CliqueClack TV

Krod Mandoon – Of baths and ball sacs

krod_mandoon-show1What? We’re up to the Lucky Number 7 spot of Kröd Mändoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire …. and you haven’t yet grabbed a front row seat for this series?

Whassamatta you? Are you so hoidy-toidy you need your comedy handed to you on a silver platter? Do you longingly yearn once more for the exploits of Jim Varney in “Ernest Goes To Jail” instead? Mayhap you’re waiting to spend your hard earned cash on the next “Blue Collar Comedy Tour?”

Well, your best bet is to while away a half hour of your week with Kröd and his (sometimes) bumbling cohorts. Why? Well, when you have Kröd’s nemesis Chancellor Dongalor urging a choir of children to sing an ode to his evilness (“… two, three four … Dongalor, Dongalor … needs another verse, go and write some more …”) … when you have coins falling out of an old woman’s, er …. let’s just say “nether regions” … when you have self-same old woman referring to “mouth fun” and “canary in a coalmine” as sexual exploits … when you have Kröd’s sidekick Loquasto proclaim “Hey! Master! My fleas are gone!” after turning from a pig-thing into a dog …. then I don’t care who you are, this richly deserved television comedy is worthy of your attention.

There aren’t many things I guffaw at, (with the exception of the shenanigans of “Pauler” Abdul on American Idol) but Kröd Mändoon is one of ‘em. And one such guffaw-worthy moment in the most recent episode was this: Caught in limbo while morphed into dogs and forced to wait for an opportune moment to swipe Grimshank’s source of power (a hound’s tooth he wears around his waist), Kröd and company decide the most effective use of their time until they can again change back into human form is to … uh, er, ummmmm … do what dogs do best. That’s right: Lick themselves. Complete with lively music, we’re “treated” to dog after dog after dog “giving himself a bath,” knowing full well the company is enjoying every slurp. I know, I know … sounds rather childish and gross, but it was gut-splitting stuff. (And the added bonus — when sorcerer Zezelryck asks “Anybody got a mint?” afterward — had you spew anew.)

Oh, to be sure, juvenile antics abound throughout this show. A mechanical bird’s dropping is the final touch to initiating Dongalor’s ultimate weapon. Kröd tag-a-long gay-boy Bruce’s response to overhearing Chancellor Dongalor and Barnabas state “it’ll never fit, Barnabas.” “It will … just let me strap it on.” are sniggery. “Someplace beautiful” is Bruce’s reply.

Aneka is weeping over Kröd at the episode’s conclusion, happy to find him alive after a devastating explosion. He tells her: “Careful with those tears. Somebody’s gonna get hurt.” The final voice over of the episode leaves you wanting more as it states who, in fact, will be getting hurt: “And sadly it would be Kröd, over and over again. Despite Aneka’s commitment to her pagan faith and pagan ways, Kröd remained convinced that, one day, he’d finally tame that sweet, sweet nasty ass.”

See? Funny stuff. Funny stuff and nonsense….

Photo Credit: Comedy Central

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