CliqueClack TV

Chuck – Slumber party at the Buy More

Zachary Levi & Yvonne Strahovski, "Chuck"Things are getting serious in the world of Chuck Bartowski. So serious, in fact, that the General actually showed up in person at Chuck’s apartment complex. The build-up to the promised “game changing” finale is clearly upon us. With Intersect creator Orion in the equation and Fulcrum closing in it’s looking less and less possible for Chuck to maintain his normal life as well as his spy one.

The shenanigans of the episode involved the addition of the Beverly Hills Buy More, and saw Big Mike take things into his own hands in a very unexpected, and slightly out of character, way. I guess Morgan’s mother is a bad influence on him. Hell, he’s acting positively fatherly toward Morgan!

Still, I have a hard time reconciling Big Mike’s character as it’s been presented so far with the Big Mike we saw this week, following through on a plan to literally trash a rival Buy More. The man is a company man through and through. Emmett is even more company than him, and he was on board as well, but the Emmett arc has taken the most bizarre turns of any on the show. How did an efficiency expert brought in from corporate wind up as a lowly assistant manager? Just to keep Tony Hale on board?

But the main thrust of the episode was Orion, who reminded me a lot of Rebel from Heroes. Just like Rebel, Orion was able to tap into virtually any and all of the computers and cell phones that he wanted to in order to communicate with Chuck.

And while I absolutely believed that Orion was legitimate, I found myself starting to doubt the General. Wouldn’t it be a cluster … well you know … if the General turned out to be Fulcrum. She could be just all military, as Sarah indicated, but she seemed even more sinister tonight toward Chuck. Probably a stretch, but if I’m right I expect a cookie or something.

I’m also not buying that Orion is really dead. It seemed too easy and Orion should be way too smart to fall for that simple of a ploy. How easy is it to put someone else in a trenchcoat and sunglasses and give him the handy arm strap keyboard?

The intensity of the show is really ratcheting up the past few weeks. Continuity is growing and the back story is getting more serious as well. And while I have no idea how long they can successfully keep the serious spy business going on right underneath, literally, the goofy world of Chuck’s day-to-day life, I hope they get at least another season. I have no idea what the “game change” is, unless it’s revealing the General as Fulcrum and Chuck, Casey and Sarah have to go completely underground (but what about Chuck’s friends and families then), but I’m anxious and excited to find out!

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Chuck | Episode Reviews | General | Revenge | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Chuck – Slumber party at the Buy More”

March 25, 2009 at 10:54 AM

I don’t know why I am doing this to myself but again I started watching an episode of “Chuck” and this time I made it up until the point where Big Mike asks about the Computer and if it’s the one that’s supposed to be delivered and he gets told that yes this is the one.

How can anyone on earth keep watching after that. How? The sheer idiocy of that situation made me want to yell at people. How hard is it it say NO THIS ISN’T IT, I’M CHUCK, IT WAS ADRESSED TO ME IT IS MINE!?!?

This show actually needs FOUR actors playing total idiots to contrast the supposedly intelligent people working for an intelligence agency. No wait, five. That Arrested Development alumn Tony Hale plays another idiot. And the guys from the other Buy More? Idiot jocks.

Gawd this could be such a good show but instead it’s the 21st century version of the 3 stooges.

March 25, 2009 at 3:26 PM

Well,um, I think if Chuck would have come out right and say its mine. I think that would have raised more questions. Its “comic relief”.

March 26, 2009 at 5:29 AM

Yeah I know that it’s comic relief it’s just that I can accept that on “All in the Family” or “Frasier” when farce happens but in this instance it wouldn’t have caused more problems due to the simple fact that a) the delivery guy said it was for Chuck and b) the guys simply thought it’s a computer game up until that point. I didn’t see a valid reason to do so and as Jason pointed out it seems they don’t really have a problem simply fitting every square peg into round holes just to get their story forward. Tony Hale is suddenly playing a totally different character than before. Big Mike acts out of character as well, and don’t get me stared on this on again/off again love of Chuck and Sarah.

It’s just that it all doesn’t make any sense and I for one can only laugh if it’s _intelligent_ humor and not something in the “whiffle bat to the nuts” department (although I like that on AFHV). I guess it’s also the reason why I can’t stand “Worst week”.

It’s just that Adam Baldwin is such a good actor and Yvonne Strahovski and Zachary Levi have such great on-screen chemistry I really feel that this show could be so much more than what it is. It’s aiming for the lowest possible point and then manages to hit even lower. It’s just sad. I like the premise, I like the actors, I like the SF/X, I even like the studio setup and story-wise even the shenanigans but the rest of the writing is just soo low brow it’s like a caterpillar fallen to the ground. *sigh*

March 26, 2009 at 8:57 AM

I love a good whiffle bat to the nuts. The extra fat bat that tiny kids use. Preferably wielded by a tiny child with a hat two sizes too large obscuring his or her vision at point of impact.

Big Mike knew it was the computer. The question was rhetorical. He was taking that computer and to get in the way of that would bust the cover. Either way, it was funny and it worked to set up more hilarity.

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