CliqueClack TV

SNL’s Finest – Terrence Maddox, Nude Model

will-ferrell-maddoxI used to be a huge Saturday Night Live fan. From the early ’80s up until the year 2000, I rarely missed an episode. Over the last decade, I have only watched the show sporadically. To be honest, I just don’t find it as consistently funny or edgy as it once was. I probably sound like the neighborhood relic sitting on his porch, bitching at the kids skateboarding in front of his house, but I can’t help it. It’s just not as good as it was back in the day.

However, it’s hard to ignore SNL‘s historical impact on television and pop culture. The series has provided an excellent breeding ground for top-notch comedic talent; many of whom have gone on to become mega movie stars. A plethora of signature skits have much to do with catapulting the likes of Bill Murray, Eddie Murphy, Dana Carvey, Adam Sandler and Will Ferrell into the Hollywood stratosphere.

With this in mind, I’d like to rewind the clock to remember some of my favorite sketches from past seasons of SNL. First up is Terrence Maddox – the vulgar, homeless Vietnam vet with one testicle and multiple strains of hepatitis – played by Will Ferrell. Ferrell adds the right combination of filth and creepiness to the character. I give you Terrence Maddox, nude model.

“The thinker, or the stinker.”

(Blame NBC for hacking the ending off.)


Photo Credit: NBC

17 Responses to “SNL’s Finest – Terrence Maddox, Nude Model”

June 11, 2009 at 2:33 PM

For me the commercial plays, but the video never loads, I just see the little spinning circle so I gave up after 5 minutes. Not that I think I was missing anything worth watching.

Maybe it’s because I’m old and curmudgeonly, but I’ve never seen a single thing Ferrell’s done that brought so much as a smile to my face. I try to keep an open mind and will watch any of these clips posted on sites touting the hilariousness of the man, but still no smile.

Even my kids, whose ages range from 12-23, think Will Ferrell is the most un-funny person alive.

June 11, 2009 at 3:11 PM

Get a faster connection. It plays fine when I hit it. But if you hate Ferrell so much, you probably don’t care ;)

June 12, 2009 at 12:24 AM

Yeah, Scott, I don’t care that much, but in the spirit of keeping an open mind I wanted to see it just the same.

I don’t think it’s the speed of my connection as I have a 25 mbit/sec download speed. If that’s not fast enough, then just how large IS that file? :o)

I’ve tried to watch it from work and from home. I’ve tried it about mid-afternoon and now in the fairly late evening and it isn’t doing anything. Well, the little circley thing is chasing its tail, but that only entertains for so long.

On the bright side, odds are I’m not missing anything I’d find funny, but damnit if I don’t want to see it anyway.

June 12, 2009 at 1:21 AM

Let me guess. You’re using IE 8. Right? This is why I use Firefox. IE blows! If a browser can’t play a three minute video from, what good is it?

Take it up with Gates ;o)

June 12, 2009 at 1:23 PM

Guilty as charged, sir! Oh, and apologies for the double name. I decided that with this new site it was time for a new name and a new attitude! (I hope) :o)

June 12, 2009 at 1:23 PM

CRAP! Forgot to change it here at work! Apologies again.

June 12, 2009 at 1:44 PM

Franklin/Lenny: We love new attitudes here at CliqueClack!! Maybe you’ll like my next “SNL’s Finest” better. It involves Phil Hartman. How can you not like Phil??? He was one of the best.

Just remember to use Firefox ;) I’ve had problems with IE playing video for years. You would think they would fix their crap, but when you own a monopoly on PCs, I guess there is no reason to care.

June 12, 2009 at 7:39 PM

This is actually the first time I’ve had trouble watching a video with IE, at least the first time this tired, old bastard can remember. I think it’s time for Firefox anyway, but I got rid of it before because it alphabetized my favorites putting folders mixed in with links rather than having folders first, links later. I didn’t spend a ton of time trying to figure out if there was a way to “fix” that before I uninstalled it. If you know the answer you’d have my eternal gratitude and my first-born!

Phil Hartman was one of my favorite actors of all time, so I’m stoked to hear that you’ll be doing him next. Thanks.

Franklin/Lenny/Curmudgeon/Get Off My Damned Lawn!

June 12, 2009 at 7:50 PM

I have no problem with folders in Firefox. I have about twenty, all with separate labels and categories. For example, I have just a YouTube folder of my fave vids, and one set aside for all the TV sites I frequent. Each folder contains all the links. You can alphabetize the folders and links if you want, or you can move them all around. It doesn’t automatically do it.

June 12, 2009 at 9:07 PM

One thing I forgot to mention: The player window does play the damned COMMERCIAL! I guess that makes IE even more evil.

June 12, 2009 at 9:20 PM

Franklin and Lenny are the same person? Woah.

June 13, 2009 at 12:37 AM

That “other site” used to be a lot of fun, but then came the articles with political agendas. The comments were even worse, often filled with vitriolic hyperbole. It was tiresome, so I decided join in as Franklin and bounce back the same from across the aisle just to stir up the loudmouths. Few people there understood that neither major party is worth a damn any more. Even fewer understood that nobody ever wins a fight over politics or religion and that putting down another’s beliefs can only lead to ill-will and the departure of readers. That site continues to escalate the political proselytizing to a sickening degree.

Just recently there was an article here with a subject surrounding politics, but not about politics. The problem was the author took the liberty of not only fawning over our sitting president, but bashing a past one. It was uncalled for, off-topic and immature. One commenter gleefully joined in the political bashing. I worry that it’s the beginning of a trend, but pray that it was a one time mistake. Let’s stick to TV and leave the garbage for lesser sites, please.

Yes, Keith has made it very clear that there are no boundaries, but I think that if you want to have a site devoted to the love of television, sometimes you just have to avoid certain subjects or risk circling the drain like the Squad is doing now. I agree with Ivey that if CC wanders down the path of pushing political agendas I would also “run for the hills.” (Sorry, Keith, but I agree with Ivey even if we may differ in our politics) There are obviously many more lurkers than commenters here, as evidenced by the comment count on giveaways. I think having an environment where TV is discussed without politics would turn many of the lurkers into commenters. It would make for a more welcoming environment to those wary of participating in a community that could turn ugly really fast.

Sorry for the diatribe, but my fault lies in the fact that I usually just comment from off the top of my head instead of taking the time to organize my thoughts. Right now I’m in the middle of blathering here, doing laundry, freezing stuffed bell peppers from my garden and freezing stew into individual servings for a quick meal, playing Wii with my daughter and her friends staying for the weekend, and trying to skim the pool at night while it’s cool. In other words: a typical day for this crabby daddy!

P.S. – Scott I promise I’ll try Firefox and see if that video plays. I swear. No, really. Well, probably.

June 13, 2009 at 1:28 AM

It’s hard to recognize you when you are not doing the political ninja stuff ;) I know the article here that you speak of. I thought about having an opinion about it, then I read the author’s other stuff and thought to myself, I don’t want to let politics separate me from someone I might otherwise really really like. Take Obama going to Notre Dame for example – yes, as a pro-life person this hurt, but I thought about it, and I came to the conclusion that I personally am not going to allow that one speech separate me from my brothers and sisters in Christ.

I’m not sure what Dorv’s posture is, but he’s a fair minded man, to be sure.

I guess what I am getting at is – that what I really want out of life is to be a better respresentative of my faith. For me, that means trying to find the strength to pray instead of fight, to try to seek peace and find common ground. Full disclosure, I fail at this most of the time, but that’s what I want. I hope for peace in your heart too.

June 13, 2009 at 2:05 AM

I have no problem with someone expressing their likes, loves, desires or beliefs. The problem comes when this hypothetical person feels the need to demean the beliefs of others, either as an attempt to validate their point or simply to be insulting. It’s even worse when it goes off topic, but no matter the reason, it’s always uncalled for. At best it leads to ill will, at worst it becomes a flame war.

Those of you that know my past rants elsewhere also know I have no right to cast the proverbial first stone. What I’m trying to do here is break away from that. So far with little exception CliqueClack has been a safe haven from which I can share my excitement and enjoyment of all things boob tube with others who feel the same way. I prefer topics that bring us together rather than ones that divide. That’s the path of peace for all who interact at this site.

June 13, 2009 at 11:54 AM

Good for you Franklin/Lenny! ;)

July 13, 2009 at 11:07 AM

you people are crazy. do you realise this?

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