CliqueClack TV

American Idol: The Top Mediocre Eight and results show


Michael’s back Guest-clacking about American Idol again….

(This entry didn’t make it to yesterday’s posting. It is provided here, none the worse for wear … combined with Michael’s results show commentary, so read on….)


An hour (more, actually) of so-so so-ness from everyone Tuesday night. You can’t call’em high-lights and you can’t call’em low-lights, so here, for you dining and dancing pleasure, are the mediocre-lights for The Top Eight:

Danny “The Gokester” Gokey “Stand By Me,” Mickey Gilley (1980)
Not anywhere near what he’s capable of, but it doesn’t make a difference this early in the game. The Gokester’s not going anywhere.

Kris Allen “All She Wants to Do is Dance,” Don Henley (1985)
Ouch. This was a mess of a performance. From the goofy vocals right down to the arrangement, this was nothing less than a song gone wrong. Everyone stumbles. This was Kris’ gaff.

Lil Rounds “What’s Love Got to Do With It,” Tina Turner (1984)
Talk about a tune swallowing you whole. This one did just that for Lil. In the earlier rounds, she was kicking some butt. Now? The lilt in her voice isn’t doing her any favors and she has zero command of the songs she sings. What happened? Lil is not long for the competition unless she can pull a performance out of her hat.

Anoop Desai “True Colors,” Cyndi Lauper (1986)
Anoop is a hit and miss kinda guy. Last week he was utterly dreadful. This week he hit the nail on the head. This song could have tripped him up spectacularly, but he took control of it, spun it just right and came away the winner. When Anoop is on, he’s on. This was what we saw when he originally got through in the competition. Nice to have you back.

Scott MacIntyre The Search is Over”, Survivor (1985)
Scott, it’s been a good run for you, but you’ve met your end. This was nothing less than atrocious. I like the guy, but you have to wonder, especially after a performance like this, how he lost so much steam so quickly. The guitar licks did nothing but emphasize how poorly his singing was on this tune. And that cracking, screeching falsetto had me not only grimacing, but holding my hands to my ears as well. *yikes*

Allison “Red” Iraheta “I Can’t Make You Love Me,” Bonnie Raitt (1992)
Red blows every other candidate for the top spot out of the water. She takes a song — even a throw away tune such as this one — and makes it something you want to hear all over again. She knows exactly what to do with it and goes out there and does it. Even when she falters, as she did a time or two during her performance, it’s as if you don’t notice because you’re convinced she knows exactly what she’s doing. And she does.

Matt Giraud “Part-Time Lover,” Stevie Wonder (1985)
I have no idea what the judges were hooting and hollering about with this dance-floor-smoothy version of Little Stevie’s minor hit, but I had to take a roll of paper towels and wipe the overly-sweet sugariness out of my mouth when he was done. I think I have a cavity. Sadly, I believe Matt’s hanging around another week.

Adam “Screaming Mimi” Lambert “Mad World,” Tears for Fears (1982)
How can you go wrong with a Tears For Fears tune? You can’t, really. And if you do, it’s not for the sake of a badly written tune, let me tell you. So Adam decided to take on the Gary Jules version of this song, hmmm? Outside a minor almost-screech and a falsetto gone south a bit, there wasn’t a single thing wrong with this performance. And here’s the rub: I don’t like Adam. A friend told me I wouldn’t like this performance. I’m happy to report that is not the case.

Bottom Three Prediction: Scott MacIntyre, Lil Rounds and Matt Giraud. And I believe it’s the end of the line for Scotty.


(And the wrap up from last evening.)

Hey, how ’bout a quick wrap up?

The opening song went on forever … and ever … and ever … and ever … and ever … ad nauseum. Didn’t it?

“You spin my head right round right round when you go down when you go down …” Talk about your ‘R’ rated Idol shows. Has there ever been such a thing? ‘Cause this Flo-Rida song made it one tonight, folks.

Picker. She’s grown up, but she’s still the same ‘ole Pickler. And sorry, the song was laughable … especially when she “gah-gah-gagged” through the middle of it.

You see my Bottom Three picks above. But Matt was replaced with Anoop. Reminds me of Meatloaf: “… two outta three aint’ bad …”

And in the end, my pick for the ousting came true. (Doesn’t seem like there was any big trick to that now, was there?) Scott, Scott, Scott. How is it you did so, so much better the second time ‘round on that song? You were actually pulling it off somewhat … until you hit that the high note once more.

I am going to miss you, Scotty. It was a genuine kick you got this far along in the competition.

Photo Credit: FOX

11 Responses to “American Idol: The Top Mediocre Eight and results show”

April 9, 2009 at 7:18 PM

Hey, after three posts isn’t that more then just a guest appearance?

I am gonna kind of miss Sam Wise aka Scott.

The last time I saw a head spin round and round was in the Exorcist.

April 9, 2009 at 8:03 PM

I just want to know what’s the deal with Anoop and his sweaters? Is it like Danny and his spectacles? (He has 18 pair to date, you know)

Why are the stylists dressing the remaining ladies so poorly. Seriously. Lil made me long for Epcot and I’ve never even been there. I was certain Adam and Seacrest have both worn the shirt Alison was wearing (the ugly blue and black plaid.)

April 9, 2009 at 10:58 PM

Nice recap of BOTH nights!!!

I was happy to see that VFTW did NOT succeed this time.
I’m happy Scott made it this far. I always knew he’d never win, but it was fun watching him try.

I continue to predict Scott will be a huge hit on the tour -I just HOPE I can afford the ticket this year so I can see for myself.

I think Anoop and Lil are the most in trouble from here on out.

Hmmmm if this is gonna become a regular thing, I just may hafta bookmark the site :)

April 9, 2009 at 11:44 PM

Once again, we’re on the same page. And this one is oh so much easier to respond to.

I fear Adam will win, my friend. Although I believe Allison should take it. They are by far the most consistent. But I believe the drama queen will inevitably win the day. Next week he’s going to be in his element for certain. I’m expecting it will be a joy to watch actually. I like his flair. Just not his self assured nature.

Nice review/recap.

April 10, 2009 at 12:24 AM

Ok Guest. I totally agreed with everything you posted! Great review! I’m glad Scott went home. I was tired of his voice. Didn’t care for the flo-rida either.
Anyway. Just wanted to say how much I agreed with your review!

April 10, 2009 at 12:47 AM

As far as all the performances go….I agree with you on ALL of them, imagine that?!? Although when I heard Adam’s “Jules” version I really liked it at first!! However, having time to think about it since then….let’s just do the version that was originally recorded in that year, shall we??

The recap on the results show…when can we cut that back to a half hour?? Maybe even fifteen minutes, but we’ll never get that lucky!!

April 10, 2009 at 1:34 AM

Well, the thing that stuck in my mind when the night was over with and pretty much kept me up all night is that Flo-Rida lead singer dude had the IQ of a cumquat. No offense to cumquats!

I expect LiL will be Aretha Franklin next week. Weird little hat with the giant bow and extra padding. The girl is having an identity crisis. I almost couldn’t watch her Tina Turner impersonation. Weird.

Scotty is gone but not forgotten. I had a soft spot for the kid.

Adam will win and become the first robot to take the title. Groovy.

April 10, 2009 at 11:14 AM

Yep, We agree.

Very happy to see Scott gone. He’s a nice kid and all that sweet sappy stuff but I didn’t care for his vocals and lack of range. He’ll do well on the tour and good for him for making it thus far.

Still don’t care too much for the screaming mimi but dern it, when he tones it down.. he’s right on the money. He’ll probably take the title this year but I still have hope that Allison will give him a run for his money.

Speaking of Allison.. I just love her! Such a talented young thing. She’s the only reason I’m still watching the show this year.

As for the remaining contestants.. “meh”

April 10, 2009 at 2:36 PM

Great review. I am glad Scott is gone. Did not like the save chat between the judges. Not sure why they had the flo rida dude on but oh well. You are right pickler is pickler and she always will be.

I would love to see Allison win the show but like you and lowsie I am afraid it will be Adam.

April 10, 2009 at 2:52 PM

Wow…we found Uncle G/Rupe!!! Great review and way better over here!!! I’m so happy to have found my best snarker friend over yonder–missed my buddy!

April 10, 2009 at 8:53 PM

You can run, but you can’t hide dear Uncle G!!!–Great
review, and I think you have outdone yourself for sure..
Nice hearing it over here…”Andy Pandy” :)(Miss ya bud!)

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