CliqueClack TV

SNL’s Finest – Ronald Reagan, Mastermind

hartman-reaganI’m back with another of my favorite SNL sketches from seasons past. To avoid any confusion, this isn’t a column, but rather a small collection of memorable skits that I’ll be posting periodically over the next month. One important note: if you have trouble playing the video, try using Firefox instead of Internet Explorer. For whatever reason, IE 8 doesn’t seem to like clips from

In my mind, there was no greater SNL cast member than Phil Hartman. His life ended tragically and way too soon, sadly depriving the world of his unique brand of comedy. Hartman was responsible for dozens of hilarious characters in his eight seasons on the show. His uncannily accurate impressions of Bill Clinton, Phil Donahue, Ed McMahon and Frank Sinatra were unrivaled. In addition, he served up top notch original personae such as Unfrozen Caveman Laywer and The Anal Retentive Chef.

The impression that put Hartman on the map was exact portrayal of President Ronald Reagan. He captured the voice, mannerisms and walk of the 40th U.S. President like no other comedic performer before or since. In the following clip, Hartman reveals a darker, more calculated side to the amiable Commander in Chief. Not only did Reagan know about Iran-Contra, he was the mastermind behind it. Oh, and he threatens to murder Jimmy Stewart.

“Power without knowledge is power lost!”


Photo Credit: NBC

One Response to “SNL’s Finest – Ronald Reagan, Mastermind”

June 15, 2009 at 10:26 AM

I’m not sure whether this sketch, or his phenomenal Bill-Clinton-in-a-McDonald’s performance, is the best in his SNL career. But it’s one of the two.

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