the daughter of this Daniel?

March 25, 2009 at 5:39 PM

Unfortunately, no. RDM has stated publicly in as many places as he can, that Daniel holds not importance to the overall plot (ergo Starbuck).

April 12, 2009 at 4:12 AM

I’ve written a 2 part review of BSG on my blog for scifi uk (NBC Universal) which you can check out here—par/

May 5, 2009 at 1:16 PM

SPOILER FOR CAPRICA SERIES!!!! Don’t read if you don’t want to know! SPOILERS!!!

During Caprica the series, you find out that Bill Adama’s sister was one of the very first cylon humanoid created. Tamara was created after she was killed in a suicide bombing that also killed her mother as well as Daniel Graystone’s daughter, Zoe (very 1st cylon.) Zoe was the one who actually put her own subconcious into a hologram, so her father put it into a cylon body afterwards. Who’s to say that Starbuck isn’t a later model? At that point there were no hybrids, just cylon humanoids. So how were they to grow up if they were machines? Could it be possible that with each passing year they would upgrade the models, make them older versions. So why couldn’t Starbuck be an older model, the final model? Who’s to say that when she died and was brought back her subconcious wasn’t awakened? So many questions, so many possibilities, it’ll be exciting to see the new series!

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