CliqueClack TV

American Idol – A pack of rat pack wannabees … packed in coats and ties

Okay. Let’s just give in and say it.

They all did well this evening. I mean … we’re gliding along in the Top Five of the competition. They’re all good. Right? Right?


You have to admit: They all had their good points. Some better than others.

Kris Allen was strong with “The Way You Look Tonight.” Allison “Red” Iraheta’s “Someone To Watch Over Me” was better, granted. And Matt Giraud tried with “My Funny Valentine,” but he just couldn’t cut through the thickness of attitude and raised expectations of the others.

The Gokester — Danny Gokey — belted it out supremely; he doned well. And the ‘ole Screaming Mimi, Adam Lambert, did his usual thang with “Feeling Good,” which is to say he yelped his way yet again into the hearts of the bubble-gummers with that “rock edge” planted firmly into his version of the tune. Too heavy on the theatrics, not enough truism for my taste. But that’s usually the case with Adam for me. (Go back and do “Mad World” once more, Adam, and I’ll sit up and take notice.)

I have to admit though: the highlight of the show was JT … er, I mean Matt. Not for his singing, but for the fact my eldest daughter was sitting beside me, dissecting and mocking his every line of “My Funny Valentine.”

Some examples:

Matt’s “… you make me smile with my heart …” caused her to blurt: “Well, you sure don’t make mine smile, buddy,” her sarcasm just getting started.

His “… your looks are laughable” elicited, “And believe me, I’m laughing now, Hat Boy.” I was actually chuckling when she said that.

Then she got me wondering what he’d say next. Crooning “Yet you’re my favorite work of art,” I turned to my daughter and asked comically: “Did he just say his favorite thing was to ‘work a fart’?!?” The daughter, well … she busted in a loud guffaw.

How juvenile of me. Fun, but juvenile. (It was a connecting moment with my offspring. Get off me.)

So … Matt emoted; he just didn’t pull it off anywhere near as much as the others.

And that’s why finally, with all those bottom three appearances under his belt, their culmination will result in a final walk off the stage come elimination night for Mr. Matt Giraud.

Mayhap with a bit of flourish by him dropping his hat right there on the spot.

*whew* Enough Rat Pack imitations to last the rest of the season. Me thinks it’ll be good to see Taylor Hicks since he’s in town with the “Grease” crew …..

Photo Credit: FOX

2 Responses to “American Idol – A pack of rat pack wannabees … packed in coats and ties”

May 1, 2009 at 8:26 PM

Your daughter is now my hero.

May 6, 2009 at 12:36 AM

Sooo…when do writer and daughter start their weekly radio show? You can liven things up with a runny commentary..oh yeah seriously!

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