CliqueClack TV

Bones – In which much sperm was discussed


Okay, the Stewie thing worked. At first, I thought it was going to be just another case of network synergy that FOX loves to trot out every week. Yet, as the episode progressed Stewie’s appearance was an integral part of the story. Particularly towards the end of the episode (that’s not a spoiler, is it?). If Booth hadn’t seen Stewie at the sperm clinic and during in the interrogation room we wouldn’t have known that Seeley had some medical issues.

All right, we would have probably known anyway. For someone as stable as Seeley it was very unusual for him to hallucinate this season. First it was Luc Robitaille, then it was a former Army buddy whom he thought he got killed, then an animated baby with a football head. Obviously Seeley wasn’t doing well … it was just hard to see by us viewers because the hallucinations he was having seemed to be connected to medical issues (concussion at hockey rink) and stressful panic (trying to escape from the Gravediggers trap).

Now, here’s the thing about Booth’s tumor: towards the end of last season Seeley was shot by a stalker? At the end of the next-to-last episode it seemed like curtains for Seeley as he lay bleeding on the floor. By the season finale, though, he was feeling much better and the gunshot was all but forgotten. From the preview of next week’s episode, it’s possible that the same thing is going to happen. That, or everything that takes place, including some boom-chick-a-boom between Bones and Booth, is all in Seeley’s drug-addled mind. Hopefully I’m wrong.

Meanwhile, let’s touch upon the highly robotic Temperance Brennan. I have to say that her performance this week made Sheldon Cooper of Big Bang Theory seem emotionally stable. Tempe’s decision to have a child was so cold and clinical that it was cringe-worthy. And, this is coming from someone who has gotten used to Bones’ emotionally distant personality. In this week’s episode she took that persona and amped it up several notches.

Not that she wouldn’t be a good mother. In scenes where she was in direct contact with little humans you could see a change in her persona (for example: Dancing Phalanges). If anything, a baby would probably make her more human. Whether or not that would affect her performance at work is something we would need to watch. It would certainly be a 180-degree change from the near-emotionless android she appeared to be this week.

Here are a few things we learned this week:

  • A watermelon has the same density as a human skull
  • 178 boxes of denture cleaner help clean softened human bones
  • Human remains give a bitter taste to some wines
  • Booth has so many sperm in one sample that he could populate the entire world (which wouldn’t be too bad)
  • Booth is the one hiding his attraction

Remember what Gordon Wyatt said a few episodes ago? He mentioned that either Booth or Bones fought a daily internal battle to hold back their attraction for the other. Well, watching Booth as he searched for Bones while doctors and nurses were prepping him for surgery proved that he is smitten with Tempe. Or, perhaps Bones is really the one holding back her attraction and the writers are playing with our minds.

Hopefully, we’ll find this all out in next week’s season finale. Or, maybe we won’t. Either way, we get to see a return of Zack and, hopefully, a new intern selection. I’ll see you there.

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Bones | Clack | General | TV Shows |

15 Responses to “Bones – In which much sperm was discussed”

May 8, 2009 at 4:19 PM

Booth’s army buddy was a ghost, not part of this because Bones saw him too at the end of the episode.

Also Emily Deschanel did an interview and said that the sex isn’t a dream, I’m going with flash forward! :)

May 9, 2009 at 11:05 PM

Thing is, Bones didn’t know he was a ghost, so she thinks he was a hallucination.

May 8, 2009 at 4:51 PM

the next episode … I think it is going to all be in Booth’s head as he recovers from surgery … it looks way too random from the preview to not be and it would be a good excuse to have Bones and Booth hook up (without really doing so and jumping the shark) … although that could be what they want us to think

BTW … this week’s episode dealt with Chinese Ghost Brides … which Bones covered a season or two ago.

May 8, 2009 at 6:01 PM

Well, one thing we know for sure. Tis the season for hallucination inducing tumors!

I admit I laughed out loud at the absurdity of dancing phalanges. She’s such a goofy character.

I don’t think the sex will be real, but it should be fun to watch nonetheless!

May 8, 2009 at 6:15 PM

if they finally choose an intern i hope its either the guy from tonight (cuz his outlook on life is hilarious & he gets along with hodges) or clark (because his interactions with the team are funny).

May 8, 2009 at 8:05 PM

Ok, Bones annoyed me in this episode. Her social awkwardness and cluelessness were so overplayed that she seemed like a SNL skit of herself. The scenes were either written or acted in overdrive.

Also laughed at the dancing phalanges. That was very Bones like :)

Looking forward to the finale!

May 8, 2009 at 9:25 PM

i cried like a baby during the end of this episode. Also i had the same idea about the Booth imagining everything, which I almost hope is true, cuz then we keep the tension =, but know that Booth loves her. :)
the dancing phalanges part was cute though.

May 8, 2009 at 10:35 PM

The exposure to oxygen turned the wine to vinegar. So really the human remains made the vinegar taste even worse. We still don’t know what the taste impact on wine would have been.

I didn’t mind Bones’ behavior at all in this episode. It went well with the general tone of Booth seeing cartoon characters. They were both teetering on the edge a bit.

May 8, 2009 at 10:42 PM

I was kind of non-plussed by the episode. While I thought the Stewie stuff did work, I hoped for more of it.

Rich: I’m a little confused… In you’re bullet points, you say its Booth that is hiding the attraction, but then go on to say it could be Bones. I’m actually in the ‘Its Bones’ camp because I think that its less cliché. But I didn’t really understand where you where on this one.

@cj: I love dancing phalanges too, and I think its a call back, as I remember her doing the same thing with another baby.

I’m looking forward to the finale… I’ve read as much as the spoilers as the next guy, and I’m curious about the implied “twist.”

May 9, 2009 at 11:09 PM

My point with the wishy-washy was that we really don’t know if Bones or Booth is hiding the attraction. It’s really up to the writers and producers to decide.

May 8, 2009 at 11:18 PM

I also was worried about the whole “Stewie” thing but I also think that it worked out very well.

My vote for possible new intern is the Hockey Playing intern (can’t remember any of their names..?Wendell?).

I’m going to be VERY disappointed if the sex is not real…and I’m preparing to be disappointed…but it’s still a great show!

May 9, 2009 at 1:29 AM

I thought the last ten minutes of this episode jumped the episode from very good to awesome status.

I love Bones.


May 9, 2009 at 6:24 PM

The dancing phalanges is a call back to I think season one when Bones had to keep a baby that swallowed a key due to chain of evidence.

My mind is shot as I can not remember the character name or the actor who played my favorite interns. He was one of the first ones, an older guy with a lot of job experience (not forensics just in general), and Hodges hated him at the start. I am going to have to troll imdb and see if I can find out who that was.

May 9, 2009 at 6:29 PM

I was pretty pissed off about the whole Stewie thing. I thought it was really stupid, but the shift from being a stupid plot device to the symptoms of a brain tumor made me ok with it.

Also, Richard, Luc Robitaille is not dead.

May 9, 2009 at 11:07 PM

Thanks for the information on Luc. I updated the post.

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