CliqueClack TV

Chuck – Meet the Carmichaels

Andy Richter & Jenny McCarthyI almost expected Chuck to either leave his coffee on the roof of his car or back into someone else’s minivan when he was leaving for work on his first day undercover as a happily married couple with Sarah. It was absolutely adorable. Of course it all had to go to hell right away.

You know how Moonlighting dragged those romantic sparks between Maddie Hayes and David Addison out over years and years before finally getting them together and ruining the show? Well, it’s getting almost painful to watch Chuck and Sarah pining for each other, each denying their own feelings from each other and yet sharing these beautifully intimate moments. Damn, these writers are good!

It was a sweet moment when Sarah made Chuck breakfast, and not because the house was bugged or anyone was spying on them but just because. And it’s amazing that those little moments can tug the heartstrings and make you care so much about these star-crossed kids.

But even that was nothing compared to the Fulcrum Intersect (that’s what I’m calling it) later. Three little words, an embrace and a hand squeeze with a fake wedding ring spoke so much about what goes unspoken between them. Yes, Chuck was saving Sarah’s life by holding her ears and keeping her from seeing the Fulcrum image stream but it was the way. The passion.

It’s the little things that make this one of the sweetest and hardest love stories on television to watch. The moments that come so close to being real only to be taken away by a mission or a mandate. And now that Chuck apparently has both the government Intersect and the Fulcrum one in his head, his importance has doubled.

It’s too bad that in saving Sarah, we lost both Andy Richter and Jenny McCarthy, not to mention various other “neighbors.” If Fulcrum was willing to populate a cul de sac for their Intersect project, it really makes you wonder just how deep this conspiracy goes. It’s too bad Chuck can’t just browse the data he’s downloaded.

Having this new database does make its a lot less likely that he’ll be killed once the Intersect is rebuilt, whenever that happens. That should take a load off of Casey. But poor Sarah has fallen hard for Chuck and I don’t know who’s feeling the pain more between the two of them. Maintaining a fake cover relationship, struggling to pretend you’re doing what you really want to be doing in front of everyone. I can’t even imagine.

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Chuck | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

7 Responses to “Chuck – Meet the Carmichaels”

February 18, 2009 at 9:16 AM

I didn’t see Chuck looking behind him when he reversed out of his driveway, I know it’s a quiet road but he could have easily hit someone/something. The irresponsible bar steward.

February 18, 2009 at 10:51 AM

Lol! I had the same thought about the cup on top of the car, and my husband said as Chuck was backing out of the driveway, “He’s gonna run something over!” We were a little disappointed nothing happened.

February 18, 2009 at 11:03 AM

Chuck is the “A-Team” of our time. To be honest I find it kind of funny that you interpret so much into the relationship between Chuck and Sarah. There’s absolutely nothing going on but pining. They don’t have “moments”. They are both a bunch of sad people for not just doing what they want to do. You say they understand each other without talking, I say they don’t talk. Period.

JK Rowling pulled the same BS from Book 4 to the start of book 7 in Harry Potter. Nobody’s really talking, they don’t act on their feelings and it’s all just a bunch of doesn’treallymatterwhatwedo episodes. I mean honestly we know that they both won’t die, they won’t get together, they won’t kiss they won’t touch they will do absolutely nothing. It’s the perfect stalemate. I mean “Smallville” is porn compared to this nothingness.

“Remington Steele” had more romance Chuck in the opening credits and it didn’t feel so god awful braindead. All the guys in the Buy More could be named Chuckles for that’s what they there for. “If it bleeds it’s human” and a tossed in “Skinjob”. GAWD. This is humor on a level so low… it’s like a big Adam Sandler movie every time. It’s demeaning – for me to have to endure such “jokes”. At least on “The Big Bang Theory” the guys making these geeky references are actual geeks. These guys… they just have enough braincells to put their socks on in the morning.

The icing on the cake for me was Zach Levy at the Celebrity NBA Allstar Game. I couldn’t stop laughing. “Publicity stunt” written all over it.

There I feel better now. That was the umpteenth time I tuned into Chuck and ended up with the feeling I have when I eat a pound of sugar. All scho schweet but no nutritional value. And it hurts me every time I see Adam Baldwin act in this show to know that he was on something so much better that got canceled. Man.

February 18, 2009 at 12:03 PM

I was expecting him to leave the coffee on the roof just because Ive done it a few times leaving Starbucks and just wanted to see someone else make such a stupid move.

February 18, 2009 at 10:07 PM

I was with Sebastian up until he admitted to watching the Celebrity NBA Allstar Game.

February 19, 2009 at 9:46 AM

I still can’t get past the idea that a top secret government spy database only needs updating every year or so to remain relevant.

February 22, 2009 at 4:41 PM

This article has pretty much summed up for me how I see Chuck atm – the moments between Chuck and Sarah are super sweet (oh man.. I sound geeky) and incredibly hard to watch! Because you know what you (as a viewer) want, you know what they want but nothing ever happens! Well, I mean it does happen, but it takes an eternity, and right up until something does eventually happen, the characters are all caught up in this angst-y conflict within themselves and around each other. It’s torture! (metaphorically speaking, of course =D)

There’s a reason Jeff, Lester + the others are called ‘nerds’ and not ‘geeks’ – because that’s exactly what they are. I see a geek as being really smart and talking very intellectually, possibly even cocky sometimes, whereas a nerd is more somebody who kinda participates in, sometimes seclusive, and weird activities. Like videogaming. Anyone can play video games with practice.

I was really bummed at losing the ‘friendly’ neighbours as well, I thought they were pretty cool, if fulcrum, characters. Unlike my favourite ‘baddie’, Tommy, they were playful, and kept the show lighthearted, even if they did test on and kill CIA operatives every other week. They were funny – so it’s cool. =D

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