CliqueClack TV

The Unusuals – Delahoy’s hallucinations? Oy vey


This week’s episode didn’t thrill me as much as the one with Banks and Delahoy in the murder store, but it was still good. The story with Banks being “dead” gave me a little start, but I figured they wouldn’t kill off a main character so early in the series — and Lord help us if they do and he comes back as a ghost. I wasn’t into the Izzie ghost story on Grey’s Anatomy, and I’m not into it here either. And speaking of that…

Must we have a bunch of hallucinations from Delahoy and his brain tumor? I’m already bored with the story about him seeing his high school girlfriend at every turn. Though I did like it when he threatened the medical examiner with turning her in (for not ID’ing the fake Banks) to get her to examine him. Then when he flinched when she drew blood, she told him, “Stop being a girl.” This relationship might actually go somewhere.

I appreciated that Delahoy let the other Eric Delahoy – the one who stole his identity and was living a quiet suburban life with his wife and kids – keep his identity. Maybe the real Delahoy figures he might not be around that much longer anyway, so someone ought to use it.

Other stuff:

Is it a requirement that cops in Second Squad have a phobia? We’ve got Walsh’s fear of hospitals, Banks’ fear of death and germs, and now Shraeger’s fear of boats. I’m sure I’m missing some, including Cole’s fear that someone will learn about his shady past. Not sure that counts as a phobia, though.

That “dead” business could have come in handy with Banks. Loved it when he told the guy who sold his I.D. to the Chinese guy that since he’s legally dead, he could come around the table and beat the crap out of him.

Alvarez and the whole mustache thing is funny. “Redford … classic.” And “We mustaches gotta stick together.”

Banks to Delahoy, about the stolen identities: “At least your guy actually improved your credit score. Meanwhile, mine bought a new TV every week.”

What did you guys think of this episode?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “The Unusuals – Delahoy’s hallucinations? Oy vey”

May 7, 2009 at 12:03 PM

Loved the entire episode.

Banks’s reaction to being dead.

Delahoy’s high school girlfriend not being dead, but reminding him she’s married in real life when he wants to call her. Liked that it was her varsity jacket and not his.

Delahoy actually muttered under his breath when leaving the ID thief that he’ll have the name all to himself soon enough.

In the 1313, I actually felt more for Alvarez than Walsh. The rules are there for a reason. Agreed on the mustache appreciation society.

I didn’t think Shraeger was afraid of boats so much as dreading her motion sickness on them. Her snark was in fine form this week.

Took me until the 50 minute mark to miss Cole and Beaumont.

May 8, 2009 at 12:06 AM

I seemed to me that the medical examiner’s voice changed at the end was his hallucination’s voice. Although I do like the idea of Delahoy getting involved with her. THis show keep’s reminding me of Hill Street Blues

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