CliqueClack TV

American Idol: The (Gag)nificent (Unlucky) Seven Redux … Again

American Idol Simon Paula

While not as lackluster as last week, this Tuesday night version of American Idol doesn’t deserve much talking about with two interesting exceptions.

Read on, McDuff … and don’t blink. This is the short version:
Lil Rounds – I’m Every Woman – Chaka Khan
Nope. Nope. No you’re not, Lil. You’re a sausage stuffed in black and trying to get a performance out. That’s what you are.

Kris Allen – She Works Hard For The Money – Donna Summer
Did anyone hear a whole lot of Doobie Bros “Listen to the Music” in that performance? Because there was. Tons of it. Best performance of the night, nothing less than an outstanding performance.

Danny “The Gokester” Gokey – September – Earth Wind and Fire
Nowhere near his best. Cracky and a bit wacky. But, still, he’s not going anywhere.

Allison “Red” Iraheta – Donna Summer – Hot Stuff
This was unusual for Red in that she fell flat on her face this time around. Something that was completely out of character for Red.

Adam “Screaming Mimi” Lambert - If I Can’t Have You – BeeGees
First and foremost, that fall away shot of everybody’s friend Paula “Pauler” Abdul was nothing less than classic. She looked as if she was going to flood the judge’s table with tears.

Okay. Adam. Breath-y and horrible is what he was. He messed with the BeeGees and it was not good. And I hate to be condescending here, but something about his hair looked goofy. What was it? What, what, what? Oh! I know! He looked like Syndrome from The Incredibles, Mr. Incredible’s throw-off wannabee sidekick that turned into the arch-enemy of the film. Dead on.

Matt Giraud – Staying Alive – BeeGees
Simon said exactly what I was thinking: That was a desperate attempt at a BeeGees’ disco offering. With all the feeling he could, Matt sung: “I’m goin’ nowhere …” Yup. That’s absolutely 100% dead on. And was he out of breath after that performance? Did he hurt himself doing the song? ‘Cause he looked as if he was in pain at the end.

Anoop Desai – Dim The Lights – Donna Summer
“No need to worry baby …” Oh, no. There’s some worrying that needs to be done there, Anoop.

Matt Lil … see you in the funny papers, guys.

Photo Credit: FOX

8 Responses to “American Idol: The (Gag)nificent (Unlucky) Seven Redux … Again”

April 22, 2009 at 12:05 PM

I almost completely disagree with everything you wrote except that Kris Allen has really become good! When I first saw him in the top 13 I didn’t know who he was and figured he would be long gone, he has done an amazing job. I don’t see him winning, but he will get far in life anyways.

April 22, 2009 at 1:04 PM

I agree with everything you wrote. I can’t stand Adam, and Alison’s outfit was offense to my eyes. Go Kris.

April 22, 2009 at 2:15 PM

I couldn’t agree more. I think it will be Matt and Lil. I’m hoping the judges didn’t shoot themselves in the foot by using the save. I’m worried about Allison this week.

April 22, 2009 at 5:20 PM

I think it will be Anoop and Lil. I just can’t believe how the judges are just so amazed with Adam’s bad singing. I know that some of the others did ten times better than he did. It’s like someone paid the judges to give bad critics to everyone but Adam. Paula and her “Pool of Abdul”, I thought that was funny of Ryan to say even though I didn’t feel like crying for the same reason as her.

April 22, 2009 at 6:00 PM

Lil and Danny bore me. Sure they have good voices but I wouldn’t buy either of their cds. Danny takes no risks and sings the songs by the book every week – boring. At least last week Lil tried something and it was her best cause it showed a little personality. I get nothing from her this week – but the feeling of boredom.

Kris Allen has been a favorite of mine for weeks. I’m impressed with him. Loved him last week, which I thought was his best until last night which beat last week. He is someone I’d buy a cd (or download from iTunes). He’s being creative, he looks the part of an “idol”. I just really like this guy. This is the guy I’d like see win.

Adam is good. I like he takes risks and like to see him in the end with Kris. I don’t think he’s god’s gift but I like the guy and he’s creative. I didn’t care for Play that funky music but most of everything else was better than the rest of the crowd

Allison – good voice, but tired of her singing so too adult for her.

Anoop – don’t think much about him

Matt- they wasted their save last week. If your in the bottom 3 two/three times people aren’t passionate about you and they won’t head out to buy your music. He tries too much to be Justin Timberlake when he should be Matt

oh and Danny is my David A. I never got the appeal last season of David. He was this little kid – good voice but did nothing for me, that’s how I feel about Danny

April 22, 2009 at 7:52 PM

Did anyone else catch Ryan’s Groucho Marx eyebrow comment to Anoop? It seemed like a normal comment but actually it was totally awful..I’m curious if he’ll apologize about it tonight.

April 23, 2009 at 1:07 AM

Well, I about half agree and half disagree with you this week. Whereas I pretty much disagreed with 90% of you wrote last week, so I suppose we’re making progress here.

Oh, I do have to point out the song ‘If I Can’t Have You’ was done by “Yvonne Elliman” and not the “Bee Gees”. But hey, you know me when it comes to stuff like that!! LOL

April 26, 2009 at 10:26 PM

Good review…I know they’re singing poorly when I start picking apart hair styling and clothing ensembles. And you’re right about Yvonne Elliman singing If I Can’t Have You, but you knew that already.

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