CliqueClack TV

Please leave Firefly’s grave alone!


Firefly gravestone

Every time Nathan Fillion, Alan Tudyk or Summer Glau comes up on TV-related conversation, inevitably someone whines about their need to see Firefly come back to the small screen. I’m not talking about as a movie, but as the TV series, returned for a second season. With the surprise renewal of Dollhouse for its second season, someone just had to bring it up again: could Firefly come back to TV now, too, pretty please? To that I answer: NO! Stop dishonoring this beloved, deceased show and move on. It’s over, and it’s not coming back.

Why is it never coming back? Here are a few reasons for you:

Current actor commitments
Several of the Firefly cast now have regular contracts with shows that are still in production. Fillion has Castle, Baldwin has Chuck, Baccarin has V, just to name a few. The likelihood of them leaving real, paying gigs on networks who aren’t so quick to give their shows the boot is extremely unlikely. No, actually, it will simply NEVER happen!

Joss Whedon wouldn’t be involved
You’re fooling yourself if you believe for a moment that Joss would allow for his beloved series to return to TV, only to get the same treatment it got at FOX when it axed the series after airing only 11 episodes. He’s stated before that it “hurts too much” to think about returning the show to TV, only to see it stomped on all over again. Plus, he has Dollhouse taking up his time at the moment, and so far that’s still chugging along. If his time were freed up by a Dollhouse cancellation, I wouldn’t be surprised if that hurt he has in his heart from Firefly‘s cancellation would turn into hate (which turns into suffering, yadda yadda).

It would cost a pantload
Let’s say the stars aligned in some incredibly optimistic fashion and my above two points were ruled out. The actors are all jobless and itching for any work to come their way, and Joss decides to allow Firefly another chance on network television. The show failed in the ratings, yet a network decided it was a good gamble to bring it back. The amount it would cost just to bring every actor back on-board, never mind the special effects necessary for each episode, would be staggering. I’m sure any of those actors wouldn’t put themselves in a position to be dumped out of a job again without some reassurances, and what network is going to do that with a show that failed once before?

Let’s face it: the only way Firefly is ever going to come back to TV as a series would be with a series reboot, and I don’t even want to open that can of worms just yet. Call me in 20 years when a new generation of sci-fi lovers are around and interested in seeing a show like that come back on the air and maybe, just maybe, I won’t tell you to shut up and get off my lawn.

So please, just let Firefly rest in peace. Meanwhile, I’ll be in my bunk.

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11 Responses to “Please leave Firefly’s grave alone!”

June 2, 2009 at 5:07 PM

TVbytheNumbers is a bullshit site that only posted that lame “news” story to get hits, plus don’t help them.

The show isn’t coming back, there will not be a movie or TV movie ever. i like how the writer thinks a TV movie can be done for 4 million, right there should show you the guy is an idiot. It would cost at least 10 million to make a decent looking movie.

June 2, 2009 at 5:28 PM

Can you blame tvbythenumbers for whoring for hits though? The prediction model that they used to ridicule anyone with a different opinion from them was totally blown out of the water by being spectacularly incorrect. This is the last grasp for hits from a dead site.

June 2, 2009 at 7:39 PM

Yeah but when Fran and Kaz Kuzui blurb something about a Buffy reboot… ah whatever. Forget I said something.

June 2, 2009 at 8:14 PM

So what if it costs $10,000.000 or $15,000.000 to make a TV Movie, I’m sure it will make profit it on cable then on DVD/Blu-ray sales & rentals
I don’t know why Joss Whedon wastes time on network TV all they care about is Reality TV & what their advertisers want, He should concentrate on HBO or Showtime were I’m sure people who want to watch his shows pay for it.

June 2, 2009 at 8:31 PM

They should just make several $10 million dollar movies. Serenity made close to it’s money back, there was no need for the ads and the cost was really high. They should easily make a second movie for no more than $20 million and just let the fans spread the word with a few ads.

However I liked the last money, but it was a horrible Firefly movie.

June 3, 2009 at 12:02 PM

Serenity was terrible? Hey, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Even someone as wrong as you. BOO you fail.

June 3, 2009 at 5:20 PM

Ah, you have to love people who quote supposedly informed information that is really no more than the poorly reasoned pablum of a mentally challenged chimpanzee.

As Flowercat so aptly put it everyone is entitled to their opinion, however incorrect it is.

Serenity was a brilliant movie, as Firefly was a brilliant show. The fact that you can’t see that Cookie boy makes me pity you. So please do step away from the keyboard.

Personally, I’d very much like to see the show return to the airwaves, though preferably on a more acceptable and responsible network, and provided of course that ALL the original cast were in it, you don’t fix something that doesn’t require it.


June 4, 2009 at 1:32 PM

Us guys here in the Uk say “what are you going on about?” – family guys back and getting worse with every show – and we can’t get rid of it!! Let it STAY DEAD!!

June 7, 2009 at 4:35 PM

Ah, but Firefly isn’t Family Guy, is it? :)

June 20, 2009 at 3:47 PM

This topic is quite trendy in the net at the moment. What do you pay attention to when choosing what to write ?
p.s. Year One is already on the Internet and you can watch it for free.

August 16, 2009 at 6:18 AM

I am hoping there will be a movie adaption of entourage at some point, my favourite series by far.

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