CliqueClack TV

Chuck – A perfect blend of everything that makes this show fun

Chuck - "Chuck Versus the Best Friend"Wow, kudos to the Chuck writing team. If ever there was an episode that captured every little nuance and quirk that makes Chuck such a fun show to watch, it was this one. It’s also key to note the use of the word fun. Like summer blockbusters, Chuck is the kind of show you sit down with a giant tub of popcorn, maybe some booze and a bunch of buddies to laugh, shout and throw things at the screen. Okay, maybe things got a little carried away last night but you can’t take this stuff too seriously.

But seriously, we got a little bit of everything tonight, except for Big Mike and Emmett who were conspicuously absent. Other than that, we touched base in a meaningful way with every single member of the cast.

Chuck & Morgan – Their friendship has been a backbone of this show since the beginning, and one of the major pieces connecting the spy world to the Buy More world. Tonight, Chuck risked everything to come to Morgan’s rescue, and Morgan … well he actually grew up a little bit. Not that he wasn’t spying on Anna in an incredibly involved and creepy way, but that he owned up to his own shortcomings and actually determined to go out and face the music with the Triad. Of course, he didn’t realize that the only reason the Triad thought he was a spy was because they found Chuck’s bug (seriously Chuck, you couldn’t have put that on the inside of the leg where it was less visible?).

Casey & Sarah – Downplaying the simmering “love” between Sarah and Chuck, we instead got a pretty straight-up spy caper performance out of Chuck’s handlers this week. A particular high note was when Casey was hanging onto the roof of Chuck’s car trying to negotiate his way in. Kudos on the remote control so that Casey could drive from the passenger side, but for some reason I thought we knew already that was possible. Still, we did get the contrived ending where Sarah thinks Chuck died in the explosion so she can get all emotional for a second before he steps into the frame. Just shut up and eat your popcorn. None of this is to be taken too seriously.

Jeffster – As proof of how not seriously to take the show, I present to you Jeffster. I don’t know when Jeff and Lester formed a band, but their storyline tied in perfectly with Awesome and Ellie’s. We even got that popcorn feel-good moment in the end when Jeffster got to audition for the engaged duo. Of course, they didn’t take it so far as to actually hire them, but the moment was still there. More popcorn?

Couples – Tonight was about couples. Of course we have Chuck and Sarah pining over one another, but it was Morgan’s pining over Anna that drove the plot of the entire episode. Then there’s Devon and Ellie, Jeff and Lester, hell, even the General is going out for drinks with Condoleezza Rice. Poor Casey, he’s all alone on this one. At least he has his gun. I can’t even imagine Casey in a relationship.

Car Chases, Chick Fights and Explosions – Come on now, what more do you need? We had two hot chicks fighting in a car and a car chase. But what is it that makes any summer blockbuster memorable? EXPLOSIONS! Okay, it was only a car but still it was a fiery explosion. This is a television budget, after all. But man, did they get the formula just right.

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Chuck | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Chuck – A perfect blend of everything that makes this show fun”

February 25, 2009 at 2:15 PM

Anyone else want a Jeffster shirt? I would buy one in a heart beat.
I love this show. You are dead on. It has all the important dynamics that make a show great.
I hope we get many more season of Chuck.

February 25, 2009 at 4:49 PM

“Idiots on the move.” Casey is the best. :)

February 25, 2009 at 7:00 PM

The best thing about this show is the titles. The music just rocks and I love that little guy running around.

To be honest I think I would watch an hour long show with the little stick man.

The rest of the regular show that is Chuck is – to be honest – insulting my intelligence on a minute by minute basis. It has “Employee of the month” qualities. SUFI. *blech* I keep coming back to this because the three leads (four if you count in Chuck’s sister) are such good actors who ooze comfort and friendship and are given such garbage to perform. This all could be so much better, so high brow but instead it’s the A-Team in a Best Buy. Of course it finds its audience but come on… *sigh*

February 25, 2009 at 10:23 PM

I actually clicked on this review thinking, “Let’s see what Sebastian’s going to complain about this week.”

Seriously, dude, why do you keep watching if it pisses you off so much?

February 25, 2009 at 11:12 PM

Jeffster rules!

Loved the GLG20 too.

February 26, 2009 at 2:27 PM

Chuck is just plain FUN. Nothing serious, nothing substantial, nothing profound, just a fun ride.

I’d like to see more lighthearted shows like Chuck and Leverage. Watching TV for a break from the day seems a little more refreshing when it’s something upbeat, not that I don’t like my “heavy” shows, too, but some popcorn fluff is uplifting when you need it.

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